IdealWare Online Users ManualSP2-06-09 S/P PROCESSING |
│10/24/07 ***** SALE ORDER HEADER ENTRY ***** TERM: TE8 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SMAN JOHN BARKER ORDERED DATE 10/24/07 │ │ORDER# 01-C100607 TO-SHIP DATE 10/24/07 │ │DOCUM CASH SALE TO-SHIP TIME │ │TYPE CASH-CURRENT SHIPPED DATE 10/24/07 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │B┌───────────────────────< 01-C100607 PAYMENT HISTORY >───────────────────────┠│ │N│SLIP# BATCH DATE TIME TOTAL PAID METHOD(S) │ │ │A│────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ │A│01-C1A9649 0051 07/10/24 01:36 100.00 100.00 CHQ │ │ │C│01-C1A9650 0051 07/10/24 01:36 519.25 519.25 CASH,VISA │ │ │P│ACCUMULATED: CASH: 119.25 CHQ: 100.00 VISA: 400.00 │ │ │P│ │ │ │F│** CR TO CONTINUE: _ │ │ │─└────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘─│ │SMAN BARJO SHIP PICK UP CASH TOTAL 619.25 SUB-TOT 543.21 │ │LEV R PST Y GST Y SHIPPING INFO Y AMT PAID(2) 619.25 P.S.T. 38.02 │ │PST CODE SHIPDOC PRT'D N AMT OWING .00 G.S.T. 38.02 │ │CONT INVOICE PRT'D N DEP REQ'D .00 DLVRY .00 │ │PO# COMPLETE N COD METHOD TOTAL 619.25 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
A cash till batch should be opened at the beginning of the day for each cash terminal/drawer. You can either follow the procedure below before processing any orders, or alternately you can open a cash till batch the first time that you attempt to accept payment for an order.
Press [SHFT][F1] at the SELECT OPTION prompt of the order initialization screen. See 31554 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, ORDER INITIALIZATION.
Example Cash Till Batch Creation/Access Screen display:
│Oct14/07 Tc ***** CASH SALES ENTRY ***** │ │ │ │ │ │ COMPANY NUMBER 01 D E M O C O M P A N Y │ │ STORE CODE 01 Ideal Computer Group │ │ │ │ CASH SALES DATE Oct14/07 │ │ CASH TILL CODE 1 │ │ CASH TERMINAL CODE 1 CASH TERMINAL '1' │ │ CASH DRAWER NUMBER A CASH DRAWER NUMBER A │ │ │ │ BATCH NUMBER 0003 │ │ TIME BATCH OPENED 11:16 NEW BATCH │ │ TIME BATCH CLOSED │ │ │ │ FLOAT AMOUNT 300.00 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │** PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE (F2 FOR FLOAT; F3 TO BACKUP): __ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Press [F4] at the SALES SLIP# OPTIONS prompt of the sale/refund creation/access screen. See 31542 - CASH TILL SALES ENTRY, SALE/REFUND CREATION/ACCESS.
Every terminal that will accept payments must attach to a cash till batch. You can either follow the procedure below before processing any orders, or alternately you can attach to a cash till batch the first time that you attempt to accept payment for an order. If you opened a cash till batch from the current terminal, then the terminal is already attached to a batch. Whenever you exit and re-enter the sales order entry program on a terminal, you must again attach that terminal to a cash till batch.
Press [SHFT][F1] at the SELECT OPTION prompt of the order initialization screen. See 31554 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, ORDER INITIALIZATION.
Press [F4] at the SALES SLIP# OPTIONS prompt of the sale/refund creation/access screen. See 31542 - CASH TILL SALES ENTRY, SALE/REFUND CREATION/ACCESS.
Create an order for which payment is to be received from or given to the customer. See 31554 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, ORDER INITIALIZATION.
Accept payment for the order. See PROCEDURE - REGULAR PAYMENTS or PROCEDURE - CREDIT TO PURCHASE PAYMENTS/REFUNDS. Note that once you have entered the payment screen you must accept payment in full or press "C" to cancel the payment and return to the sale. If your till slip printer does not accommodate cheque franking/validation, the cash till payment program will now not prompt the operator to slide the cheque into the printer when a cheque payment is received.
The Cash Till Batch must be closed before the payment can be further processed.
Press [SHFT][F1] at the SELECT OPTION prompt of the order initialization screen. See 31554 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, ORDER INITIALIZATION.
Press [F8] at the SALES SLIP# OPTIONS prompt of the Sale/Refund Creation/Access screen. See 31545 - CASH TILL SALES ENTRY, CLOSING BATCHES.
Regular payment processessing is used for the following types of orders.
Payment received from the customer for merchandise sold.
Payment refunded to the customer for returned merchandise.
The general procedures for regular payments are as follows.
Create a sale or a refund order for which payment is to be received from or returned to the customer. Perform the following order functions:
Press [SHFT][F1] at the ORDER MAIN OPTIONS prompt of the header screen. See 31555 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, ORDER MODIFICATIONS.
If not already done, you must open a cash till batch and/or attach to a cash till batch. See 31541 - CASH TILL SALES ENTRY, BATCH CREATE/ACCESS. If the terminal is already attached to a cash till batch, the program will briefly display the cash till batch creation/access screen and advance to the payment screen.
In systems configured for combined sale order entry and payment processing, from either the product code field of the detail screen or from the header screen you can press [SHFT][F2] to print the invoice on the attached till slip printer and then advance to the payment screen to apply payment. The invoice printed on the till slip printer is immediately followed by the payment tendered information. Thus, the customer is provided with a complete transaction receipt.
Once a cash till batch is accessed, the program displays the cash till sale/refund creation/access screen. The program recognizes that sales order entry, payment processing is in progress and prompts for payment. Enter the payment amount desired. See 31543 - CASH TILL SALES ENTRY, SALE/REFUND DETAIL LINE ENTRY: PROCEDURE - SEE INVOICE LINE.
Example Cash Till Sale/Refund Creation/Access Screen display:
│10/24/07 ***** SALE ORDER ENTRY ***** TERM: TE8│ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SALES SLIP#: 01-C100608 CASHIER: BARJO BATCH#: 0051 TILL: 1 DRAWER: A│ │SALE TYPE: │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │TOTAL$: SALES$: PST$: GST$: │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │LN# QUANTITY UNITS PRODUCT PRICE DISC% DISC$ SALES$ PST GST │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │INV: 01-C100608 CUST: CASHSALE INV TOT: 619.25 MIN PAYMT: .00 PAID: .00 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │** ENTER PAYMT AMOUNT OR PRESS ENTER FOR 619.25 OR PRESS F3: 619.25___ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Once the payment amount is entered, the program displays the cash till payment processing screen. Once you enter the payment screen you must accept payment in full or press "C" to cancel the payment and return to the sale. Enter the payment methods desired. See 31544 - CASH TILL SALES ENTRY, PAYMENT PROCESSING.
Example Payment Methods Screen display:
│10/24/07 ***** SALE ORDER ENTRY ***** TERM: TE8│ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SALES SLIP#: 01-C1A9652 CASHIER: BARJO BATCH#: 0051 TILL: 1 DRAWER: A│ │SALE TYPE: CS CASH SALE │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │TOTAL$: 100.00 SALES$: 100.00 PST$: .00 GST$: .00 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │F6 = DEBIT: ACCT#: EXPIRY: AUTH#: │ │F8 = VISA: ACCT#: EXPIRY: AUTH#: │ │F9 = MASTER: ACCT#: EXPIRY: AUTH#: │ │F10= OTHER ACCT#: EXPIRY: AUTH#: │ │ │ │ │ │F11= CHEQUE: ID#1A: │ │F12= CASH: 100.00 ID#1B: │ │ ID#2A: │ │ ID#2B: │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ TENDERED: 100.00 OWING: 100.00 CHANGE DUE: .00 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │F6=DEBIT F8=VISA F9=M/C F10=OTHER F11=CHEQUE F12=CASH │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │** ENTER PAYMENT METHOD, F1=CHG PST/PST#, F2=CHG GST/GST#, F3=LINES: │ │ SWIPE CARD OR PRESS F4 TO FINISH THE SALE. │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Once the payment method has been processed, the program exits the cash till sales entry program and returns to the order header screen. The AMT PAID (Amount Paid) total field is updated and the payment detail information written to the payment history file where it can be viewed subsequently by the payment history inquiry.
You can make multiple payments towards an order. To do so, the initial deposit amount and subsequent partial payment amounts must be specified prior to accessing the payment screen. See 31575 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, MISC. PARTIAL PAYMENTS.
Retrieve the order into the order header screen. See 31555 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, ORDER MODIFICATIONS.
Press [SHFT][F1] at the SELECT OPTION prompt of the order initialization screen. See 31554 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, ORDER INITIALIZATION.
Once a cash till batch is accessed, the program displays the cash till sale/refund creation/access screen. The program recognizes that sales order entry, payment processing is in progress and prompts for payment. Enter the payment amount desired. See 31543 - CASH TILL SALES ENTRY, SALE/REFUND DETAIL LINE ENTRY: PROCEDURE - SEE INVOICE LINE.
Once the payment amount is entered, the program displays the cash till payment processing screen. Once you enter the payment screen you must accept payment in full or press "C" to cancel the payment and return to the sale. Enter the payment methods desired. See 31544 - CASH TILL SALES ENTRY, PAYMENT PROCESSING.
Press [F4] at the SALES SLIP# OPTIONS prompt of the sale/refund creation/access screen. See 31542 - CASH TILL SALES ENTRY, SALE/REFUND CREATION/ACCESS.
Credit to purchase payment/refunds processing is used for the following types of orders.
While creating a credit to purchase sale, if the customer OPEN TO SPEND amount is exceeded, then a payment must be made first. Also, in some cases you might want to give a customer a refund for their OPEN TO SPEND amount if they are not going to use all of their initial credit.
The general procedures for credit to purchase payments are as follows.
Press [SHFT][F1] at the ORDER MAIN OPTIONS prompt of the header screen. See 31555 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, ORDER MODIFICATIONS.
If not already done, you must open a cash till batch and/or attach to a cash till batch. See 31541 - CASH TILL SALES ENTRY, BATCH CREATE/ACCESS. If the terminal is already attached to a cash till batch, the program will briefly display the cash till batch creation/access screen and advance to the payment screen.
Once a cash till batch is accessed, the program displays the cash till sale/refund creation/access screen. The program recognizes that sales order entry, payment processing is in progress and prompts for payment. Enter the payment amount desired. See 31543 - CASH TILL SALES ENTRY, SALE/REFUND DETAIL LINE ENTRY: PROCEDURE - CUSTOMER PAYMENT LINE.
Once the payment amount is entered, the program displays the cash till payment processing screen. Once you enter the payment screen you must accept payment in full or press "C" to cancel the payment and return to the sale. Enter the payment methods desired. See 31544 - CASH TILL SALES ENTRY, PAYMENT PROCESSING.
Once the payment method has been processed, the program exits the cash till sales entry program and returns to the order header screen. The AMT PAID (Amount Paid) total field is updated and the payment detail information written to the payment history file where it can be viewed subsequently by the payment history inquiry.
You can make multiple payments towards credit to purchase orders. There are two methods to do so.
Retrieve any one of the credit to purchase customer's current orders into the order header screen. See 31555 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, ORDER MODIFICATIONS. Use method B if there are no current orders.
Press [SHFT][F1] at the SELECT OPTION prompt of the order initialization screen. See 31554 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, ORDER INITIALIZATION.
If not already done, you must open a cash till batch and/or attach to a cash till batch. See 31541 - CASH TILL SALES ENTRY, BATCH CREATE/ACCESS. If the terminal is already attached to a cash till batch, the program will briefly display the cash till batch creation/access screen and advance to the payment screen.
Once a cash till batch is accessed, the program displays the cash till sale/refund creation/access screen. The program recognizes that sales order entry, payment processing is in progress and prompts for payment. Enter the payment amount desired. See 31543 - CASH TILL SALES ENTRY, SALE/REFUND DETAIL LINE ENTRY: PROCEDURE - CUSTOMER PAYMENT LINE.
Once the payment amount is entered, the program displays the cash till payment processing screen. Once you enter the payment screen you must accept payment in full or press "C" to cancel the payment and return to the sale. Enter the payment methods desired. See 31544 - CASH TILL SALES ENTRY, PAYMENT PROCESSING.
Once the payment method has been processed, the program exits the cash till sales entry program and returns to the order header screen. The AMT PAID (Amount Paid) total field is updated and the payment detail information written to the payment history file where it can be viewed subsequently by the payment history inquiry.
Press [SHFT][F1] at the SELECT OPTION prompt of the order initialization screen. See 31554 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, ORDER INITIALIZATION.
If not already done, you must open a cash till batch and/or attach to a cash till batch. See 31541 - CASH TILL SALES ENTRY, BATCH CREATE/ACCESS. If the terminal is already attached to a cash till batch, the program will briefly display the cash till batch creation/access screen and advance to the payment screen.
Once you have accessed the cash till sales entry program, the sale/refund creation/access screen displays. To receive payment, press [F9] to generate a cash sale. To refund money, press [F10] to generate a refund sale.
Once the payment amount is entered, the program displays the cash till payment processing screen. Once you enter the payment screen you must accept payment in full or press "C" to cancel the payment and return to he sale. Enter the payment methods desired. See 31544 - CASH TILL SALES ENTRY, PAYMENT PROCESSING.
Once the payment method has been processed, the program exits the cash till sales entry program and returns to the order header screen. The AMT PAID (Amount Paid) total field is updated and the payment detail information written to the payment history file where it can be viewed subsequently by the payment history inquiry.