IdealWare Online Users ManualIY2-06-02 I/Y PROCESSING |
│05/08/07 ***** PURCHASE ORDER MAINTENANCE ***** 3OPOM1 │ │ │ │** ENTER STORE CODE: 01 IDEALWARE │ │** ENTER PURCHASER CODE: BARJO │ │( 1)* CREATE/ACCESS PURCHASE ORDER │ │( 2) PURCHASE ORDER INQUIRIES │ │( 3) PURCHASE ORDER HEADER & DETAIL REPORT │ │( 4) PURCHASE ORDER COMBINE │ │( 5) RE-ORDER REPORT & AUTO P.O. CREATE │ │( 6) PRODUCT INQUIRY │ │( 7) MAINTENANCE OPTIONS │ │** ENTER P.O. OPTION (F12 FOR PO# 01-100093): 1 │ │ │ │** ENTER EXISTING P.O.# OR PRESS F1 TO CREATE: 01-______ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
"1" to create or access a purchase order.
[F3] to re-enter menu selection, purchaser or store code.
[F12] to access last P.O. completed on this terminal.
This option is applicable only if a purchase order has been previously generated on this terminal. See 30111 - PURCHASE ORDERS, MODIFICATION.
Enter PO number (without the store code) to access existing PO.
[F1] to create a new PO.
[F5] to access purchase order inquiry for PO selection.
The PO header contains the main information about a purchase order that serves to identify the order. In addition to a unique order number, header information includes: supplier and purchaser names, order and expected receipt dates, order status, miscellaneous charges and payment terms.
After initialization, the header screen is displayed and the cursor is placed on the first data field requiring an entry. Once information has been entered into the field, the program moves the cursor to the next applicable field.
To enhance the speed of purchase order creation, some fields are filled in automatically with default data and the cursor positioned in the following field. To change the default value in such a field press [F3] to return to the bypassed field and make your entry. By pressing [F4] you can skip fields in which entry is optional and advance to the next required field.
Example Purchase Order Header display:
│05/08/07 ***** PURCHASE ORDER HEADER ENTRY ***** │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ORDER NUMBER 01-100072 ORDER DATE 05/08/96 ORDER STATUS PENDING#01 │ │ORDER TYPE ORIGINAL RECEIVE DATE 05/08/96 SENT TO SUPP │ │ORDER FREQ CANCEL DATE 05/10/96 SENT TO STORE │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SHIP MACMILLAN BLOEDEL <───────────────COMMENTS───────────────> │ │FROM B.M. LTD │ │MACMI P.O. BOX 340 STATION A │ │ VANCOUVER, B C V6C 2N1 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │FREIGHT CHARGE? Y $ 25.00 <─────────────PAYMENT TERMS─────────────>│ │BROKERAGE CHARGE? N $ .00 25 % TERMS AB DUE 06/15/96 DIS 06/15/96 │ │OTHER CHARGE? N $ .00 25 % TERMS AD DUE 06/25/96 DIS 06/25/96 │ │ 50 % TERMS C8 DUE 07/22/96 DIS 07/22/96 │ │SHIPPED VIA TRUCK │ │F.O.B. POINT DISCOUNT % .00 │ │CONTACT JIM │ │PURCHASER BARJO (JOHN BARKER) .00 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │** OK SO FAR? (CR IF OK; F3 TO BACKUP; F4 TO BYPASS): │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Displays the PO number, which will be the next sequentially available number if you are creating a new purchase order or the existing number of an existing purchase order.
Displays the type of order. This value defaults to ORIGINAL when you create a new PO.
Displays the frequency of repeat orders. Currently unused.
Enter PO's date.
If the date is within the current month, simply enter the day in the format DD, the program will fill in the rest of the field. You can use this procedure to enter data in most date fields.
[Enter] for current system date.
When creating a new PO or when restoring a previous entry (eg modifying an existing PO), pressing [Enter] inserts the current system date. When you return to this field by pressing [F3], the date is cleared and you can type in a new date or press [Enter] to restore the previous entry, which is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
[F2] to clear field and set date to 00/00/00.
[F3] to abort PO and return to PURCHASE ORDER MAINTENANCE menu.
Enter date you expect order to arrive from supplier.
[Enter] for current system date
Press [Enter] to restore previous date when making modifications.
[F2] to clear field and set date to 00/00/00.
[F3] to return to previous field.
This field defaults to a value of 00/00/00. Press [F3] at the next field to return and change this date.
Enter date to cancel order in event of non-delivery.
For a new PO you must enter the full date in the format MMDDYY. If you want to change this date later and the new cancel date falls within the same month as the original date, simply enter the new day in the format DD. For a new month you must enter the full date in the format MMDDYY.
[Enter] to restore previous entry.
[F2] to clear field and reset date to 00/00/00.
In order to enter a new date after clearing the field, you must enter the full date in the format MMDDYY.
[F3] to return to previous field.
Displays PO's current status.
Until completed, the status of a new PO is PENDING. When completed, you will normally change the status to ORDERED. This in turn will update "on order" inventory quantities for all products included in the PO.
Displays the date PO is electronically transmitted to supplier.
This field is reserved for future use.
Displays the date PO is electronically transmitted to store.
This field is reserved for future use.
Enter supplier code.
[F5] to access supplier codes inquiry for selection.
After entering or selecting the code, the system displays the supplier's name and address. A secondary warehouse address may displayed with the proper parameter setting.
[F3] to return to previous field.
Enter up to three optional lines of comments to print in PO header.
Additional comments can also be entered in the detail section of the PO.
[F3] to return to previous field.
[F4] to bypass and move to next field requiring entry.
[Enter] to accept default value "N".
"Y" to indicate an additional charge.
Enter estimated amount of anticipated charge.
When the PO is received, this amount will be transferred to the inventory receipt where it can be modified if necessary.
[F3] to return to previous field.
"N" to indicate no additional charge.
[F3] to return to previous field.
[F4] to bypass and move to next field requiring entry.
[Enter] to accept default value "N".
"Y" to indicate an additional charge.
Enter estimated amount of anticipated charge.
When the PO is received, this amount will be transferred to the inventory receipt where it can be modified if necessary.
[F3] to return to previous field.
"N" to indicate no additional charge.
[F3] to return to previous field.
[F4] to bypass and move to next field requiring entry.
[Enter] to accept default value "N".
"Y" to indicate an additional charge.
Enter estimated amount of anticipated charge.
When the PO is received, this amount will be transferred to the inventory receipt where it can be modified if necessary.
[F3] to return to previous field.
"N" to indicate no additional charge.
[F3] to return to previous field.
[F4] to bypass and move to next field requiring entry.
Depending on your system configuration, you may or may not be required to make an entry here.
Enter shipping method.
[Enter] to restore previous entry.
When creating a new PO the initial default value is null.
[F3] to return to previous field.
[F4] to bypass and move to next field requiring entry.
Depending on your system configuration, you may or may not be required to make an entry here.
Enter point of origin of shipment.
[Enter] to restore previous entry.
When creating a new PO the initial default value is null.
[F3] to return tor previous field.
[F4] to bypass and move to next field requiring entry.
Depending on your system configuration, you may or may not be required to make an entry here.
Enter name of contact person of supplier company.
[Enter] to restore previous entry.
When creating a new PO the initial default value is null.
[F3] to return to previous field.
[F4] to bypass and move to next field requiring entry.
Displays the operator code selected when entering the PURCHASE ORDER MAINTENANCE menu.
Enter your operator code.
[Enter] or [F4] to accept displayed code.
[F3] to return to previous field.
This value defaults to 100%, payable based on to the normal payment terms of the supplier entered via the supplier master maintenance program. You can change the values to indicate other payment arrangements. You can divide the PO payment into as many as three different percentages, terms and payment and discount schedules.
Enter a % value.
Normally, 100% is entered, indicating that 100% of the PO amount is payable according to the terms applied.
[Enter] for 100%.
[F4] to accept terms as displayed and jump to end of header entry.
Enter payment terms code applying to percentage entered.
This value defaults to the supplier's usual payment terms code.
[Enter] to accept default terms .
[F3] to return to previous field.
[F4] to accept terms and jump to end of header entry.
[F5] to display list of terms codes for selection.
"O""P" for open terms.
[Enter] to accept payment terms as displayed.
[F3] to re-enter payment terms.
If the total percentage entered does not yet add up to 100%, the cursor will advance to the next % field for entry.
[Enter] to accept header and continue to detail entry.
[F3] to re-enter payment terms.
[F4] to abort PO and return to PURCHASE ORDER MAINTENANCE menu.
The PO detail contains information about the specific products ordered, including their codes, descriptions, quantities and costing. When you have completed the PO header, you are taken to the line detail entry screen.
Example Order Detail Entry display:
│04/22/07 ***** PURCHASE ORDER DETAIL ENTRY ***** │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ORDER NUMBER 01-100072 SUPPLIER ACKLA ORDER STATUS PENDING#01 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SUB-TOT: .00 TOTAL: .00 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SEQ T PRODUCT ORDER-─TY DUE REC-─TY BO-─TY PRICE DIS TOTAL │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │0010 P 198050 10 LB 05/02/96 10 0 .500 LB N 5.00 │ │ PRODUCT: 3-1/4" DUPLEx NAILS SUPPLIER'S: │ │0020 P 278480 10 LB 05/02/96 10 0 1.310 LB N 13.10 │ │ PRODUCT: DRYWALL SCREWS 2" COARSE SUPPLIER'S: │ │0030 P 345213 _____ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │──────────────────────────────ON-HAND COMMIT AVAIL ON-ORDER SALE-4W LAST-COST│ │1L PAINT THINNER 630 64 566 41 35 2.340│ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │CR= NEXT; ENTER SEQ# TO CHANGE; F2=DISPLAY; F4 TO END. │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter line number to modify or delete.
[Enter] to create a new detail line.
This will automatically generate a new sequence number. This function is only applicable when the status of the order is PENDING.
[F2] to display existing lines.
You can view the detail lines in REGULAR mode (display both lines of each sequence) or in BRIEF mode (display data line only), starting at any line in the batch that you specify.
Enter line number to begin display.
[Enter] to begin at first line.
[F1] to toggle between REGULAR and BRIEF display modes.
[F4] to exit display mode options.
[F4] to exit detail line entry and return to header entry.
See 30111 - PURCHASE ORDERS, MODIFICATION. Depending on your system setup the following alert box may appear.
│ │ │ ** NOTE: THE 'ON ORDER' AMOUNT IN THE INVENTORY FILE WILL BE UPDATED. │ │ │ │ ** CHANGE STATUS FROM 'PENDING' TO 'ORDERED'? (Y/N): Y │ │ │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[Enter] to accept default value "Y".
"N" to not change status.
"Y" to change status.
When you change the status from pending to ordered, IdealWare updates the "on order" amount in the Inventory File and displays the following confirmation box.
│ │ │ ** NOTE: THE 'ON ORDER' AMOUNT IN THE INVENTORY FILE WILL BE UPDATED. │ │ UPDATING: 01 100000 0010 279830 │ │ ** UPDATE COMPLETE - PRESS CR: _ │ │ │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[Enter] to return to PO header entry.
Displays the type of detail line and defaults to P (product). You can back up to change the default to D (description) by pressing [F3] at the next field (see FIELDS - DESCRIPTION LINE).
Enter a product code.
Alternatively, you can enter a product's QUICK CODE, UPC CODE, or LOGICAL CODE. When a package product is entered the program "explodes" the package components into separate detail lines. The "committed" quantity of a product is displayed at the bottom of the screen after the product code has been entered.
This message results from selecting a product code that corresponds to an item not normally supplied by the supplier indicated on the PO header.
[Enter] or "N" to not add item to supplier's product list.
"Y" to add item to supplier's list of normally supplied products.
[F2] to enter next sequential product code for supplier indicated on PO header.
Using [F2] followed by [F3] you can step through a supplier's complete list of products/codes one by one.
[F3] to return to previous field.
[F5] to access product code inquiry for selection.
See 30974 - PRODUCT CODE INQUIRY. If you press [F5] after a product code has been entered you are taken directly to Master Screen 4 of Product Maintenance for that product.
[Enter] to continue to quantity entry field.
[F3] to return to previous field.
[F8] to append up to three additional lines to product description.
See FIELDS - DESCRIPTION for text editing instructions.
Enter number of items to order.
[F1] to toggle between fractional and nonfractional quantities.
[F5] to display product distribution inquiry.
Enter quantity unit of measure.
If the product has only one unit of measure, the QUANTITY UNIT defaults to that unit. Units of measure for various product types are as follows.
"1", "2", "3", "4" or "5" to select associated unit of measure.
The following prompt is applicable when unit of measure PACK is selected for LUMBER type products only. This allows you to select from the available pieces per pack defaults or to enter a different number of pieces per pack. See 31013 - PRODUCT & INVENTORY MAINTENANCE.
Enter number of lumber pieces per pack.
The quantity will be converted to PIECES and a description will be appended to the product description: (1.00 PACKS AT 150 PIECES/PACK).
"1", "2" or "3" to select associated pieces per pack displayed.
[F3] to return to previous field.
This value defaults to the date entered in RECEIVED DATE field of the PO header. You can change this date by pressing [F3] at the next field.
For new PO's this value defaults to the quantity just entered in the ORDER QTY field. Normally you would only change this value during order receipt if the actual quantity received is different from the ordered quantity. Once a PO is completed, if the status is PENDING, you can change this value only by changing the quantity in the ORDER QTY field. If the status is ORDERED, you can enter a quantity here directly.
This field is bypassed during P.O. creation since it is only relevant only when the status of the P.O is ORDERED and the shipment has actually been received. The number here indicates the quantity to be back ordered. Normally the back ordered quantity is the difference between the ORDER QTY and the REC-QTY, although you can enter a different number if required. See 30111 - PURCHASE ORDERS, MODIFICATION - PROCEDURE BACK ORDERING.
Enter cost of product.
[Enter] to accept default cost.
This is the supplier cost for the "quote" unit, if it exists.
[F3] to return to previous field.
[F5] to accept supplier cost for base unit.
[F6] to accept supplier cost for alt 1 unit.
[F7] to accept supplier cost for alt 2 unit.
[F8] to accept last cost for base unit.
[F9] to accept last cost for alt 1 unit.
[F10] to accept last cost for alt 2 unit.
Options are only displayed if the associated costs exist for the product.
[Enter] to accept default value "N".
"N" to not apply a discount.
"Y" to apply a discount.
After completing the entry of detail lines, return to header entry and enter "A" to apply the discount. See 30111 - PURCHASE ORDERS, MODIFICATION - PROCEDURE HEADER MODIFICATION.
Displays the calculated total cost for the line.
After you complete each detail line you have the option of updating, deleting or modifying the line. The following prompt displays. If you update or delete the line you can continue with data entry for additional lines or exit to the header. See SEQ field above.
[Enter] to accept detail line.
The cursor moves to the SEQ field of the next detail line.
[F3] to re-enter data in line.
Press [F3] to back through fields to make any desired changes.
[F4] to delete detail line.
The cursor moves to the SEQ field of the next detail line.
At the T field (line type) you have the option of entering a description or a comment rather than a product detail line.
For example, the line could be a message to the supplier to substitute another product if one that you have ordered is not in stock. Or it could be instructions to your receiver about where you want a specific product stored or about special handling instructions.
If you select to enter a description line you will be presented with the following options.
"I" to print only on store copy of PO.
Select this option if you do not want the description to print on the supplier's copy of the PO.
"V" to print on BOTH store copy and supplier's copy of PO.
Select this option if the description or comment is intended for the supplier. It also prints on your own internal copy of the PO so that you have a record of what you wrote.
The editing screen opens to allow you to enter the text of your description. You may enter up to 6 lines, each of which may contain up to 30 characters of text. Text entry has automatic word wrap.
Special Editing Keys:
[HOME] to move cursor to the left margin of the current line.
[END] to move cursor to the right margin of the current line.
[INSERT] to toggle between INSERT and TYPEOVER modes.
[DELETE] to delete the character at cursor.
[BACKSPACE] to delete the character to the left of cursor.
[←] [→] [↑] [↓] to move cursor as indicated by selected arrow key.
[F2] to delete the current line.
[F6] to reformat text by removing extra spaces and hard returns.
[F4] to end text entry.