Prior to running any month-end reports ensure that all posting of cheques, deposits, interest on bank accounts, bills and write-offs for the current month have been updated. Verify all cheque journals, deposit journals and deposit books to ensure all posting is complete.
Post all interest on interest-bearing trust accounts using the INT transaction code.
Ensure that no one posts and updates anything for the next month until the month-end process is complete.
Use the monthly billing report - by client, bills in progress - to determine if there were any invoice numbers used but no corresponding invoice posted. Determine why invoice amounts were not posted and either post those bills using the correct bill totals or bill the invoice at a zero value if the invoice number was used in error.
Unposted invoice numbers are usually caused by someone accidentally obtaining 2 invoice numbers for the same invoice. So caution is necessary to prevent inadvertently posting the invoice twice.
Print the aged A/R trial balance - by lawyer - and review all files with minor balances owing (under $50.00) or credit balances. Check these balances and perform any applicable posting of write-offs or corrections. Wherever possible, deal with the credit balances before continuing with the month-end.
Once the above have been completed, run the following programs and ensure they balance:
Time & Billing System Balancing Test (see ????? ).
A/R System Balancing Test (see 25567 A/R SYSTEM BALANCING TEST).
Trust System Balancing Test (see 14414 T/T SYSTEM BALANCING TEST).
If any of these tests do not balance, contact Ideal.
Print out any reports you require to provide an audit trail.
Run the month end purge program to carry over balances from the month ending into the next month. Do not run this program until all system balancing tests are completed successfully and all necessary reports printed.