SP2-03-07 S/P PROCESSING 31546 Cash Till Sales Entry, Misc. Suspend Sale
A sale or refund is suspended when payment cannot be processed for the sale at the present time. For example, the customer must return to his car to get his wallet.
A cash till sales batch cannot be closed if there are any suspended sales in the batch. There are two ways to determine which sales are suspended in order to process them. Use the cash till sales header inquiry: press [F5] at the sale/refund creation/access screen to display sales in the batch. Or print the suspended sales summary: select "Y" at the first prompt in the close batch procedure. You may find it preferable to cancel payments rather than suspend the sale, since there is less processing involved.
At the payment processing screen enter "S" to suspend the sale or refund. You are then prompted to confirm.
Enter the suspended sale slip number at the SALES SLIP# field of the sale/refund creation/access screen. The following prompt displays.
"Y" to reinstating suspended sale.
This option enables you to continue processing the sale payment. The till slip will be re-printed.
"N" to not reinstate suspended sale.
The program then prompts you want to void the sale. See 31547 - CASH TILL SALES ENTRY MISC. VOID SALE/PAYMENT.