IdealWare Online Users ManualIY2-06-03 I/Y PROCESSING |
│05/08/07 ***** PURCHASE ORDER MAINTENANCE ***** │ │ │ │** ENTER STORE CODE: 01 IDEALWARE │ │** ENTER PURCHASER CODE: BARJO │ │( 1)* CREATE/ACCESS PURCHASE ORDER │ │( 2) PURCHASE ORDER INQUIRIES │ │( 3) PURCHASE ORDER HEADER & DETAIL REPORT │ │( 4) PURCHASE ORDER COMBINE │ │( 5) RE-ORDER REPORT & AUTO P.O. CREATE │ │( 6) PRODUCT INQUIRY │ │( 7) MAINTENANCE OPTIONS │ │** ENTER P.O. OPTION (F12 FOR PO# 01-100093): 1 │ │ │ │** ENTER EXISTING P.O.# OR PRESS F1 TO CREATE: 01-______ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
"1" to create or access an existing purchase order.
To create a new PO see 30110 - PURCHASE ORDERS, CREATION.
[F12] to access last completed PO.
This allows quick access to the last PO entered at this terminal. You are taken immediately to the header screen of the indicated PO.
Enter PO number (without store code) to access an existing PO.
If you do not know the number of the PO you want to process, select [F3] to re-enter the maintenance menu and select [2] to access Purchase Order Inquiries. See 30980 - PURCHASE ORDERS INQUIRIES. When you access an existing PO, the program displays the header screen of that PO.
[F1] to create a new PO.
The program allows you to modify an existing PO header information. When you access an existing PO, the header is displayed with the following prompt.
[Enter] to exit to PURCHASE ORDER MAINTENANCE menu.
[F1] to display detail lines to make modifications.
See OPTION M below.
[F4] to exit to menu.
If accessing the PO from within the receiving program, this option returns you to the receipt with the displayed PO.
[F5] to access purchase order inquiry.
[F6] to modify header fields.
See OPTION H below.
[F12] to display PO modify options.
│Oct29/07 ****┌──────────────────────────────â”*** │ │────────────────────────│ ***** MODIFY OPTIONS ***** │────────────────────────│ │ORDER NUMBER 01-W07394 │ │ER STATUS ORDERED#01 │ │ORDER TYPE ORIGINAL │ H = MODIFY HEADER │T TO SUPP │ │ORDER FREQ │ M = MODIFY LINES │T TO STORE │ │────────────────────────│ D = DELETE ORDER │────────────────────────│ │SHIP CONTINENTAL DOO│ A = APPLY DISCOUNT │OMMENTS───────────────> │ │FROM 6909 FARRELL RO│ S = STATUS CHANGE │ │ │CONDOO CALGARY, AB │ P = PRINT OPTIONS │ │ │ T2H 0T3 │ PI = PRINT INTERNAL COPY │ │ │────────────────────────│ PV = PRINT VENDOR'S COPY │────────────────────────│ │ <-ORDERED->│ PH = PRINT HEADER REPORT │MENT TERMS─────────────>│ │SUB-TOTAL $ 162.11 │ PD = PRINT DETAIL REPORT │E Oct15/07 DIS Oct15/07 │ │FREIGHT? N $ .00 │ PB = PRINT BACKORDER RPTS │E DIS │ │BROKER? N $ .00 │ F = FAX P.O. │E DIS │ │OTHER? N $ .00 │ L = PRINT LABELS │ │ │PO TOTAL $ 162.11 │ I = IMPORT/ExPORT P.O. │55-6616 │ │SHIPPED VIA HI-FAB │ F11= CALC/DISPLAY FBM │ (Melanie) │ │F.O.B. POINT │ U = UNIT CONVERSION │ .00 │ │────────────────────────│ B = BACKORDER LINES │────────────────────────│ │ ****│ ** ENTER OPTION __ │**** │ │────────────────────────│ OR PRESS CR: │────────────────────────│ │ └──────────────────────────────┘ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
"H" or [F6] to modify header fields.
You can modify: Receive Date, Cancel Date, Comments, Freight, Brokerage and Other Charges?, Shipped Via, F.O.B. Point, Contact, Payment Terms. See 30110 - PURCHASE ORDERS, CREATION - PROCEDURE HEADER ENTRY.
"M" or [F1] to display detail entry screen to allow detail line entry and modification.
"D" to delete PO.
Normally when you complete a PO you change the to ORDERED. Before you can delete a PO you must first change the status back to PENDING.
[Enter] to return to header display.
Select "S" to change the status. See S = STATUS CHANGE option below.
"Y" to delete PO.
The following prompt displays.
[Enter] to return to PURCHASE ORDER MAINTENANCE menu.
"N" to not delete PO and return to header display.
"A" to apply a discount.
The cursor is automatically positioned in the DISCOUNT % field.
Enter the discount percentage.
[F5] to apply specified discount to all lines in PO.
The discount is applied and you are returned to the header display.
[F7] to apply discount on a line by line basis.
You are taken to the detail entry screen where you can apply the discount to the individual lines as required. At each line the following prompt displays.
"Y" to discount displayed line.
"N" to skip line.
After completing all lines, the following prompt displays.
[Enter] to return to header display.
To delete a PO or to make changes to the T (type), PRODUCT, ORDER-QTY and DUE fields, the status of a PO must be PENDING. Your system can be configured to allow a change in the PRICE field when the status is ORDERED.
"S" to change status of PO.
The following alert box appears.
│ │ │ ** NOTE: THE 'ON ORDER' AMOUNT IN THE INVENTORY FILE WILL BE UPDATED. │ │ │ │ ** CHANGE STATUS FROM 'ORDERED' TO 'PENDING'? (Y/N): N │ │ │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[Enter] to accept default value "N".
"N" to abort operation.
"Y" to change status.
When you change the status, the program updates the "on order" amount in the Inventory File and displays the following confirmation box.
│ │ │ ** NOTE: THE 'ON ORDER' AMOUNT IN THE INVENTORY FILE WILL BE UPDATED. │ │ UPDATING: 01 100000 0010 279830 │ │ ** UPDATE COMPLETE - PRESS CR: _ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[Enter] to return to header display.
"P" to display print options.
"I" to print internal PO.
Select this option to print the PO with all header information, including comments, and all detail lines, including internal and vendor descriptions.
"V" to print vendor PO.
Select this option to print the P.O. with all header information, including comments, and all detail lines, including vendor descriptions but not internal descriptions.
"H" to print PO header report.
Select this option to print header information only.
"D" to print PO detail report.
Select this option to print the complete P.O., including header and detail information with space for adding quantity delivered and back ordered.
You have the option of printing PO's with totals and extensions included or not.
"Y" to print totals and extensions.
"N" to not print them.
When you select "H" or "D" to print a header or detail PO report, the following information defaults are displayed. See 31096 - PO HEADER & DETAIL REPORT.
Example display:
│04/23/07 ***** PURCHASE ORDER MAINTENANCE ***** │ │ COMPANY: 01 - IDEALWARE │ │ │ │** ENTER STORE CODE: 01 IDEALWARE │ │** ENTER REPORT TYPE (H=HEADER, D=DETAIL): HEADER │ │** ENTER P.O. NUMBER (CR FOR ALL; F5 FOR INQUIRY): │ │ 01100080 │ │** ENTER SUPPLIER CODE (CR FOR ALL): ALL │ │** ENTER ORDER STATUS (CR FOR ALL): ALL │ │** PRINT HISTORICAL P.O'S? (Y/N): Y │ │** PRESS CR TO PROCEED, F4 TO END: _ │ │ │ │F4 TO RETURN TO MENU │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[Enter] to proceed to print selection menu.
[F4] to cancel printing and return to header entry.
Performs the same functions as PRINT OPTION "I".
Performs the same functions as PRINT OPTION "V".
Performs the same functions as PRINT OPTION "H".
Performs the same functions as PRINT OPTION "D".
"P""B" to print report of items back ordered on PO.
"F" to fax PO to supplier.
This feature is available only if your system is configured with supported FAX communications software.
"L" to print price labels.
If your system is configured properly, you are taken directly to the Price Label Printing program. See 30108 - PRINT PRODUCT PRICE LABELS.
If your system is configured properly, you may import and/or export purchase orders from/to your suppliers.
"I" to import a PO from import directory.
This directory must be already setup in your system.
"E" to export PO data as an ASCII file.
You will be prompted to enter a directory and file name.
[F3] or [F4] to return to PO header display.
[F11] to calculate or display FBM of a lumber product.
"U" to convert PO quantities to base unit quantities.
The following prompt displays.
│ │ │ ** NOTE: THE QUANTITY UNITS WILL BE CONVERTED TO BASE UNITS. │ │ │ │ ** CHANGE QUANTITY UNITS TO BASE UNITS? (Y/N): _ │ │ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
"Y" to convert.
"N" to not convert.
│ │ │ ** NOTE: THE QUANTITY UNITS WILL BE CONVERTED TO BASE UNITS. │ │ UPDATING: 01 100080 0020 │ │ ** UPDATE COMPLETE - PRESS CR: _ │ │ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[Enter] to return to header entry.
"B" to back order lines.
This option allows the entry of RECEIVED and BACK ORDERED quantities on each detail line. See PROCEDURE - BACK ORDERING and also 30115 - RECEIPTS, DATA ENTRY.
The program allows you to modify existing PO detail lines. After accessing the desired PO, press [F1] at the header entry screen to go to the detail line display.
Example Order Detail Entry/Modification display:
│05/13/07 ***** PURCHASE ORDER DETAIL ENTRY ***** │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ORDER NUMBER 01-100099 SUPPLIER ACKLA ORDER STATUS PENDING#01 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SUB-TOT: .00 TOTAL: .00 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SEQ T PRODUCT ORDER-─TY DUE REC-─TY BO-─TY PRICE DIS TOTAL │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │0010 P 109670 10 LIN 05/08/96 10 0 .270 MFBM N .00 │ │ PRODUCT: 2X4 S4S STD&BTR GRN FIR 8 │ │ (1 PACKSS AT 10 PIECES/PACKS) │ │____ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │─────────────────────────────────────── ON-HAND ON-ORDER SALES-L4W LAST-COST ─│ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │CR= NEXT; ENTER SEQ# TO CHANGE; F2=DISPLAY; F4 TO END. │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
At the SEQ field:
Enter number of detail line to modify or delete.
[Enter] to create a new detail line.
[F2] to display lines.
[F4] to return to header display.
After selecting a line the following prompt displays.
"D" to delete displayed line.
You can only delete a line if the PO status is PENDING. A PO with the status of ORDERED displays M TO MODIFY only. To change the status, see PROCEDURE - HEADER MODIFICATION, OPTIONS - S = STATUS CHANGE. The line is deleted without further notice. The following confirmation message is printed to the order.
If you delete a line by mistake, you will have to re-enter it manually. There is no "undelete" function.
"M" to modify displayed line.
You can step through the line field by field to make changes. For PENDING PO's, with the exception of the REC-QTY and BO QTY, all information on the detail line can be modified. Changes are made in exactly the same manner as during initial data entry. See 30110 - PURCHASE ORDERS, CREATION - DETAIL ENTRY. For ORDERED PO's the REC QTY, the BO QTY and (with appropriate configuration) the PRICE fields can be modified. See these fields in 30110 - PURCHASE ORDERS, CREATION - DETAIL ENTRY.
[Enter] to accept changes to line.
The cursor advances to SEQ field of next line. You can continue entering new lines or exit the PO.
[F3] to re-enter data in displayed line.
[F4] to abort all changes to displayed line.
Back order quantities are normally specified during PO receiving. The PO system also enables you to print a "back order" before the originating PO has been fully processed. For example, if a PO has been partially received and is currently part of a receiving batch, you can access that PO and print a vendor PO based on the back-ordered quantities.
After initiating a receipt with a PO (see 30115 - RECEIPTS, DATA ENTRY) the following prompt is displayed.
[F9] to edit PO and specify back order quantities.
You are taken into the PO system. The header of the selected PO is displayed with the following prompt.
"B" to indicate received quantities and specify back ordered quantities.
The following prompt displays.
[Enter] to specify received and back ordered quantities by line.
This is the most common option. It allows you to step through the detail lines one by one beginning with the first and indicate received and back ordered quantities for each line. After completing the received and back ordered quantities for all lines you are automatically returned to the PO header.
[F4] to return to PO header.
[F5] to set received and set the back ordered quantities for all lines.
The received quantity is set to 0 and the back ordered quantities to the original quantity ordered for all lines. You can subsequently select individual lines to change the received and back ordered quantities.
Enter sequence number of detail line to modify.
[F2] to redisplay detail lines.
Enter sequence number of line to begin display.
[Enter] to begin display at first line of PO.
[F1] to toggle between display modes.
REGULAR displays two lines per item and BRIEF displays one line per item.
[F4] to return to edit mode.
After completing the received and back ordered quantities, the PO system prompt is again displayed.
[F4] to return to the receipt with modified PO.
The following prompt is again displayed.
[Enter] to continue processing the receipt.
When the receiving batch is updated, the back order is created automatically. A back order is really just another PO and can be treated as such. You can modify (add or delete lines, change quantities, etc) and/or partially receive it and generate another back order from it.
Once a back order has been generated, it is possible to print back orders and/or back order reports, a list of back orders generated from an originating PO. Use the PO inquiry program to locate outstanding PO's for a supplier (see 30980 - PO INQUIRY SELECTION) and select the desired PO or BO. If the original PO that generated the back order has been received, the following prompt is displayed.
"P""B" to print back orders generated from the originating PO.
The following print options are presented.
"I" to print an internal copy of back order(s).
Includes additional notes that do not print on the Vendor copy.
"V" to print a vendor copy of the back order(s).
"H" to print a header summary for each order.
"D" to print a detail report for each order.
If a selected PO or BO is part of an open receiving batch, the following prompt is displayed.
[Enter] to exit to Purchase Orders Maintenance menu.
"P""B" to print report of associated back orders.