IdealWare Online Users ManualIY3-07-01 I/Y INQUIRY |
│04/26/07 ***** PURCHASE ORDER INQUIRY ***** │ │ COMPANY: 01 - IDEALWARE │ │ │ │** ENTER STORE CODE: 01 IDEALWARE │ │** CURRENT, HISTORY OR BOTH (C/H/B): C CURRENT │ │( 1) BY P.O. NUMBER │ │( 2) BY DATE ORDERED │ │( 3) BY DATE TO RECEIVE │ │( 4) BY SUPPLIER, DATE ORDERED │ │( 5) BY SUPPLIER, DATE TO RECEIVE │ │( 6) BY BUYER, SUPPLIER, DATE TO RECEIVE │ │( 7) RESERVED │ │( 8) BY PRODUCT CODE (PURCHASE ORDERS) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │** ENTER INQUIRY OPTION (F4=END; F5=RE-DISPLAY P.O. SUMMARY): __ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter store code.
In a single store environment this value defaults to the usual store code.
[Enter] to accept default value "B".
"C" for current POs only.
"H" for history (posted) POs only.
"B" for both current and history POs.
"1"..."8" to specify desired selection criterion.
[F3] to change PO selection status.
[F4] to exit inquiry.
Specify a PO number.
Enter starting PO number to begin display.
[Enter] to start display at first PO in system.
[F3] to re-enter selection criterion.
[F5] to display list for selection.
[Enter] to continue with inquiry.
See example display below.
[F3] to re-enter PO number.
Search by starting order date.
Enter PO starting date to begin display.
[Enter] for current system date.
[F2] for earliest system date.
[F3] to re-enter selection criterion.
[Enter] to accept default value "N".
"N" to not display special order POs only.
"Y" to display special order POs only.
These are purchase orders generated from sales via the sales order entry program. The inquiry also displays the associated customer code and name.
[Enter] to continue with inquiry.
See example display below.
[F3] to re-enter PO date.
Search by starting date to receive.
Enter PO starting "date to receive" to begin display.
[Enter] for current system date.
[F2] for earliest system date.
[F3] to re-enter selection criterion.
[Enter] to accept default value "N".
"N" to not display special order POs only.
"Y" to display special order POs only.
These are purchase orders generated from sales via the sales order entry program. The inquiry also displays the associated customer code and name.
[Enter] to continue with inquiry.
See example display below.
[F3] to re-enter PO "date to receive".
Search by supplier code and starting order date.
Enter supplier code of POs to display.
[Enter] for all suppliers.
[F3] to re-enter selection criterion.
[F5] to display list of supplier codes for selection.
Enter starting PO order date to begin display.
[Enter] for current system date.
[F2] for earliest system date.
[F3] to re-enter supplier code.
[Enter] to accept default value "N".
"N" to not display special order POs only.
"Y" to display special order POs only.
These are purchase orders generated from sales via the sales order entry program. The inquiry also displays the associated customer code and name.
[Enter] to continue with inquiry.
See example display below.
[F3] to re-enter PO date ordered.
Search by supplier code and starting date to receive.
Enter supplier code of POs to display.
[Enter] for all suppliers.
[F3] to re-enter selection criterion.
[F5] to d list of supplier codes for selection.
Enter PO starting date to receive to begin display.
[Enter] for current system date.
[F2] for earliest system date.
[F3] to re-enter suppler code.
[Enter] to accept default value "N".
"N" to not display special order POs only.
"Y" to display special order POs only.
These are purchase orders generated from sales via the sales order entry program. The inquiry also displays the associated customer code and name.
[Enter] to continue with inquiry.
See example display below.
[F3] to re-enter PO date to receive.
Search by purchaser, supplier and date to receive.
Enter purchaser code of POs to display.
[F3] to re-enter selection criterion.
[F5] to display list of salesman/operator codes for selection.
Enter supplier code of POs to display.
[Enter] for all suppliers.
[F3] to re-enter purchaser code.
[F5] to display list of supplier codes for selection.
Enter PO starting date to receive to begin display.
[Enter] for current system date.
[F2] for earliest system date.
[F3] to re-enter supplier code.
[Enter] to accept default value "N".
"N" to not display special order POs only.
"Y" to display special order POs only.
These are purchase orders generated from sales via the sales order entry program. The inquiry also displays the associated customer code and name.
[Enter] to continue with inquiry.
See example display below.
[F3] to re-enter PO receive date.
Selection criteria 1-6 all produce the following data display, with the data ordered according to the specific criteria selected.
Example display (by PO number):
│04/26/07 PURCHASE ORDER INQUIRY │ │ STORE CODE: 01 - IDEALWARE │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ CURR/ DATE DATE TO RECEIVED ORDER │ │ ORDER# STAT HIST SUPPLIER ORDERED RECEIVE DATE COST BUYER │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ 1 01-000000 O#1 CURR ACKLA 04/22/07 04/26/07 .25 BARJO │ │ 2 01-100000 O#1 CURR BAYSI 04/23/07 05/09/07 222.40 BARJO │ │ 3 01-100022 P#1 CURR ACKLA 09/20/07 09/20/07 10.00 BARJO │ │ 4 01-100023 P#1 CURR GENPA 09/20/07 09/20/07 4.99 BARJO │ │ 5 01-100024 P#1 CURR ACKLA 09/30/07 09/30/07 39.99 BARJO │ │ 6 01-100025 P#1 CURR ACKLA 09/30/07 09/30/07 79.98 BARJO │ │ 7 01-100030 P#1 CURR SAUDI 10/02/07 10/02/07 19.99 BARJO │ │ 8 01-100031 P#1 CURR ACKLA 10/02/07 10/02/07 19.99 BARJO │ │ 9 01-100032 P#1 CURR SAUDI 10/02/07 10/02/07 149.90 BARJO │ │10 01-100033 P#1 CURR SAUDI 10/02/07 10/02/07 9.99 BARJO │ │11 01-100036 P#1 CURR ACKLA 11/23/07 11/23/07 .00 BARJO │ │12 01-100037 P#1 CURR ACKLA 12/20/07 12/20/07 9.99 BARJO │ │13 01-100038 O#1 CURR GENPA 12/20/07 12/20/07 20.99 BARJO │ │14 01-100039 O#1 CURR ACKLA 12/20/07 12/20/07 .00 BARJO │ │15 01-100040 O#1 CURR ACKLA 01/07/07 01/07/08 900.00 BARJO │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │** SELECT INQUIRY OPTION (F12 FOR OPTIONS); F4 TO EXIT INQUIRY: ___ │ │ (PAGE MODE) │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Displays PO number.
Displays PO order status.
The order status can be pending, ordered or received.
Displays PO update status.
The update status can be current or history (updated).
Displays PO supplier code.
Displays PO order date.
Displays PO expected date of receipt.
Displays PO actual date of receipt.
Displays PO total cost.
Displays PO purchaser code.
Search by product and update (posted) PO.
Enter product code.
You can enter a QUICK CODE, UPC CODE, or LOGICAL CODE here.
[F3] to re-enter selection criterion.
[Enter] to continue with inquiry.
[F3] to re-enter product code.
Example display:
│Oct29/07 PURCHASE ORDER INQUIRY BY PRODUCT │ │ STORE CODE: 01 - Ideal Computer Group │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │PRODUCT#: 100003 DATE DATE TO RECEIVED PRODUCT ORDER │ │ ORDER# STAT SUPPLIER ORDERED RECEIVE DATE COST QTY/UNITS│ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ 1 01-100001 O#1 SAMPLE Oct07/07 Oct07/07 1,200.00 100 EACH │ │ 2 01-100002 O#1 SAMPLE Oct08/07 Oct08/07 1,200.00 100 EACH │ │ 3 01-100003 O#1 SAMPLE Oct09/07 Oct09/07 1,200.00 100 EACH │ │ 4 01-100004 O#1 SAMPLE Oct11/07 Oct11/07 1,200.00 100 EACH │ │ 5 01-100005 O#1 SAMPLE Oct13/07 Oct13/07 1,200.00 100 EACH │ │**** END OF FILE **** │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │** SELECT INQUIRY OPTION (F12 FOR OPTIONS); F4 TO EXIT INQUIRY: ___ │ │ LINE#+F5=INQUIRE UPON ITEM, LINE#+CR=RETURN WITH ITEM (PAGE MODE) │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[F4] to exit inquiry.
LINE#+[F5] to access product inquiry for selected item.
LINE#+[Enter] to retrieve selected item for processing.
[F12] to display options.
Displays store code and description.
Displays product code.
Displays PO number.
Displays PO order status.
This can be pending, ordered or received.
Displays PO supplier code.
Displays PO ordered date.
Displays expected PO date to receive.
Displays actual PO date received.
Displays PO product cost.
Displays PO quantity ordered.
Displays PO quantity ordered.
Displays PO unit of measurement.
Example display (Special Orders):
│04/28/07 PURCHASE ORDER INQUIRY │ │ STORE CODE: 11 - TEXAS STORE │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ CURR/ DATE TO CUST │ │ ORDER# STAT HIST SUPPLIER RECEIVE CODE DESCRIPTION │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ 1 11-010005 P#1 CURR A&G 04/27/07 CASHSALE │ │ 2 11-010008 O#2 CURR BAKER 04/27/07 DUGMIK MIKE DUGGAN │ │ 3 11-S00101 O#2 CURR BAKER 04/27/07 SMIJOE JOE SMITH │ │ 4 11-S00102 O#2 CURR BALDPA 04/27/07 SMIWAY WAYNE SMITTERS │ │ 5 11-S00103 O#2 CURR BALDPA 04/27/07 MIRMIK MIKE MIRKER │ │ 6 11-S10010 P#1 CURR A&G 04/27/07 BLOJOE JOE BLOE │ │**** END OF FILE **** │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Displays PO order status.
This can be pending, ordered or received.
Displays PO update status.
This can be current or history(updated).
Displays supplier code.
Displays expected PO date to receive.
Displays customer code on sale.
Displays customer description.
The program retains whichever status selection you make here until you exit the inquiry or reselect.