Setting up your Inventory Control system consists of two different processes. First master files must be created, such as files that contain your yard or store codes, product codes and descriptions, etc. Second current inventory levels must be transferred to IdealWare from your old system.
Setting up master files is referred to as file maintenance. After initial setup, you will continue to use these programs to make changes to existing records, add new records or delete obsolete records.
The file maintenance for your Inventory Control system consists of:
Store/Yard Master Maintenance (See 31025 - STORE MASTER MAINTENANCE)
Price Discount Maintenance (See 31012 - PRICE DISCOUNTS MAINTENANCE)
Product Type Maintenance (See 31022 - PRODUCT TYPE MAINTENANCE)
Product Group Maintenance (See 31018 - PRODUCT GROUP MAINTENANCE)
Packages Maintenance (See 31008 - PACKAGE MAINTENANCE)
Prior to starting any file maintenance you should make sure that your chart of accounts has been set up properly in your General Ledger system. When starting file maintenance for your Inventory Control system, we recommend strongly that you follow the above order. For example product type and product group codes are referenced on the product master file and thus must be set up beforehand.
Before beginning any file maintenance, please read through the sections in this manual for each of the above maintenance programs to get an understanding of what information is required for each of these files and how that information is used. Assemble all required information before you begin.
To make setting up your master files as easy and efficient as possible, clearly mark any new codes on the lists you are working from. Make sure any obsolete records have been deleted or marked off from the list. Print a listing for each of the above files during file maintenance to verify that all records are entered correctly.
It may also be possible for Ideal to transfer your product master file information from your old system or even from a spreadsheet list of your inventory. If you have an extensive or specialized inventory please ask your Ideal consultant if a product transfer from your old system is feasible.
Once all of your master files have been set up, you can transfer current inventory levels from your old system to IdealWare.
You may want to print some Product Group Master Forms, Product/Inventory Forms and/or Product Master Forms, Inventory Master Forms and Stock Count Forms to help you gather the information required for your various master files. Refer to the IY5 section of this manual for these forms programs.
Once the master files have been set up, current inventory levels will have to be entered for each product. This is done through the Stock Count Posting program.
Please refer to 30119 - STOCK COUNT POSTING for step by step details on how to use this program to enter current inventory figures. See also 29186 - SPECIAL PROCESSING, STOCK COUNT in this section of the manual.
When posting inventory through the Stock Count Posting program, IdealWare will debit the Inventory G/L account and credit the Inventory Off-Set G/L account. Since balances for these two accounts might be have been posted when posting the opening balances for the General Ledger, a journal entry is required to adjust the balances for both these accounts when you are finished setting up IdealWare.
Any outstanding purchase orders should be posted to the system. This is done through the Purchase Order Creation program. Please refer to 30110 - PURCHASE ORDERS CREATION for details on how to use this program.
It may be possible for Ideal to transfer your product balances from your old system. If you would like to investigate this possibility, please speak to your Ideal consultant.