IdealWare Online Users Manual

31592 Sales Order Entry, Misc. Transfer Sales




A transfer sale is an order in which merchandise is transferred from one store to another store. Transfer type sales are only applicable in multi-store environments. Payment is not applied to a transfer sale and the order is selectable via the order register & update program assuming that all other selection criteria are satisfied. See 31563 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, ORDER COMPLETION. The A/R system is not updated for transfer sales, however, separate transfer statistics are updated in the inventory system.


An already defined customer code which consists of an asterisk "*" followed by the other store's two character code is used when creating a transfer sale. The sort code is automatically set to the customer's code. See 31586 - SALES ORDER INQUIRY. Multi-site environments can be configured so that transfer sales generate a purchase order at the receiving store. This alleviates the need for the store to perform any manual inventory receipt entry.





At the sales order initialization screen select [F9] to initiate a transfer sale. See 31651 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, HEADER ENTRY TRANSFER SALE.


Example Transfer Sale Order Header display:

│09/17/07              ***** SALE ORDER HEADER ENTRY *****             TERM: TE7 â”‚
│SMAN   JOHN BARKER            ORDERED DATE 09/17/07                             â”‚
│ORDER# 01-A100563             TO-SHIP DATE 09/17/07                             â”‚
│DOCUM  TRANSFER SALE          TO-SHIP TIME                                      â”‚
│TYPE   ON-ACCOUNT-CURRENT     SHIPPED DATE 00/00/00                             â”‚
│BILL-TO  *02      SORT *02      (00002) SHIP-TO  *02      CONTRACT              â”‚
│NAME     STORE #2 - COQUITLAM           NAME                                    │
│ADDR1                                   ADDR1                                   â”‚
│ADDR2                                   ADDR2                                   â”‚
│CITY                  AREA              CITY                  AREA              â”‚
│PROV                  PS CD             PROV                  PS CD             â”‚
│PH#                                     PH#                                     â”‚
│FAX#                                    FAX#                                    â”‚
│SMAN      BARJO    SHIP PICK UP         CASH TOTAL            SUB-TOT       .00 │
│LEV R PST N GST N  SHIPPING INFO N      AMT PAID              P.S.T.        .00 â”‚
│PST CODE  EXEMPT   SHIPDOC PRT'D N      AMT OWING             G.S.T.        .00 â”‚
│CONT               INVOICE PRT'D N      DEP REQ'D             DLVRY         .00 â”‚
│PO#                COMPLETE      N      COD METHOD            TOTAL         .00 │
│ENTER SHIP-TO CUSTOMER CODE.                                                    │
│PRESS F12 FOR MORE OPTIONS.                                                     │
│                                                                                â”‚


The SHIP-TO code defaults to the store code entered in the BILL-TO field. You would only change this in the circumstance that the receiving store does not maintain its own administration, such as a warehouse that is identified by its own store code, but its accounting is maintained at another location with a different store code.

Enter receiving store code.


[Enter] to accept default value.


The program advances to the detail entry screen as soon as you select the SHIP-TO code.



At the detail entry screen enter the desired products to be transferred. See 31667 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, DETAIL ENTRY PRODUCT LINES (WAREHOUSE TRANSFERS). After entering all products press [F4] to return to the header screen.


Example Transfer Sale Order Header display:

│09/17/07              ***** SALE ORDER HEADER ENTRY *****             TERM: TE7 â”‚
│SMAN   JOHN BARKER            ORDERED DATE 09/17/07                             â”‚
│ORDER# 01-A100563             TO-SHIP DATE 09/17/07                             â”‚
│DOCUM  TRANSFER SALE          TO-SHIP TIME                                      â”‚
│TYPE   ON-ACCOUNT-CURRENT     SHIPPED DATE 00/00/00                             â”‚
│BILL-TO  *02      SORT *02      (00002) SHIP-TO  *02      CONTRACT              â”‚
│NAME     STORE #2 - COQUITLAM           NAME     STORE #2 - COQUITLAM           â”‚
│ADDR1                                   ADDR1                                   â”‚
│ADDR2                                   ADDR2                                   â”‚
│CITY                  AREA              CITY                  AREA              â”‚
│PROV                  PS CD             PROV                  PS CD             â”‚
│PH#                                     PH#                                     â”‚
│FAX#                                    FAX#                                    â”‚
│SMAN      BARJO    SHIP PICK UP         CASH TOTAL            SUB-TOT     14.57 â”‚
│LEV R PST N GST N  SHIPPING INFO N      AMT PAID              P.S.T.        .00 â”‚
│PST CODE           SHIPDOC PRT'D N      AMT OWING             G.S.T.        .00 â”‚
│CONT               INVOICE PRT'D N      DEP REQ'D             DLVRY         .00 â”‚
│PO#                COMPLETE      N      COD METHOD            TOTAL       14.57 â”‚
│** SELECT MAIN OPTION (F12 FOR OPTIONS); CR TO EXIT SALE: ______                â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚


[Enter] to exit sale.


[F1] to return to detail entry screen.


The sale can now be completed like any other sale. See 31563 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, ORDER COMPLETION.