IdealWare Online Users ManualIY2-01 I/Y PROCESSING |
│06/11/07 Tm6 ***** INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS ***** 3YAJI1 │ │ │ │ │ │ COMPANY NUMBER 01 IDEAL BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. │ │ BATCH NUMBER 0044 │ │ BATCH STATUS NEW BATCH │ │ │ │ STORE CODE 01 IDEAL BUILDING SUPPLY LTD │ │ OPERATOR CODE _____ │ │ BATCH TYPE │ │ UPDATE METHOD │ │ REASON CODE │ │ CONTROL TOTAL │ │ G/L DATE │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ENTER OPERATOR CODE (PRESS F5 FOR OPERATOR INQUIRY). │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter your salesman/operator code.
[F5] to display list of codes for selection.
Displays batch type.
Defaults to "A", Adjustment.
Be sure of the update method. Once the update method has been set for a batch, you cannot change it.
[Enter] to accept default value "A".
"A" to add or subtract figures to current product totals.
"C" to clear current figures and replace with figures entered in batch.
[F3] to return to previous field.
The selection here becomes the default value for each detail line entry, but you can change the reason code during data entry.
Enter reason for the adjustment(s).
[F3] to return to previous field.
[F5] to display list of reason codes for selection.
If you know the correct total dollar value of the entries to be made in the batch, you can enter that amount here as a check sum to verify that all data entries have been entered accurately in the batch.
Enter control total.
[Enter] to bypass.
[F3] to return to previous field.
Enter date to affect general ledger.
[Enter] to accept the current system date.
[F3] to return to previous field.
Example Batch Header display:
│04/30/07 Tm5 ***** INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS ***** 3YAJI1 │ │ │ │ │ │ COMPANY NUMBER 01 IDEAL BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. │ │ BATCH NUMBER 0033 │ │ BATCH STATUS NEW BATCH │ │ │ │ STORE CODE 01 IDEAL BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. │ │ OPERATOR CODE BRIAN BRIAN FORD │ │ BATCH TYPE A ADJUSTMENT │ │ UPDATE METHOD A ADD/SUBTRACT │ │ REASON CODE USE STORE USE │ │ CONTROL TOTAL 189.06 │ │ G/L DATE 04/30/07 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │** PRESS F1 FOR DATA ENTRY; F3 TO CHANGE ABOVE; F4 TO END: ______ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[F1] to continue to data entry.
[F3] to reenter batch header information.
[F4] to exit to menu.
When you select Adjustments from the Inventory Processing menu, if there are existing batches the first batch on file displays. You can process the displayed batch, select another batch, if any, or create a new batch.
Example Batch Header display:
│04/29/07 Tm3 ***** INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS ***** 3YAJI1 │ │ │ │ │ │ COMPANY NUMBER 01 IDEAL BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. │ │ BATCH NUMBER 0029 │ │ BATCH STATUS OPEN BATCH TO BE PRINTED │ │ │ │ STORE CODE 01 IDEAL BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. │ │ OPERATOR CODE BARJO JOHN BARKER │ │ BATCH TYPE A ADJUSTMENT │ │ UPDATE METHOD A ADJUST (ADD/SUBTRACT) │ │ REASON CODE DAM DAMAGED OR BROKEN │ │ CONTROL TOTAL .00 │ │ G/L DATE 07/06/06 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │** OPTIONS: SPECIFY YARD/BATCH#; CR=NEW BATCH; F1=BATCH OPTIONS: ______ │ │ F2=NEXT; F3=G/L DATE; F4=END │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter a different batch number.
Enter a 2 digit store code + 4 digit batch number (ie 010029, as in the example display above).
[Enter] to create a new batch.
[F1] to display batch options for selection.
[F2] to display next batch on file, if any.
[F3] to re-enter batch header information.
[F4] to exit to menu.
If the displayed batch is unavailable for data entry, BATCH STATUS will be IN USE and the following prompt displayed.
Enter a different batch number.
Enter a 2 digit store code + 4 digit batch number (ie 010029, as in the example display above).
[Enter] to create a new batch.
[F2] to display next batch on file, if any.
[F4] to exit to menu.
To access the batch options press [F1] at the batch selection screen when the header of an open batch is displayed or press [F4] at the SEQ# field of the detail entry screen after you have completed data entry. The following menu of options displays.
│ │ │ ** BATCH REGISTER OPTIONS: │ │ │ │ (D) DATA ENTRY (U) UPDATE BATCH │ │ (R) PRINT REGISTER (A) ABORT BATCH │ │ │ │ ** CHOOSE FROM ABOVE (F3=BATCH SELECTION; F4=END): _ │ │ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
"D" to access data entry for further processing.
"R" to print batch registers.
"U" to update batch.
"A" to abort the batch.
"A""B""O""R""T" to abort batch.
Enter your password.
The batch is deleted without further warning.
[Enter] to cancel and return to Batch Options menu.
[Enter] to cancel abort and return to Batch Options menu.
[F3] to exit to batch selection screen.
[F4] to exit to menu.
Adjustments Detail Line Entry Example display:
│04/29/07 ***** INVENTORY STOCK ADJUSTMENT POSTING ***** │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │BATCH#: 0035 CONTROL: .00 ACTUAL: .00 LEFT: .00 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SEQ# PRODUCT LOCATION QUANTITY UNIT COST UNIT VALUE REASON │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │00001 328070 1.00 EA 15.500 EA 15.50 DAM │ │_____ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Displays current batch number.
Displays value, if any, entered in CONTROL TOTAL field of batch header.
Displays current value of all items entered in detail line fields.
Displays difference between values displayed in CONTROL and ACTUAL fields.
If you enter an accurate control total during batch header entry, the value of the LEFT field will equal .00 when you have complete detail data entry correctly.
[Enter] to automatically display next sequential number for detail entry.
If you enter an already existing sequence number, the following options are available.
[Enter] to return to SEQ #.
You can then press [Enter] to add a new detail line.
"D" to delete detail line.
"Y" to delete the line.
"N" to not delete the line.
[F2] to display detail lines.
Enter number of beginning line to display.
[Enter] to begin display from first line.
[F4] to return to detail display screen.
[F4] to exit batch header selection screen.
Enter product code of item to post adjustments.
Alternatively, you can enter the product's QUICK CODE, UPC CODE, or LOGICAL CODE.
[F5] to display propduct inquiry for selection.
After you have selected a product, its description is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Displays store code where product is physically located.
Depending on your system configuration, this field may be empty.
Enter quantity of product affected by adjustment.
Enter unit of measure corresponding to quantity to be adjusted.
[Enter] to accept displayed default unit of measure.
If the product has only one unit of measure, the UNIT field is automatically set to that unit of measure. When multiple units of measure are available for the product the system displays them at the bottom of the screen for selection.
Enter cost for item.
[Enter] to accept default figure (average cost, last cost).
[F9] to accept last recorded cost for item.
Enter unit of measure corresponding to cost of product.
Displays automatically calculated total value of product affected by adjustment.
The program calculates this total after the cost and cost unit figures are entered. Value adjusted = quantity adjusted times the cost. The program will allow the operator to modify the adjustment value. If the value is changed from the calculated value, the transactional cost will be recalculated based on the new value divided by the quantity. This may be particularly useful when you know the quantity and value of the adjustment, but don't know the exact cost.
Enter reason code for making adjustment.
[Enter] to accept default code entered at batch header.
[F5] to display list of reason codes for selection.
After you enter each line of data, the following prompt appears at the bottom of the screen.
[Enter] to accept detail line.
The prompt is positioned in the SEQ# field of the next detail line.
[F3] to modify data in line.
Press [F3] at any field to return to the previous field.
[F4] to delete line and cancel all data entered in line.
When you have completed data entry press [F4]. You are then returned to the batch header screen with the batch you have just created or modified selected and the batch options displayed (see PROCEDURE - BATCH CREATION, PROCEDURE - BATCH MODIFICATION, and PROCEDURE - BATCH OPTIONS).
The adjustment batch registers consist of the following.
This register prints a detailed report showing each product affected by the adjustment. The program calculates an adjusted cost for each product affected based on the quantity and value of the adjustments made.
This register prints quantity, value and cost information corresponding to before and after the adjustment(s).
This register prints a summary report showing how the general ledger will be affected by the adjustment(s). The program uses the general ledger codes defined in the A/P currency code and the product group file.
Once the registers have been printed, the program returns to the batch selection screen. The registers should be reviewed for such things as invalid costs (detail register) indicating that average costs might be incorrect, and inaccurate quantities (movement register) indicating that inventory might not be up to date.
Once the registers have been reviewed, entries can be modified or deleted if required or the batch can be updated if no further corrections are needed.
The adjustments batch updates the following files.
On-Hand quantities, values and average costs and product statistics are affected.
Inventory is debited and/or credited. Inventory adjustments is debited and/or credited.
If your system is configured with multi-site integration, the adjustment register batch is transferred to the head office for updating.
To access the batch options press [F1] at the batch selection screen or press [F4] at the SEQ# field of the detail data entry screen.
The batch options menu displays (see PROCEDURE - BATCH OPTIONS). To print the batch registers, select "R". You are taken to the printer selection menu.
│08/14/07 ***** PRINTER SELECTION ***** │ │ │ │ │ │** MAKE SURE PRINTER IS READY BEFORE PRESSING CR ..... │ │ │ │1. PRINTER NAME ................................. P1 OKIDATA 390 │ │ │ │2. CHARACTERS PER INCH ? (10,12,17) ............. 10 │ │ SINGLE OR DOUBLE DENSITY ? (S,D) ............. S SINGLE DENSITY │ │ │ │** PRESS CR TO SET PRINTER, OPTION# TO CHANGE, F4 TO END (BYPASS): _ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
"1" to change printers.
"2" to change the CPI and/or print density.
[Enter] to print.
[F4] to not print and exit to the menu.
[F5] to display a list of printers for selection.
When adjustments are printed, the changes are posted to the inventory and inventory adjustments G/L accounts and a summary report is printed.
After printing the registers, you are returned to the batch options menu.
To update the batch, select "U" from the batch options menu (see PROCEDURE - BATCH OPTIONS). If the registers have not yet been printed the following error message displays.
[Enter] to return to batch options menu.
Print the registers and then update the batch. After updating you are returned to the menu.
An example Inventory Adjustment Detail Register printout follows.
IDEALWARE - 01 IDEALWARE - OPERATOR: BRIAN 04/29/96 16:46:58 PAGE: 1 INVENTORY ADJUSTMENT REGISTER (ADD OR SUBTRACT OPTION) - BATCH 0033 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEQ# PRODUCT DESCRIPTION INPUT QTY STD QTY COST VALUE OLD VALUE ADJUSTMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00001 327420 302-4" ELECTRICIAN S 1 EA 1 2.19 EA 2.19 6.57 2.19 DAM 00002 324320 WEISER A101H-26D PAS 1 EA 1 14.33 EA 14.33 186.22 14.33 DAM 00003 508458 B&D #97152 14.4v XR 1 EA 1 78.38 EA 78.38 156.75 78.38 DAM 00004 601290 GALV PIPE 4"x 60" 30 2 EA 2 2.95 EA 5.90 14.75 5.90 GRP 00005 275410 1X1 D&BTR CLR S1S WR 100 LIN 8 .77 LIN 76.46 4,129.82 76.46 DAM 5/10 5/10 00006 604440 ARROW 584 1/4 BOSTIC 2 PKG 2 1.83 PKG 3.67 14.67 3.67 USE 00007 108600 1X8 2&BTR N/H CHAN W 3 PCS 6 312.63 MFBM 1.88 1,489.97 1.88 USE 00008 348030 P-450 OLFA PLASTC/LA 1 EA 1 4.15 EA 4.15 45.65 4.15 MTC 00009 601090 OAK SCREW CAPS 100/P 1 EA 1 2.10 EA 2.10 4.20 2.10 DAM ---------- ---------- ---------- REGISTER TOTALS: 189.06 6,048.60 189.06 ========== ========== ========== RECORDS: 9 ACTUAL: 189.06 CONTROL: 189.06 DIFFERENCE: .00 FIELDS SEQ# sequence in batch PRODUCT product code DESCRIPTION description of product INPUT QTY number of units STD QTY standard quantity unit of product COST cost and costing unit VALUE total value of items adjusted OLD VALUE old value of inventory for item ADJUSTMENT adjustment to the old value Example Inventory Adjustment Movement Register printout: IDEALWARE - 01 IDEALWARE - OPERATOR: BRIAN 04/29/96 16:46:59 PAGE: 1 INVENTORY ADJUSTMENT REGISTER (ADD OR SUBTRACT OPTION) - BATCH 0033 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** MASTER BEFORE **** ****** ADJUSTED ******* **** MASTER AFTER ***** COST PRODUCT DESCRIPTION QTY VALUE COST QTY VALUE COST QTY VALUE COST CHANGE % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 108600 1X8 2&BTR N/H CHAN 4766 1,489.97 312.63 6 1.88 313.33 4772 1,491.85 312.62 .01- 275410 1X1 D&BTR CLR S1S W5399948 4,129.82 .76 8 76.46 9178.87 5399956 4,206.28 .78 .02 1.99 324320 WEISER A101H-26D PA 13 186.22 14.32 1 14.33 14.33 14 200.55 14.33 .01 .04 327420 302-4" ELECTRICIAN 3 6.57 2.19 1 2.19 2.19 4 8.76 2.19 .00 348030 P-450 OLFA PLASTC/L 11 45.65 4.15 1 4.15 4.15 12 49.80 4.15 .00 508458 B&D #97152 14.4v XR 2 156.75 78.38 1 78.38 78.38 3 235.13 78.38 .01 .01 601090 OAK SCREW CAPS 100/ 2 4.20 2.10 1 2.10 2.10 3 6.30 2.10 .00 601290 GALV PIPE 4"x 60" 3 5 14.75 2.95 2 5.90 2.95 7 20.65 2.95 .00 604440 ARROW 584 1/4 BOSTI 8 14.67 1.83 2 3.67 1.84 10 18.34 1.83 .00 .18- ---------- ---------- ---------- BATCH TOTALS: 6,048.60 189.06 6,237.66 ========== ========== ========== FIELDS PRODUCT product code DESCRIPTION description of product MASTER BEFORE values before adjustments QTY quantity VALUE value COST average cost ADJUSTED adjusted values QTY quantity VALUE value COST average cost MASTER AFTER values after adjustments QTY quantity VALUE value COST average cost COST CHANGE change in cost of item due to adjustment % percentage change in item cost Example G/L Posting Summary printout: IDEALWARE 04/29/96 16:46:59 PAGE: 1 GENERAL LEDGER POSTING SUMMARY SOURCE CODE: YJ BATCH NUMBER: 0033 G/L DATE: 04/29/96 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DEBIT CREDIT CODE NAME AMOUNT AMOUNT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01-00-1300 Inventory 189.06 01-00-5098 Inventory Adjustments 189.06 ------------ ------------ 189.06 189.06 FIELDS SOURCE CODE designates batch type BATCH NUMBER number of batch which generated the posting DATE date of posting ACCOUNT CODE G/L account code ACCOUNT NAME G/L account name DEBIT AMOUNT the debited amount CREDIT AMOUNT the credited amount
Defaults to the current company number.