IdealWare Online Users Manual

31601 Sales Order Entry, Header Entry Credit to Purchase Issue




A credit to purchase issue is an on-account credit order with the following characteristics:


Document Type = ON-ACCOUNT CREDIT.

Document Code = A (3rd character of order number).

Order Type    = ON-ACCOUNT.

Bill-To Code  = "$" prefix.


Credit to purchase issue is used to generate a credit to purchase customer account with an initial credit amount paid by the customer when the account is set up. A credit to purchase customer account would typically be created under the following circumstances.


The customer initially bought some merchandise and paid for it with cash and returs some or all of the merchandise. And you do not want to issue a cash refund for the returned merchandise.


The customer does not have an account set up in the A/R system and you do not want to set up a permanent account for the customer in the A/R system.


You would like to set up a temporary account for the customer with the customer's initial amount of credit being set equal to the amount of merchandise that they are returning. This credit can remain on the system as long as required and will be reduced by subsequent sales.


The processes involved with credit to purchases are typically as follows.


A credit to purchase customer account is created by creating an on-account credit order. See 31599 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, HEADER ENTRY ON-ACCOUNT CREDIT. You initiate the creation of the account by entering "$" at the BILL-TO code field. See 31595 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, HEADER ENTRY FIELD DEFINITIONS - BILL-TO Field. The customer is added to the credit to purchase files and has a REMAINING CREDIT amount equal to the amount of the on-account credit order.


The customer's credit amount remains on the system until the customer wants to apply a sale against the credit. Multiple sales can be applied against the credit. This is done by creating an on-account sale and specifying the customer's code, with the "$" prefix. See 31600 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, HEADER ENTRY CREDIT TO PURCHASE SALE. The sale will effectively reduce the customer's REMAINING CREDIT amount by the amount of the sale.


If all of the customer's credit is to be used, you have the option of leaving the credit on the system or of issuing a refund. See 31561 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, PAYMENT PROCESSING - Credit to Purchase Payments/Refunds.


When generating an On-Account Sale, if the amount of the sale is in excess of the customer's REMAINING CREDIT amount, the program will not let the sales document or picking list be printed until payment for that amount has been processed. See 31561 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, PAYMENT PROCESSING - Credit To Purchase Payments/Refunds.

A credit to purchase customer account has the following characteristics.


It is a temporary account and, if your system is configured accordingly, the account will be removed from the system by the A/R month end purge program if both the customer's CURRENT BALANCE and COMMITTED BALANCE equal zero.


You can make inquiries about the customer's account via the customer inquiry program (see 25647 - CUSTOMER INQUIRY) or via the customer master maintenance program (see 25651 - CUSTOMER MASTER MAINTENANCE).


You can make inquiries about the customer's initial credit order, subsequent sales orders and payments/refunds via the  sales order inquiry program. See 31586 - SALES ORDER INQUIRY. This serves as the customer's ledger inquiry.


When the initial credit order, subsequent sales orders and payments/refunds are initially created, they affect the customer's COMMITTED BALANCE amount which in turn affects the customer's REMAINING CREDIT amount. When these orders are updated through the order register & update program, the balances are transferred from the customer's COMMITTED BALANCE to the customer's CURRENT BALANCE, without affecting the customer's REMAINING CREDIT amount.


The SORT code used for inquiries is automatically set to the customer's code. See 31586 - SALES ORDER INQUIRY.


When quantities are entered for credits, they are automatically set to a negative sign.





Example Credit to Purchase Issue Header display:

│09/19/07              ***** SALE ORDER HEADER ENTRY *****             TERM: TE8 â”‚
│SMAN   JOHN BARKER            ORDERED DATE 09/19/07   ORIG ORD#    DATE         â”‚
│ORDER# 01-A100577             TO-SHIP DATE 09/19/07   01-C111111 09/19/07       â”‚
│DOCUM  ON-ACCOUNT CREDIT      TO-SHIP TIME                                      â”‚
│NAME     MIKE JONES                     NAME     MIKE JONES                     â”‚
│ADDR1    1555 IMPERIAL DRIVE            ADDR1    1555 IMPERIAL DRIVE            â”‚
│ADDR2                                   ADDR2                                   â”‚
│CITY     VANCOUVER    AREA              CITY     VANCOUVER    AREA              â”‚
│PROV     B.C.         PS CD V4E 1F4     PROV     B.C.         PS CD V4E 1F4     â”‚
│PH#      545-1155                       PH#      545-1155                       â”‚
│FAX#                                    FAX#                                    â”‚
│SMAN      BARJO    SHIP DELIVERY        CASH TOTAL            SUB-TOT     85.77-│
│LEV R PST Y GST Y  SHIPPING INFO Y      AMT PAID              P.S.T.       6.00-│
│PST CODE           SHIPDOC PRT'D N      AMT OWING             G.S.T.       6.00-│
│CONT               INVOICE PRT'D N      DEP REQ'D             DLVRY         .00 â”‚
│PO#  N/A           COMPLETE      N      COD METHOD            TOTAL       97.77-│
│** SELECT MAIN OPTION (F12 FOR OPTIONS); CR TO EXIT SALE: ______                â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚



The fields listed below are applicable for this type of order. See 31595 - HEADER ENTRY, FIELD DEFINITIONS for more detailed information regarding these fields.


SMAN             displays current salesman.

ORDER#           displays generated order number.

DOCUM            displays ON-ACCOUNT CREDIT.

TYPE             displays CURRENT if active, HISTORY if updated.

ORDERED DATE     defaults to current date, can be edited.

TO-SHIP DATE     defaults to current date, can be edited.

TO-SHIP TIME     defaults to null, can be edited.

SHIPPED DATE     defaults to 00000000, can be edited.

ORIG ORD#        requires entry.

SLP  DATE        requires entry.

REF REASON       requires entry.

BILL-TO          requires entry.

SORT             defaults to BILL-TO code.

BILL-TO NAME     requires entry.

BILL-TO ADDR1    requires entry.

BILL-TO ADDR2    requires entry.

BILL-TO CITY     requires entry.

BILL-TO AREA     requires entry.

BILL-TO PROV     requires entry.

BILL-TO PS CD    requires entry.

BILL-TO PH#      requires entry.

BILL-TO FAX#     requires entry.

SHIP-TO          requires entry.    

CONTRACT         optional entry.

SHIP-TO NAME     defaults to BILL-TO name, can be edited.

SHIP-TO ADDR1    defaults to BILL-TO address line 1, can be edited.

SHIP-TO ADDR2    defaults to BILL-TO address line 2, can be edited.

SHIP-TO CITY     defaults to BILL-TO city, can be edited.

SHIP-TO AREA     defaults to BILL-TO area, can be edited.

SHIP-TO PROV     defaults to BILL-TO province, can be edited.

SHIP-TO PS CD    defaults to BILL-TO postal code, can be edited.

SHIP-TO PH#      defaults to BILL-TO phone number, can be edited.

SHIP-TO FAX#     defaults to BILL-TO fax number, can be edited.

OPER             displays current operator.

LEV              defaults to pricing level, can be edited.

PST              defaults to Y, can be edited.

GST              defaults to Y, can be edited.

PST CODE         defaults to null if PST=Y, can be edited if PST=N.

CONT             displays contact name, can be edited.

PO#              optional entry.

SHIP             displays default shipping method.

SHIPPING INFO    requires entry if delivery.

SHIPDOC PRT'D    displays Y/N.

INVOICE PRT'D    displays Y/N.

COMPLETE         displays Y/N.

SUB-TOT          calculated.

P.S.T.           calculated.

G.S.T.           calculated.

DLVRY            displays amount.

TOTAL            calculated.

Example Credit to Purchase Customer Maintenance Screen display:

│09/19/07                           IDEALWARE                                    â”‚
│                              CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE                              â”‚
│   CUSTOMER CODE  $JONEMIK                       18.INTEREST TYPE    N  %       â”‚
│ 1.RESERVED       00000                          19.SHOW PRICES?     Y          â”‚
│ 2.CUSTOMER NAME  MIKE JONES                     20.PRICING LEVEL    R          â”‚
│ 3.ADDRESS LINE 1 1555 IMPERIAL DRIVE            21.RESERVED                    â”‚
│ 4.ADDRESS LINE 2                                22.SORT FACTOR      3          â”‚
│ 5.ADDRESS LINE 3 VANCOUVER                      23.INVOICE COPIES   1          â”‚
│ 6.POSTAL CODE    V4E 1F4                        24.DATE OPENED      09/19/07   â”‚
│ 7.TELEPHONE #1   545-1155                       25.CREDIT LIMIT            .00 â”‚
│ 8.TELEPHONE #2   545-1544                       CURRENT BALANCE            .00 â”‚
│ 9.FAX #                                         COMMITTED BALANCE        97.77-│
│10.CONTACT PERSON                                REMAINING CREDIT         97.77 â”‚
│11.GUARANTOR                                     26.GST CHARGED                 â”‚
│12.USUAL YARD     01  IDEALWARE                  27.PST CODE                    â”‚
│13.SALESMAN CODE  BARJO JOHN BARKER              28.GST CODE                    â”‚
│14.SALES GROUP    A  GENERAL GROUP               29.CREDIT HOLD                 â”‚
│15.ACCOUNT TYPE   O                              30.STATEMENT OPTS              â”‚
│16.PAYMENT TERMS  NA                             31.CUST REQUESTS               â”‚
│17.CREDITEL#                                     32.NOTES?           N          â”‚
│   F3 FOR INQUIRY BY SCAN BY ALPHA CUSTOMER CODE                                â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚


This is an example of a credit to purchase customer maintenance display after being added via an on-account credit order. This screen can be accessed through the customer inquiry program. See 25647 - CUSTOMER INQUIRY.


Example Order Inquiry, Credit to Purchase Orders display:

│09/19/07                 ***** SALE ORDER INQUIRY *****                         â”‚
│                            COMPANY: 01 - IDEALWARE                             â”‚
│ 1 $JONEMIK  A  N/A        Y  01-A100577 H  BARJO  010014    09/19/07     97.77-│
│ 2 $JONEMIK  A  N/A        Y  01-A100578 H  BARJO  010016    09/19/07    130.38 â”‚
│ 3 $JONEMIK  C             N  01-C1A9643 H  BARJO  010015    09/19/07     32.61-│
│                                                                                â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│   (PAGE MODE)                                                                  â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚


This is an example of credit to purchase customer orders as displayed in the order inquiry program. See 31586 - SALES ORDER INQUIRY. This example includes:

  • Initial on-account credit.
  • Subsequent on-account sale.
  • Payment made.

Note that payments and/or refunds do not display on this screen until they have been updated via the payments register & update program.