IdealWare Online Users ManualIY2-07-02 I/Y PROCESSING |
│04/24/07 ***** INVENTORY RECEIPTS POSTING ***** │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │RECEIPT# 000059 RECEIPT DATE 06/03/07 FREIGHT $ 50.00 │ │TYPE R REGULAR <---------PAYMENT TERMS----------> TRUCKER SILVER │ │P.O.# 100081 100 % NC DUE 07/20/96 DIS 00/00/00 BROKERAGE$ 25.00 │ │SUPPLIER ACKLA % DUE DIS BROKER BUROF │ │PACK SLIP 2345 % DUE DIS EXCHANGE % 1.30 │ │ OTHER$ 15.00 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ SUB-TOTAL FREIGHT BROKERAGE ExCHANGE OTHER TOTAL │ │ │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SEQ PRODUCT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE DISC TOTAL │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ │ │ │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │** PRESS CR OR F1 FOR NEXT; F2 TO DISPLAY; F3 FOR BATCH CONTROL; F4 TO END. │ │ PRESS F9 TO ACCESS PURCHASE ORDER SYSTEM. │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter existing receipt number to modify or delete.
[Enter] to return to RECEIPT# field.
"H" to modify receipt header.
The cursor will go to the last field in the header. Press [F3] to re-enter and modify other header fields.
"M" to modify detail lines.
"D" to delete receipt.
You are prompted to confirm the deletion.
[Enter] or [F1] to begin new receipt using next available receipt number.
[F2] to display existing receipts.
[Enter] to display next receipt on file.
[F4] to return RECEIPT# field.
[F5] to inquire upon displayed PO.
[F3] to access batch register options.
[F4] to exit to menu.
[F5] to access PO Inquiry.
[F9] to access PO MAINTENANCE menu.
Enter existing PO number to receive.
When a PO is selected, the program displays any miscellaneous charges and the PO sub total. Before goods can be received against a PO, the PO status must be set to "ORDERED". See 30111 - PURCHASE ORDERS, HEADER MODIFICATION. The following prompt displays.
[Enter] to continue to next field.
[F3] to return to previous field.
[F9] to edit PO.
You would normally only edit in order to modify the quantities received and back ordered.
[Enter] to recieve without a PO.
[F3] to return to previous field.
[F5] to access PO Inquiry.
[F9] to access PO MAINTENANCE menu.
Once you have accessed a PO from the maintenance sub-system press [F4] at the PO header screen to return to the receipt with that PO.
Displays the supplier code specified on PO when receiving with a PO.
Enter supplier code.
Applicable when receiving without a PO.
[F3] to return to previous field.
[F5] to display list of supplier codes for selection.
Enter packing slip number.
[Enter] to bypass.
[F3] to return to previous field.
Enter date of receipt in format MM/DD/YY.
[Enter] for current system date.
[F3] to return to previous field.
When you are receiving with a PO this field displays the value indicated on the PO. Typically, you would press [Enter] to accept the displayed terms. When you are receiving without a PO this value defaults to 100%, payable based on to the normal payment terms defined for the supplier. You can change the values to indicate other payment terms. You can divide the PO payment into as many as three different percentages, terms, payments and discount schedules.
Enter a % value.
Normally 100% is entered, indicating that 100% of the PO amount is payable according to the terms applied.
[Enter] for 100%.
[F4] to accept payment terms as displayed and advance to next field.
Enter payment terms code applying to percentage entered.
This value defaults to the supplier's usual payment terms code.
[Enter] to accept default terms.
[F3] to return to previous field.
[F4] to accept payment terms and jump to end of header
[F5] to display list of suppliers terms codes for selection.
"O""P" for open terms.
[Enter] to accept payment terms as displayed.
[F3] to return to payment terms.
If the total percentage entered does not yet add up to 100%, the cursor will go to the next % field for entry.
When you receive with a PO this field displays the value indicated on the PO. When you receive without a PO this value defaults to $0. You can change the value to indicate different charges. Freight charges can be expressed as dollar amounts or percentages.
"$" to set a dollar amount.
Enter the amount.
The program prorates all dollar value charges against each detail line of the receipt.
[F2] to bypass.
[F3] to return to previous field.
"%" to set a rate.
The percentage is applied to individual products on the receipt according to the system setup.
Enter the rate.
[F2] to bypass.
[F3] to return to previous field.
[Enter] to accept displayed default value.
[F2] to bypass.
[F3] to return to previous field.
This field is only applicable if there is a freight charge.
Enter shipper code.
The program will generate an A/P accrual for the specified supplier for the amount entered in the FREIGHT field.
[Enter] to restore previous value.
"S" to indicate shipped by receipt supplier.
"P" to indicate a pick up.
[F2] to bypass.
[F3] to return to previous field.
[F5] to display list of supplier codes for selection.
When you are receiving with a PO this field displays the value indicated on the PO. When you are receiving without a PO this value defaults to $0. You can change the value to indicate different fees.
Enter the dollar amount.
The program prorates all dollar value charges against each detail line of the receipt.
[Enter] to accept displayed default value.
[F2] to bypass.
[F3] to return to previous field.
This field is only applicable if there is a brokerage charge.
Enter broker's code.
The program will generate an A/P accrual for the specified supplier for the amount entered in the BROKERAGE field.
[Enter] to restore previous value.
[F2] to bypass.
[F3] to return to previous field.
[F5] to display list of supplier codes for selection.
This field is only applicable if a currency exchange is required.
"$" to set a dollar amount.
Enter the amount.
The program prorates all dollar value charges against each detail line of the receipt.
[F2] to bypass.
[F3] to return to previous field.
"%" to set a rate.
The program defaults to the exchange rate set in the A/P currency file.
Enter desired rate.
[Enter] to accept displayed default value.
[F2] to bypass.
[F3] to return to previous field.
[Enter] to accept displayed default value.
[F2] to set value to 0.
[F3] to return to previous field.
When you are receiving with a PO this field displays the value indicated on the PO. When you are receiving without a PO this value defaults to $0. You may change the value to indicate different charges.
Enter the dollar amount.
The program prorates all dollar value charges against each detail line of the receipt.
[Enter] to accept displayed default value.
[F2] to set value to 0.
[F3] to return to previous field.
Receipts Posting Completed Header Example display:
│06/03/07 ***** INVENTORY RECEIPTS POSTING ***** │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │RECEIPT# 000059 RECEIPT DATE 06/03/07 FREIGHT $ 50.00 │ │TYPE R REGULAR <---------PAYMENT TERMS----------> TRUCKER SILVER │ │P.O.# 100081 100 % NC DUE 07/20/07 DIS 00/00/00 BROKERAGE$ 25.00 │ │SUPPLIER ACKLA % DUE DIS BROKER BUROF │ │PACK SLIP 2345 % DUE DIS EXCHANGE % 1.30 │ │ OTHER$ 15.00 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ SUB-TOTAL FREIGHT BROKERAGE EXCHANGE OTHER TOTAL │ │ 863.25 50.00 25.00 12.07 15.00 965.32 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SEQ PRODUCT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE DISC TOTAL │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ │ │ │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SUPPLIER: ACKLANDS │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │** OK SO FAR? (CR IF OK; F3 TO BACKUP; F4 TO BYPASS): │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[Enter] to continue to detail line processing.
[F3] to re-enter header data.
[F4] to abort receipt.
When receiving without a PO the program advances to the SEQ field of the first line of detail entry where you can begin entering data (see FIELDS - DETAIL LINE ENTRY & MODIFICATION, SEQ). When receiving with a PO the program displays all of the detail lines of the PO and you have the option of accepting the receipt as displayed or adding additional detail lines.
Receiving with a PO Example display:
│06/03/07 ***** INVENTORY RECEIPTS POSTING ***** │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │RECEIPT# 000059 RECEIPT DATE 06/03/07 FREIGHT $ 50.00 │ │TYPE R REGULAR <---------PAYMENT TERMS----------> TRUCKER SILVER │ │P.O.# 100081 100 % NC DUE 07/20/07 DIS 00/00/00 BROKERAGE$ 25.00 │ │SUPPLIER ACKLA % DUE DIS BROKER BUROF │ │PACK SLIP 2345 % DUE DIS EXCHANGE % 1.30 │ │ OTHER$ 15.00 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ SUB-TOTAL FREIGHT BROKERAGE EXCHANGE OTHER TOTAL │ │ 863.25 50.00 25.00 12.07 15.00 965.32 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SEQ PRODUCT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE DISC TOTAL │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │0010 305110 1 EA 534.500 EA 534.50 │ │0020 301080 5 BOX .750 BOX 3.75 │ │0030 273120 1 EA 325.000 EA 325.00 │ │ │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ *** INTEGRATING PURCHASE ORDER LINE '0030' *** │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │** ACCEPT RECEIPT? (PRESS CR TO ACCEPT; F3 FOR MORE LINES): _ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[Enter] to accept receipt.
You are returned to RECEIPT# field where you can modify the displayed receipt or process another entry. See FIELDS - HEADER ENTRY.
[F3] to add more detail lines to receipt.
Enter existing line number to delete.
The following prompt displays.
[Enter] to not delete line and return to SEQ field.
"D" to delete the line.
The line is deleted without further warning and the prompt returns to the SEQ field.
[Enter] to begin new line with next sequential line number.
[F2] to display existing detail lines.
Enter line number to begin display.
[Enter] to begin display at first line.
[F4] to return to receipt display.
[F4] to complete the receipt.
The program takes you to the RECEIPT# field of the next receipt where you can begin data entry for another receipt (see FIELDS - HEADER ENTRY), or exit to the Batch Register Options menu by pressing [F4] again.
Enter desired product code to receive.
Alternatively, you can enter a product QUICK CODE, UPC CODE, or LOGICAL CODE.
This message indicates the product code entered is not normally supplied by the supplier specified on the PO header.
[Enter] to accept default value "N".
"N" to not add item to supplier's list.
You can still receive the product and it will not be added to list of products normally supplied by the supplier.
"Y" to add the item to the supplier's list of normally supplied items.
The following prompt displays.
Enter supplier's code for product if you know it.
[Enter] to add product without a supplier code and continue.
[F2] to display next product code for supplier specified on PO header.
By using [F2] and [F3] you can step through a supplier's complete list of products and codes one by one, selecting those you want to receive.
[F3] to return to previous field.
[F5] to search for product codes.
[F12] to access Inventory Options menu for additional product options.
│ ***** INVENTORY OPTIONS ***** │ │ │ │ MAINTENANCE OPTIONS │ │ 1 * Product & Inventory │ │ 2 * Supplier/Product Costing │ │ 3 * Product Pricing │ │ 4 * Product Location Maint │ │ 5 * Security Tag Maint │ │ │ │ CONTRACT PRICING │ │ 11 * Flyer/Contract Maintenance │ │ 12 * Flyer Event Control │ │ 13 * Reset All Flyers │ │ │ │ ** ENTER SELECTION (F4 TO END): ____ │ │ │ └───────────────────────────────────────┘ |
"1" to access product and inventory maintenance.
"2" to access supplier and product costing maintenance.
"3" to access product pricing maintenance.
"4" to access product location maintenance.
"5" to access security tag maintenance.
"1""1" to access contract pricing maintenance.
"1""2" to access flyer event control.
"1""3" to access flyer clear/reset maintenance.
[F4] to return to Purchase Order Maintenance menu.
Enter quantity received.
The program will display the available units of measure; select a quantity based on the appropriate unit. If the product has only one unit of measure, the QUANTITY field defaults to that unit. Units of measure for various product types are as follows.
"1", "2", "3", "4" or "5" to select associated unit of measure.
The following prompt is applicable when unit of measure PACK is selected for LUMBER type products only. This allows you to select from the available pieces per pack defaults or to enter a different number of pieces per pack. See 31013 - PRODUCT & INVENTORY MAINTENANCE.
Enter number of lumber pieces per pack.
The quantity will be converted to PIECES and a description will be appended to the product description: (1.00 PACKS AT 150 PIECES/PACK).
"1", "2" or "3" to select associated pieces per pack displayed.
[F3] to return to previous field.
Enter product unit of measure.
The program will display the units of measure applicable to the product for selection.
[Enter] to accept displayed default value.
Enter cost per unit of measure.
[Enter] to accept displayed value.
This is the supplier cost for the "quote" unit, if it exists.
[F3] to return to previous field.
[F5] to accept supplier cost for base unit.
[F6] to accept supplier cost for alt 1 unit.
[F7] to accept supplier cost for alt 2 unit.
[F8] to accept last cost for base unit.
[F9] to accept last cost for alt 1 unit.
[F10] to accept last cost for alt 2 unit.
Options are displayed only if the associated costs exist for the product.
Enter percentage discount, if applicable.
[Enter] to bypass.
The program calculates and displays the total value of the line received.
[Enter] to accept detail line.
The cursor moves to the SEQ field of the next detail line.
[F3] to re-enter data in line.
[F4] to delete detail line.
The cursor moves to the SEQ field.
After you complete each detail line the system returns you to the SEQ# field where you have the option of adding more detail lines or completing the receipt.
[Enter] to accept receipt and begin another receipt.
"H" to modify receipt header fields.
"M" to modify receipt detail lines.
"D" to delete receipt.
"P" to print receipt.
"L" to print price labels for products being received.
This option is available only if your system is configured to print labels from the inventory receiving program.
Defaults to R REGULAR. In case of a credit, change to C CREDIT by pressing [F3] at the next field.