IdealWare Online Users Manual

GS3-01 G/S Processing
29088 Batch Control




Ideal software are batch oriented applications and new data is not entered directly into the transaction data files but rather stored in temporary workfiles that are subsequently updated to the transaction files.


IdealWare Only:


Purchase Ordering and Sale Order Entry create special workfiles called "current order files" which immediately affect certain time-sensitive information and are accessible to all concurrent operators.



A/P Cash Receipts Entry Only:


The A/R Cash Receipts Entry program affects the A/R Transaction files immediately as data is entered in the batch. This is the only program where the transaction files are affected directly.



This article explains the general procedures used to manage the batches in which you enter new transaction data. Each program is described in detail in its specific section of this manual.





To enter new transaction data you must first create a new batch or access an existing open batch. The new data is stored in the workfiles of the batch and, until the batch is updated, the data in the workfiles may be accessed and modified, deleted or added to. When a batch is updated to the transaction data files the temporary workfiles are purged and the batch is "closed," meaning that it is no longer accessible. The batch number assigned to the batch is removed from the system.


Originally, all batches were terminal dependent, meaning that they were only accessible from the specific terminal at which they were created. Now, however, most batch type programs allow the creation of batches which are not terminal dependent. This means that a batch created at one terminal is accessible from any other terminal. For integrity of data, of course, a batch may be open on only one terminal at a time. That terminal "locks" the batch, preventing access by any other terminal.


The A/R and A/P modules still use some terminal dependent batching procedures. The G/L, Inventory Maintenance, Inventory Processing and Sale Order Processing modules now use terminal independent multi-access batching exclusively. The actual procedures for creating a batch, accessing a batch and entering data vary somewhat between terminal dependent and terminal independent batches and both procedures are explained below.


The program automatically numbers each new batch with the next available sequential number for that batch type. No number is used more than once. When a batch is closed or aborted, the number assigned to that batch is not available for reuse. The program also automatically assigns each transaction within a batch a unique sequence number where appropriate.




Terminal Dependent Batch Type


When beginning transaction data entry, the program displays the Batch Header screen:


Example Terminal Dependent Batch Header display:

│08/15/96 Tm7           ***** A/R CASH RECEIPT ENTRY *****                3RCRI1 â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│          COMPANY:            01  IDEAL COMPANY LTD.                            │
│          BATCH NUMBER:       0017                                              │
│                                                                                â”‚
│          G/L DATE:           MMDDYY                                            │
│          RECEIPTS TOTAL:                                                       │
│                                                                                â”‚

Some of the fields in the Batch Header screen will already contain information, such as the company name and the automatically generated batch number. Other information must be entered manually, such as the G/L Date and the Control Total.


G/L Date


The date entered in this field determines to which month the entries in the batch are to be posted in your General Ledger. Pressing [Enter] will set this to the current system date and therefore post all entries to the current month. If you wish to post to a different month (including any future month) enter a date within the desired month using the format MMDDYY.


Some batching programs allow G/L posting based on transaction dates rather than the batch date. This option is controlled by parameter settings.


Control Total


The value entered here acts as a check sum against the total value of transactions entered in the batch. If desired, run a calculator tape on the entries to be made and enter the total in this field. The running total of the transactions entered into the batch and the control total are displayed at the top of the data entry screen as well as on the register that you will print prior to updating the batch.


In some programs, you will not be able to update the batch if the actual total of the batch does not equal the control total.


When you have completed entry of the batch header, the following prompt is displayed:




[Enter] to advance to data entry.


See 29090 DATA ENTRY.



[F3] to change the Control Total or G/L Date.


[F4] to exit and return to the menu.


Terminal Independent, Multi-Access Batch Type


Example Terminal Independent Batch Header display:

│08/15/96 Tm7          ***** INVENTORY RECEIPT ENTRY *****                3YRCI1 â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│          COMPANY:            IDEAL COMPANY LTD.                                │
│          BATCH NUMBER:       0061                                              â”‚
│          BATCH STATUS:       NEW BATCH                                         â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│          STORE:              01   IDEAL COMPANY LTD                            │
│          OPERATOR CODE:      _____                                             â”‚
│          G/L DATE:                                                             â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│ENTER OPERATOR CODE (PRESS F5 FOR OPERATOR INQUIRY).                            â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚


Starting a batch in a module with multi-access batching procedures is similar, but with some minor differences. As with terminal dependent batches, some of the fields in the Batch Header screen will already contain information such as the company name, the automatically generated batch number, batch status and store number and description, where applicable. The other information must be entered manually, such as the Operator Code and the G/L Date.


Operator Code


Each user is assigned an operator code. The code of the operator creating the new batch must be entered here. Pressing [F5] will display a list of existing operator codes for selection.


G/L Date


As with terminal dependent batches, the date entered in this field determines to which month the entries in the batch are to be posted in your General Ledger. Pressing [Enter] will set this to the current system date and therefore post all entries to the current month. If you wish to post to a different month (including any future month) enter a date within the desired month using the format MMDDYY.


Some batching programs allow G/L posting based on transaction dates rather than the batch date. This option is controlled by parameter settings.


When you have completed entry of the batch header, the following prompt is displayed:




[F1] to advance to data entry.


See 29090 DATA ENTRY.



[F3] to change either the Operator Code or the G/L date.


[F4] to exit and return to the menu.





Terminal Dependent Batch Type


When you access an existing open batch, the header fields will be completed and the following prompt displayed at the bottom of the screen:


Example Terminal Dependent Batch Header display:

│08/16/96 Tm6           ***** A/R CASH RECEIPT ENTRY *****                3RCRI1 â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│          COMPANY:            01  IDEAL COMPANY LTD.                            │
│          BATCH NUMBER:       0016                                              â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│          G/L DATE:           08/15/96                                          â”‚
│          RECEIPTS TOTAL:       2,500.00                                        â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│** PRESS CR TO CONTINUE; F3 TO RE-ENTER; F4 TO END:                             â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚


[Enter] to advance to data entry.


See 29090 DATA ENTRY.



[F3] to change the Control Total or G/L Date.


[F4] to exit and return to the menu.


If you want to create a new batch at this terminal in this program, you must first close the existing open batch (see 29092 UPDATING). Terminal dependent batching will only allow one open batch in a program per terminal. You may have open batches in several different programs, but only one per program on that terminal.



Terminal Independent, Multi-Access Batch Type


When you access an existing open batch, the header fields will be completed and the following prompt displayed at the bottom of the screen:


Example Terminal Independent Batch Header display:

│08/16/96 Tm6          ***** INVENTORY RECEIPT ENTRY *****                3YRCI1 â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│          COMPANY:            IDEAL COMPANY LTD.                                │
│          BATCH NUMBER:       0049                                              â”‚
│          BATCH STATUS:       OPEN BATCH                                        â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│          STORE:              01   IDEAL COMPANY LTD                            │
│          OPERATOR CODE:      JOHN BARKER                                       â”‚
│          G/L DATE:           06/07/96                                          â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│            F2=NExT; F3=G/L DATE; F4=END:                                       â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
   F2=NEXT; F3=G/L DATE; F4=END:


[Enter] to create a new batch (see above).


[F1] to display batch options.


See 29089 BATCH OPTIONS. If you want to enter additional data into this batch you must first select Batch Options and then select the Data Entry option.



[F2] to display the header of the next open batch (if any).


In terminal independent batching, there is no limit to the number of open batches in a program.



[F3] to change the G/L date of this batch.


[F4] to exit the batch and return to the menu.