IdealWare Online Users ManualSP2-06-03 S/P PROCESSING |
│09/18/07 ***** SALE ORDER HEADER ENTRY ***** TERM: TE8 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SMAN JOHN BARKER ORDERED DATE 09/17/07 │ │ORDER# 01-C100559 TO-SHIP DATE 09/17/07 │ │DOCUM CASH SALE TO-SHIP TIME │ │TYPE CASH-CURRENT SHIPPED DATE 09/17/07 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │BILL-TO CASHSALE SORT JONEMIK SHIP-TO CASHSALE CONTRACT │ │NAME NAME MIKE JONES │ │ADDR1 ADDR1 1244 RIVER ROAD │ │ADDR2 ADDR2 │ │CITY AREA CITY VANCOUVER AREA │ │PROV PS CD PROV B.C. PS CD V5E 1F4 │ │PH# PH# 521-5522 │ │FAX# FAX# │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SMAN BARJO SHIP PICK UP CASH TOTAL 32.59 SUB-TOT 28.59 │ │LEV R PST Y GST Y SHIPPING INFO Y AMT PAID(0) .00 P.S.T. 2.00 │ │PST CODE SHIPDOC PRT'D N AMT OWING 32.59 G.S.T. 2.00 │ │CONT INVOICE PRT'D N DEP REQ'D .00 DLVRY .00 │ │PO# COMPLETE N COD METHOD TOTAL 32.59 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │** SELECT MAIN OPTION (F12 FOR OPTIONS); CR TO EXIT SALE: ______ │ │ PRESS F1 FOR DETAIL ENTRY SCREEN. │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[Enter] to exit order and return to order initialization.
[F1] to display order deail lines.
[F12] to display order modification options.
│09/18/07 ***** SALE ORDER HEADER ENTRY ***** TERM: TF1 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SMAN JOHN BARKER ORDERED DATE 09/17/07 │ │ORDER# 01-C100559 TO-SHIP DATE 09/17/07 │ │┌────────────────────────────< ORDER MAIN OPTIONS >────────────────────────────â”│ ││ ││ ││ CR/F4 = EXIT ORDER 'CANCEL' = CANCEL ORDER ││ ││ SHIFT-F1 = ACCEPT PAYMENT 'STATUS' = ORDER COMPLETION STATUS ││ ││ SHIFT-F2 = PAYMT & PRINT SIN 'CL' = CUSTOMER LEDGER INQUIRY ││ ││ F1 = MODIFY LINES 'CP' = DISPLAY CONTACTS/PRINCIPALS││ ││ F2 = MODIFY HEADER 'DI' = VIEW DELIVERY INFO ││ ││ F3 = RETURN TO ORDER INQUIRY 'PH' = PAYMENT HISTORY ││ ││ F5 = PRINT SIN 'PF' = PRINT RELATED FORMS ││ ││ SHIFT-F5 = PRINT THROUGH SLIP PRINTER 'RD' = REFUND DEPOSIT ││ ││ F6 = PRINT OPTIONS 'RF' = RELATED REFUNDS ││ ││ F7 = EXTRA PRINT OPTIONS 'RO' = RELATED ORDERS ││ ││ F8 = PAYMT & PRINT SIN 'PO' = RELATED SUPPLIER/P.O. ││ ││ F9 = QUICK SHIP 'EX' = EXPORT ORDER ││ ││ F10 = CONVERT 'MH' = MODIFICATION INQUIRY ││ ││ F11 = HOLD/UNHOLD 'N' = NOTES ││ ││ F12 = THIS LIST OF OPTIONS ││ ││ ││ ││** SELECT OPTION (CR TO EXIT WINDOW): ______ ││ │└──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘│ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[Enter] or [F4] to exit order options and return to displayed order.
If you are processing multiple orders selected from within the order inquiry program, press [Enter] to advance automatically to the next order in the list for processing.
[SHFT][F1] to accept payment towards order.
Applicable for CASH type orders only. 31561 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, PAYMENT PROCESSING.
[SHFT][F2] to print invoice on till slip printer and accept payment.
In systems configured for combined sale order entry and payment processing, from either the product code field of the detail screen or from the header screen, press [SHFT][F2] to print the invoice on the till slip printer and then advance to the payment screen to apply payment. The invoice that is printed on the till slip printer is immediately followed by a printout of the payment tendered information.
[F3] to stop processing selected orders.
"Y" to stop processing selected orders and return to order initialization.
From order initialization press [SHFT][F5] to return to the last inquiry screen display.
"N" to continue processing selected orders.
[F5] to print the invoice on the till slip printer.
[F7] to access extra print options.
See 31562 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, DOCUMENT PRINTING. This option is normally used for initially setting printers and for less frequently used print options.
[F8] to print invoice on till slip printer and accept payment.
In systems configured for combined sale order entry and payment processing, from either the product code field of the detail screen or from the header screen, press [F8] to print the invoice on the till slip printer and then advance to the payment screen to apply payment. The invoice that is printed on the till slip printer is immediately followed by a printout of the payment tendered information. This option differs from the [SHFT][F2] option in that you are prompted to confirm the payment amount before the payment screen is displayed. You can accept the full payment amount by pressing [Enter] or you can type a different amount if you are accepting partial payment, for instance a deposit on the sale. Your system can be configured to require password entry to accept less than the total amount due.
[F9] to access the SHIPPED DATE field on the header display.
Setting the SHIPPED DATE is often the last thing that must be done for deliveries in order to make them complete and selectable. After the SHIPPED DATE has been set, the program returns to the SELECT MAIN OPTION prompt from the Header Entry screen. See 31556 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, HEADER ENTRY - Field Definitions.
[F10] to access conversion options.
See 31565 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, MISC. CONVERT ORDERS - Quotation To/From Order. These options are used to copy/convert orders to quotations or quotations to orders. The program will not allow a quotation to be converted to a charge sale if the customer's credit is on hold. This program can not be used to convert a CASH type order to an ON ACCOUNT type order or vice-versa. To do this see 31565 - SALES ORDER ENTRY MISC. CONVERT ORDER - Cash To/From On Account.
[F11] to toggle order hold on/off.
An order is not complete and selectable unless it is off hold. If an order is on hold, the word HOLD is displayed to the right of the COMPLETE indicator.
Orders might be manually put on hold to ensure that they do not get updated through the order register & update program until they are taken off hold. If your system is configured accordingly, ON ACCOUNT type sales can be automatically placed on hold when they are created. This is typically done so that modifications can be made to the orders if required based on the changes indicated on the picking lists returned from the yard or warehouse. Once the modifications are made to the order, the order is taken off hold. Any of the following prompts may display.
If your system is configured accordingly, this prompt will appear when taking an order off hold if there are any product detail lines in the order that have either zero quantities or prices.
"O""K" to take order off hold with zero quantities or prices.
[Enter] to not take order off hold and return to order header.
If your system is configured accordingly, this prompt will appear when attempting to take an order off hold if there are any product detail lines in the order that have either zero quantities or prices.
[Enter] to clear prompt and return to order header.
If your system is configured accordingly, this prompt will appear when attempting to take an order off hold if there are range length lumber product details lines in the order that have not had piece/length tallies specified. See 31558 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, DETAIL ENTRY - Product Lines, Pieces/Lengths.
[Enter] to clear prompt and return to order header.
This prompt indicates that the order contains a special order detail line and that the corresponding purchase order has not yet been processed through the inventory receiving program (see 31566 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, MISC. GENERATE P.O.
[Enter] to clear prompt and return to order header.
Depending on your configuration, this prompt will appear when attempting to place an order on hold or take an order off hold.
Enter password.
If the password is not accepted the request will be denied and the cursor will return to the SELECT MAIN OPTION prompt of the header screen.
[Enter] to bypass.
[F12] to display order main options.
"C""A""N""C""E""L" to cancel order.
When an order is cancelled, it does not get removed from the system but instead gets flagged as cancelled. This effectively reverses the affect the order had the customer's committed balances or the product's committed quantities. Cancelled orders are complete and selectable through the order register & update program. Orders cannot be cancelled unless certain conditions are met. The following prompts cover the situations when an order can not be canelled.
This prompt indicates that the order has been transferred to the current store from another store for shipping and cannot be cancelled at the current store. The order must be cancelled from the source store.
[Enter] to clear prompt and return to order header.
This prompt indicates that the order is a payment transfer type refund which cannot be cancelled. See 31567 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, MISC. REFUND, PAYMENT TRANSFER.
[Enter] to clear prompt and return to order header.
This prompt indicates that the order has payment amounts made towards it and cannot be cancelled. The order can be cancelled once the AMOUNT PAID amount is zero. This is achieved by either creating reversing payment entries (see 31561 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, PAYMENT PROCESSING) or by voiding the original payments (see 31547 - CASH TILLS SALES ENTRY, VOID SALE/PAYMENT).
[Enter] to clear prompt and return to order header.
This warning indicates that the invoice document has been printed. This only applies if you do not perform invoice printing runs but instead consider the document printed from within sales order entry to be the final invoice document.
[Enter] to continue with cancellation of order.
[F3] to not cancel order and return to order header.
This prompt indicates that the order contains special order products lines that have generated purchase orders and purchase order details. Before the order can be cancelled, the lines that generated the purchase order lines must be deleted. See 31566 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, GENERATE P.O.
[Enter] to clear prompt and return to order header.
If your system is configured accordingly, a password is required before the order can be cancelled.
Enter appropriate password.
This prompt indicates that the password was not approved.
[Enter] to clear prompt and return to order header.
[F3] to not cancel order and return to order header.
"S""T""A""T""U""S" to display order completion status window.
"C""P" to display list of client contacts and principals.
"D""I" to display shipping information window.
See 31556 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, HEADER ENTRY - Field Definitions, Shipping Info.
"P""F" to print documents related to order.
[Enter] to clear prompt and return to order header.
"R""D" to create a refund deposit for order.
If a cash till batch has not been created you are taken directly to batch creation to initiate a payment batch. If a batch is already open, you are taken directly to the data entry screen to post the refund. See 31542 - CASH TILL SALES ENTRY, SALE/REFUND CREATE/ACCESS.
"R""F" to display related refunds, if any.
"R""O" to display related orders, if any.
"P""O" to display related supplier P.O.s, if any.
"E""X" to export order.
"M""H" to display list of modifications to order, if any.
"N" to display notes associated with order, if any.
Note, some options are not applicable to history orders and quotations. Non-applicable options will not display with these type orders.
This option is applicable only if orders have been selected for processing from within the order inquiry program.
See 31586 - ORDER INQUIRY.