IdealWare Online Users ManualSP2-06-08 S/P PROCESSING |
│10/22/07 ***** SALE ORDER DETAIL ENTRY ***** │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SMAN IDEAL SOFTW BILL-TO CASHSALE ORDERED 10/22/07 SHIPPED 00/00/00 │ │ORDER# 01-C109064 TYPE CASH-CURRENT TO-SHIP 10/22/07 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SUB-TOT: 784.85 PST: 51.79 GST: 54.94 DLVRY: .00 TOTAL: 891.58 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │LINE TP PRODUCT CODE QUANTITY OF PRICE PER ExTENSION PST GST SHP│ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │0010 P 5000B 1 PIECE 289.95 PIECE 289.95 Y Y 38 │ │===> DESCRIPTION: TABLE FANTASIA BLACK DELIVER ON-HOLD │ │0020 P 600TB 1 PIECE 169.95 PIECE 169.95 Y Y 01 │ │ DESCRIPTION: CHAIR, FANTASIA BLACK PICKUP PRINTED │ │0030 P 7003 1 PIECE 279.95 PIECE 279.95 Y Y 01 │ │ DESCRIPTION: RECTANGLE COFFEE TABLE PICKUP NOT PRT'D TRSF (11) │ │0040 P DEL 1 PIECE 45.00 PIECE 45.00 N Y 01 │ │ DESCRIPTION: DELIVERY CHARGE PICKUP PRINTED │ │ │ │ │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ *** MODIFY LINE 0010 OPTIONS *** │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │** CR=ACCEPT LINE, F1=SHIP/PRINT, F2=DELETE, F5=PRODUCT, F6=TAX: _ │ │ F8=DESCRIPTION, F9=QUANTITY, F12=PRICE │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Perform the order header entry.
Add the detail lines. You can indicate that the product is to be delivered via the SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS prompt. For enhanced line printing control, if the product is to be printed on a picking list, you can flag the line for printing via the SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS prompt.
If required, after detail lines have been added the shipping or printing status for each can be changed by modifying the line and selecting the SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS from the DETAIL MODIFICATION prompt.
If required, after detail lines have been added the shipping or printing status all of the lines in the order can be changed by using the SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS (ALL LINES) feature.
When you exit the order, if there are DELIVERY lines, the program prompts for a delivery charge and extra shipping information.
If you use a SERVICE PRODUCT for your delivery charge, the program defaults to the PRODUCT CODE of that product and the cursor advances to the PRICE field for entery. See 31665 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, DETAIL ENTRY PRODUCT LINES (SERVICE PRODUCTS).
If you use the "CI" (Cartage Inside) LINE TYPE for your delivery charge, the program defaults to LINE TYPE "CI" and the cursor advances to the EXTENSION field. Enter the delivery charge there. See 31668 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, DETAIL ENTRY OTHER LINES.
"N" to not initiate or modify delivery charge line.
When exiting the order, the program exits to the order header screen. When performing ship/print options (all lines), the program completes the current process and advances to the DETAIL OPTIONS prompt.
"Y" to initiate or modify delivery charge line.
Once the line has been updated the cursor advances to the ENTER/MODIFY SHIPPING INFORMATION prompt.
This prompt enables you to enter shipping information that may have been missed when the order was initially created.
"N" to not enter or modify shipping information.
The program returns to the SELECT MAIN OPTION prompt of the order header screen.
"Y" to enter or modify shipping information.
The program returns to the order header screen with the cursor positioned in the TO-SHIP DATE field. See 31595 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, HEADER ENTRY FIELD DEFINITIONS.
Enter date product to be delivered or picked up.
Enter customer name for CASH type order.
Enter shipping address for CASH or ON-ACCOUNT type order.
If your system is configured accordingly, enter the customer contact name.
If your system is configured accordingly, enter the customer PO number.
The cursor stops at the SHIPPING INFO indicator to enable access to the SHIPPING INFO window for further entry of shipping information if required.
"N" to bypass SHIPPING INFO window.
"Y" to access SHIPPING INFO window.
Enter deposit amount required for CASH type order.
Enter cash on delivery method for CASH type order.
[Enter] to accept shipping information.
The cursor returns to the UPDATE HEADER prompt of order header screen.See 31557 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, HEADER MODIFICATIONS.
[F3] to modify shipping information fields.
The order header screen displays after: (a) the lines have been properly flagged as DELIVERY; (b) if required, the lines have been properly flagged for printing; and (c) if desired, extra shipping information has been entered. From this screen the printing options can be performed to print the picking list if required. See 31562 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, DOCUMENT PRINTING.
The SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS prompt is used to indicate shipping information associated with a line and can be accessed when adding a line, when modifying a line, or via the SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS (ALL LINES) feature.
Use this option if you know shipping or printing details when adding a line. Access the SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS prompt by pressing [F1] at the PRODUCT OPTIONS prompt or the QUANTITY field. When adding a line, the SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS prompt is the last prompt displayed prior to line update.
Use this option to change shipping or printing details of a line after it has been added. Access the SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS prompt by pressing [F1] at the DETAIL MODIFICATION prompt.
Use this option to change shipping or printing details of all lines in the order. See PROCEDURE - SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS (ALL LINES).
Example Ship/Print Options Prompt display:
│10/22/07 ***** SALE ORDER DETAIL ENTRY ***** │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SMAN IDEAL SOFTW BILL-TO CASHSALE ORDERED 10/22/07 SHIPPED 00/00/00 │ │ORDER# 01-C109064 TYPE CASH-CURRENT TO-SHIP 10/22/07 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SUB-TOT: 784.85 PST: 51.79 GST: 54.94 DLVRY: .00 TOTAL: 891.58 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │LINE TP PRODUCT CODE QUANTITY OF PRICE PER ExTENSION PST GST SHP│ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │0010 P 5000B 1 PIECE 289.95 PIECE 289.95 Y Y 38 │ │===> DESCRIPTION: TABLE FANTASIA BLACK DELIVER ON-HOLD │ │0020 P 600TB 1 PIECE 169.95 PIECE 169.95 Y Y 01 │ │ DESCRIPTION: CHAIR, FANTASIA BLACK PICKUP PRINTED │ │0030 P 7003 1 PIECE 279.95 PIECE 279.95 Y Y 01 │ │ DESCRIPTION: RECTANGLE COFFEE TABLE PICKUP NOT PRT'D TRSF (11) │ │0040 P DEL 1 PIECE 45.00 PIECE 45.00 N Y 01 │ │ DESCRIPTION: DELIVERY CHARGE PICKUP PRINTED │ │ │ │ │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ *** MODIFY LINE 0010 OPTIONS *** │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │** CR=ACCEPT, F5=DELIVER, F6=PICKUP, F7=OTHER, F8=TRANSFER, F9=PRINT/HOLD │ │ F1=REPRINT, F10=LOC-01, F11=LOC-38, F12=OTHER LOCATION. │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[Enter] to accept selected shipping options.
If you are modifying the line, the cursor returns to the DETAIL MODIFICATION prompt. If you are using the SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS (ALL LINES) feature, the next line will display along with the SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS prompt.
This alert indicates that the line is a TRANSFER line and that the TRANSFER FROM location must be specified before exiting the SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS prompt. See F8=TRANSFER option.
[Enter] to clear alert and return to SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS prompt.
[F5] to indicate product is to be delivered.
The order will now be considered a DELIVERY in that it has one or more lines indicated for shipping.
[F6] to indicate product is to be picked up.
[F7] to indicate product to be shipped via some "other" method.
After the shipping method is indicated, the order will be considered a DELIVERY in that it has one or more lines indicated for shipping.
"L""C" to indicate product to be loaded onto customer vehicle.
"D" to indicate product to be delivered.
"D""S" to indicate shipment from supplier directly to customer.
"C" to indicate another company will deliver product.
"O" to enter description of an "other" shipping method.
Enter description.
The cursor returns to the SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS prompt.
[F3] to return to ENTER SHIP TYPE prompt.
[F3] to return to SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS prompt.
This option is applicable only if your system is configured for multiple stores.
[F8] to indicate product transfer from another store to selling store.
The product transfer must be completed before the product can be picked up or delivered at the selling store. The usual procedures after selecting a TRANSFER line are:
1. Enter "TRANSFER FROM" location.
Enter source store from which product to be transferred.
Use one of the SPECIFY LOCATION keys: [F10], [F11] or [F12]. You will not be able to exit the SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS prompt until the TRANSFER FROM STORE has been specified. Once the source store is entered, it will display in brackets beside the TRSF indicator.
2. Inform source store of transfer requirement.
Inform the other store of the transfer requirement. Note: future versions of IdealWare will automatically do this. The source store will then proceed with their product transferring process.
3. Procedures when product received.
An order with TRANSFER lines cannot be completed until all of the TRANSFER lines have been flagged as RECEIVED. When the product has been received from the source store, the product must be flagged as RECEIVED on the line as follows:
1. Modify the line.
3. Select the F8=TRANSFER option. When the F8=TRANSFER option is selected for a TRANSFER line the following prompt displays.
[F5] to verify product received from source store.
RCVD will display on the line.
[F6] to remove TRANSFER status from line.
4. Print transfer line. Change the PRINT status to NOT PRT'D by selecting [F9] from the SHIP/PRINT options prompt. Then print the appropriate picking list.
This option is applicable only if your system is configured for enhanced line printing control. See PROCEDURES - GENERAL PROCEDURES.
[F9] to toggle PRINT status between NOT PRT'D and HOLD.
If the PRINT status is ON-HOLD it will not be printed on any picking list until the PRINT status is changed to NOT PRT'D. If the PRINT status is NOT PRT'D the line will be printed on the next picking list that is printed.
This option is applicable only if the line is an OTHER STORE SHIPPING line, ie. the SHIPPING LOCATION is set to another store. In other words, your store is the source store and the other store is the selling store. Your system must also be configured for enhanced line printing control. OTHER STORE SHIPPING lines do not print on the picking list at the source store. If the other store is not setup to have a transfer order transmitted to it's computer system, then you must set the PRINT status of the OTHER STORE SHIPPING lines to PRINTED before the order can be completed.
[F1] to change PRINT status of line.
Pressing [F1] toggles the PRINT status from ON-HOLD or NOT PRT'D to PRINTED and from PRINTED to NOT PRT'D in order to reprint. The PRINT status cannot be changed without an appropriate password. The program prompts for a password.
Enter password.
The cursor returns to the SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS prompt. If the line was previously printed and you press [F1] to reprint, the following prompt displays.
Enter the password.
The cursor returns to the SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS prompt.
[F3] or [F4] to return to SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS prompt.
This option is applicable only if your system is configured for other store shipping and when the line is a transfer line.
[F10] to set SHIPPING or TRANSFER FROM location to your store.
This option is applicable only if your system is configured for other store shipping and when the line is a transfer line.
[F11] to set SHIPPING or TRANSFER FROM location to designated warehouse shipping location.
This option is applicable only if your system is configured for other store shipping.
[F12] to access product distribution inquiry.
Product distribution inquiry displays the product statistics of the product at the other stores and enables you to specify another store as the SHIPPING LOCATION or the TRANSFER FROM LOCATION, if a TRANSFER line.
Example Product Distribution Inquiry Screen display:
│ 10/22/07 **** PRODUCT DISTRIBUTION INQUIRY **** 21:45:36 │ │ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │ │ PRODUCT: 320570 10LB SLEDGE HAMMER BASE UNIT: EA │ │ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │ │ STORE ON-HAND ON-ORDER COMMITTED AVAILABLE AS OF DATE │ │ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │ │ 01 21- 0 115 136- ** CURRENT ** │ │ 02 15 0 2 13 ** CURRENT ** │ │ 03 0 0 0 0 ** CURRENT ** │ │ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- │ │ 6- 0 117 123- │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │ │ ** CR=EXIT, F3=EXIT, F4=EXIT, F9=REPORT, SPECIFY SHIP STORE: __ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ The |
The following confirmation prompt displays.
[Enter] to accept entry.
The cursor returns to the SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS prompt.
[F3] to return to inquiry.
[Enter], [F3] or [F4] to exit inquiry.
[F9] to print product distribution information.
The printer selection menu displays.
To access SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS (ALL LINES) press [F5] at the DETAIL OPTIONS prompt. Use this option to change the SHIPPING or PRINT status information for all of the lines in the order. Once all of the lines have been processed, the program enabless you to add or modify the DELIVERY CHARGE line and enter EXTRA SHIPPING information. You can process the lines in two ways.
This method enables you to select an option from the SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS and affect all of the lines in the same way. For example, you can choose [F5] and all of the lines in the order will have their SHIPPING STATUS changed to DELIVER.
This method displays each line one by one and enables you to select a separate option for each line as it displays.
At the DETAIL OPTIONS prompt of the detail entry screen select [F5].
[F5] to access SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS (ALL LINES) functions.
The following prompt displays. You can select to process all of the lines or to process each line on a line by line basis.
[F5] to process all lines automatically.
The SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS prompt displays.
Select any options from the SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS prompt. See PROCEDURE - SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS. After selecting the desired option, the program automatically scrolls through all of the lines and makes the appropriate change to each. When all of the lines have been processed, the ENTER SHIPPING OPTION OR PRESS CR TO EXIT prompt will again be displayed. Select [Enter] to end line processing.
[F6] to process each line separately.
The program displays the first line of the order along with the SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS prompt. See PROCEDURE - SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS. Select the desired option(s). Press [Enter] when you have finished entering all options for the line. The program will then display the next line of the order along with the SHIP/PRINT OPTIONS prompt. When all of the lines have been processed, the above ENTER SHIPPING OPTIONS OR PRESS CR TO EXIT prompt will again be displayed.
[Enter] to exit line processing.
Selecting "Y" at this prompt enables you to generate a delivery charge line. If a delivery charge line already exists, selecting "Y" at this prompt enables you to re-enter the delivery charge amount. Depending on the configuration of your system, you will use either a SERVICE PRODUCT or a "CI" LINE TYPE for your delivery charge line. See 31025 - STORE MASTER MAINTENANCE.