IdealWare Online Users ManualAR4-05 A/R MAINTENANCE |
│ 07/03/07 ***** NOTES SUMMARY ***** 14:19:58 │ │ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │ │ ACCESS CODE: GARLI GARIBALDI LIMITED │ │ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │ │ PRIORITY DATE SEQ DESCRIPTION │ │ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │ │ **** END OF FILE **** │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │ │ ** ENTER LINE NUMBER OF NOTES TO DISPLAY; F4 TO EXIT; F9 TO CLEAR NOTES: _ │ │ F1 FOR LINE MODE; PG-UP; PG-DN; (A)DD NOTES; (Q)ICK ADD; (C)OPY NOTES. │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter line number of note to display details of that note.
[F1] to toggle between line mode and page mode.
[F4] to exit and return to maintenance or inquiry screen.
[F9] to delete notes.
"A" to add a note.
"Q" to quick add a note.
"C" to copy notes.
[PG-UP] and [PG-DN] to move up or down through existing notes.
To add a note select "A" at the notes summary screen.
│ 07/03/07 ***** NOTES DETAILS ***** HH:MI:SS │ │ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ │ │ ACCESS CODER: GARBU GARIBALDI LIMITED │ │ DATE: MMDDYY │ │ SEQUENCE: │ │ DESCRIPTION │ │ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ │ │ ENTER NOTE'S RELEVANT DATE, SELECT OPTION BELOW OR PRESS F2 TO SCAN: │ │ (CR='99/99/99'-LOW PRIORITY, F9=CURRENT DATE, F10='00/00/00'-HIGH PRIORITY). │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter a relevant date.
If you enter a specific date for the note it will be given medium priority on the summary screen.
[Enter] to assign the date 99/99/99.
The note is given low priority.
[F2] to scan existing notes.
[F2] to scan existing notes one by one.
[F3] or [F4] to return to summary screen.
[PG-UP] or [PG-DN] to scan notes a page at a time.
[F9] to assign the current system date.
The note is given medium priority.
[F10] to assign the date 00/00/00.
The note is given high priority.
Enter a sequence code of 2 alpha/numeric characters.
The sequence code is used to distinguish notes of the same priority, ie to display three high priority notes each one would have a different sequence code.
Enter a brief description for the supplier notes summary display screen.
You may enter up to 55 characters.
Enter the text of the note.
You may enter up to 999 lines of text in a note; text entry has automatic word wrap.
Special Editing Keys:
[HOME] to move cursor to the left margin of the current line.
[END] to move cursor to the right margin of the current line.
[INSERT] to toggle between INSERT and TYPEOVER modes.
[DELETE] to delete the character at cursor.
[BACKSPACE] to delete the character to the left of cursor.
[←] [→] [↑] [↓] to move cursor as indicated by selected arrow key.
[F2] to delete the current line.
[F6] to reformat text by removing extra spaces and hard returns.
[F4] to end text entry.
[Enter] to accept edits and update note.
[F2] to re-enter editing mode.
[F4] to cancel note.
You are returned to a blank note detail entry screen where you can either compose another note or press [F4] to return to the notes summary screen display.
To quick add a note select "Q" at the notes summary screen. If there are no existing notes the system takes you to the description line and automatically sets the note date to 99/99/99 (low priority) and the sequence to AG.
Enter a description (up to 55 characters) for the note summary.
[F3] to re-enter the sequence code or date.
When you select "Q" at the notes summary screen to quick add a note, if there are existing notes the system takes you to the detail screen of the last note in the file and displays the following prompt:
[F2] to scan existing notes one by one.
[F3] or [F4] to return to summary screen.
"M" to make changes to the note.
You may use the existing note as a template for a new note, press [F3] to change either the date (priority) or sequence code so that the original note is not overwritten. See MODIFY OR DELETE A NOTE.
"D" to delete the note.
To modify or delete an existing note enter the line number of the note you wish modify or delete at the notes summary screen. The system takes you to the detail screen of that note and displays the following prompt:
[F2] to scan existing notes one by one.
[F3] or [F4] to return to note summary screen.
"M" to modify the note.
You are taken to the description line of the note where you may enter a new description that will appear on the notes summary display.
[F3] to re-enter date (to change priority) and/or sequence code.
[Enter] to accept changes and advance to next field.
Edit the text of the note
You may enter up to 999 lines of text in a note; text entry has automatic word wrap.
For special editing keys see ADD A NOTE.
[F4] to end text editing.
[Enter] to accept modifications and update the note.
[F2] to re-enter editing mode.
[F4] to cancel changes to the note.
You are returned to a blank note detail entry screen where you can either compose another note or press F4 to return to the notes summary screen display.
"D" to delete the note.
"N" to not delete the note.
"Y" to delete the note.
You can not undelete the note.
You are returned to a blank note detail entry screen where you can either compose another note or press [F4] to return to the notes summary screen display.
To copy a note select "C" at the notes summary screen. The target file can be a supplier, customer or product note, depending on where you accessed the notes utility.
Enter the code to which you wish to attach a copy of the note(s).
"A" to copy all notes to the selected target file.
[Enter] to select specific notes to copy to target file.
Each note summary is displayed one at a time for selection.
"Y" to copy the note to target.
"N" to not copy the note.
Pressing [Enter] defaults to No.
[Enter] to copy note and also retain in the source file.
Example Customer Notes Summary display:
│06/15/07 ***** CUSTOMER NOTES SUMMARY ***** 14:17:02│ │──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ CUSTOMER: MAGCED MAGNIFICENT CEDAR INC. │ │──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ PRIORITY DATE SEQ DESCRIPTION │ │──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ 1 HIGH 00000000 01 JOB# ON INVOICES REQ'D. AUTH TO PURCH: GREG JONES │ │ 2 HIGH 00000000 02 MAKE SURE ORDER IS WILLOW PEAK NOT WILLOW- GROVE OR FOX │ │ 3 MED 06/15/07 01 SPOKE WITH JOAN RE A/R │ │**** END OF FILE **** │ │ │ │──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │** ENTER LINE NUMBER OF NOTES TO DISPLAY; F4 TO EXIT; F9 TO CLEAR NOTES: _ │ │ PG-UP; PG-DN; (P)RINT; (A)DD NOTES; (Q)UICK ADD; (C)OPY NOTES. │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Displays the customer code and name.
Displays the priority of the note. See detail screen for more information.
Displays the date of the note for medium priority notes. See detail screen for more information.
Displays the sequence of the note.
For example, if there are multiple high priority notes they are differentiated with different sequence numbers. See detail screen for more information.
Displays the summary description of the note. More note details can be displayed via the detail screen.
Example Customer Notes Detail display:
│06/15/07 ***** CUSTOMER NOTES DETAILS ***** 14:33:48│ │──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ CUSTOMER: MAGCED MAGNIFICENT CEDAR INC. │ │ PRIORITY: MED DATE: 06/15/07 │ │ SEQUENCE: 01 │ │ DESCRIPTION SPOKE WITH JOAN RE A/R │ │──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │- CAME TO RESOLUTION │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │** PRESS F2 TO SCAN; F3 OR F4 TO RETURN TO SUMMARY SCREEN; PG-UP; PG-DN: _ │ │ ENTER 'M' TO MODIFY; 'D' TO DELETE; 'P' TO PRINT. │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Displays the customer code and name.
The date is used to indicate the priority of a note. A high priority note is dated "00/00/00"; a medium priority note is dated using an actual date; a low priority note is dated "99/99/99". Notes are displayed on the summary screen in high, medium, then low priority sequence. High priority notes can optionally be automatically displayed in the Sale Order Entry program when creating a sale.
[Enter] to create a low priority note.
ENTER the relevant date of the note.
This will create a medium priority note.
[F2] to display in detail all notes on file for the customer.
[F9] to specify the current date to create a medium priority note.
[F10] to create a high priority note.
Enter any alpha/numeric sequence for the note.
[Enter] for a null sequence.
For example, if there are multiple high priority notes you can differentiate them with different sequence numbers.
Enter the summary description for the note.
This description is displayed on the summary screen.
Enter the detail description lines of the note.
Any number of description lines can be entered per note. The entry makes use of word processing functionality as indicated above in ADD A NOTE.
The notes utility is used throughout the system. Wherever used the screen headers will reference the maintenance or inquiry program from which the notes utility was opened. In the following description, a generic header is used. In addition, some prompts may also reference the program that opened the notes utility and may appear slightly different.