IdealWare Online Users ManualAP4-04 A/P MAINTENANCE |
│07/23/96 ***** A/P RECURRING INVOICE MAINTENANCE ***** │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │JOURNAL CODE ______ INVOICE DAY │ │ENTRY NUMBER UPDATE? │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SUPPLIER CODE │ │TERMS CODE │ │CURRENCY CODE │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION │ │CHEQUE NO. │ │INVOICE DATE │ │DISCOUNT DATE │ │DUE DATE HOLD? │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ACCRUAL AMOUNT YD │ │SUB-TOTAL │ │G.S.T. │ │GROSS NET │ │DISC @ % │ │G/L AMOUNT │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │PRESS F2 TO DISPLAY, F4 TO END, F5 FOR INQUIRY. │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter a journal code to access or create.
[F2] to display recurring invoice journal entries one by one.
[F4] to exit to the menu.
[F5] to display recurring journals for selection.
Enter the journal code of the recurring invoice you wish to access, or
Enter the next available number to begin a new journal.
[F2] to display existing journals for selection.
Enter the number from which to begin the display.
[Enter] to begin with the first journal.
[F4] to cancel display and return to JOURNAL CODE field.
Enter the number at which to end the display.
[Enter] to end with the last journal.
[F4] to cancel display and return to JOURNAL CODE field.
[F5] to display recurring invoice journals for selection.
Enter the number of the journal entry you wish to access, or
Enter the next available number to begin a new entry.
Each recurring invoice is one entry in one journal; a journal can contain any number of entries. One typical manner of organizing your recurring invoices is to create a journal for each day of the month when invoices become payable, eg the 1st, 15th and 31st. Then enter each individual invoice into the journal that corresponds to the date of the month it is payable. If you create a journal for invoices payable at the end of the month, you can set the invoice day as the 31st; in those months with fewer than 31 days the program makes an automatic adjustment to the last day of the month.
"N" to select next available number.
[F4] to cancel and exit to the menu.
If you enter an existing journal entry, the program displays the following options:
[Enter] to clear display and return to JOURNAL CODE field.
"C" to copy the entry to create another journal entry.
You are prompted to enter a destination, supplier and terms, press [Enter] to accept the defaults, or enter new data.
"D" to Delete the journal entry
The entry is deleted immediately without further warning.
"M" to modify field information starting from the last field.
"T" to modify field information starting from the first field.
"G" to display G/L account(s) and amount(s).
If you enter a journal entry number which is not in the system you will be prompted whether or not you wish to add a new entry:
[Enter] to add a new entry.
The program steps you through each field.
[F2] to not add a new entry.
The entry number is cleared.
Enter the day of the month the invoice is payable.
[F4] to close the file without data entry.
The journal and entry numbers are reserved for future data entry.
"Y" to set the update invoice file flag to "Yes" when posted.
"N" to set the update invoice file flag to "No" when posted.
Option [F4] is reserved for future use.
Enter the supplier code for the invoice.
When you enter the supplier code, the program automatically completes the supplier description, terms and currency codes and descriptions.
Displays the default payment terms for the supplier.
Displays the supplier's usual currency code.
Enter an invoice number.
Enter an invoice number ONLY if the number is the same each month. If the invoice number will be different each month press [Enter] to bypass this field.
[Enter] to bypass field.
Enter a description (ie RENT, HEAT, ELECTRIC, etc).
[Enter] to bypass field.
The program will bypass the CHEQUE NO. field. To enter a cheque number, press [F3] at the next field. Normally the cheque number will be generated automatically by the cheque printing program after you have run the invoice posting program to post your payables, so a cheque number is not usually required here.
Enter the invoice date.
This date is used by the program to calculate discount and due dates based on the supplier's terms code and may differ from the INVOICE DAY entered above.
[Enter] to bypass field.
If you bypass the invoice date, the program will automatically skip the discount and due dates.
Enter the discount date.
[Enter] to bypass field.
Enter the due date.
[Enter] to bypass field.
This field is bypassed. To set the hold status press [F3] from the next field. If set to "Y", no cheque will be printed. The hold must be removed manually in order for the payment to occur.
Displays the accrual amount, if any. Usually, recurring invoices are for non-trade payables such as rent, utilities, taxes, etc. and there is no accrual amount.
Displays the yard code (IdealWare only).
Enter the subtotal amount of the invoice, then
DO NOT INCLUDE PST in the subtotal.
Enter the GST amount if not included in the subtotal.
Displays the gross total amount.
Displays the net total amount.
Displays the discount based on the supplier's terms code.
[F3] to change the percentage if it is different from the displayed value.
Enter the correct discount percentage.
The program then displays the dollar amount of the discount.
[Enter] to bypass field.
Enter the G/L code to be affected by this invoice.
[F5] to display G/L codes for selection
[F8] to enter G/L code(s) affected and amounts.
Refer to 24553 - Invoice Posting, General Ledger Code Entry.
Example Recurring Invoice Maintenance display:
│08/06/96 ***** A/P RECURRING INVOICE MAINTENANCE ***** │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │JOURNAL CODE 000001 INVOICE DAY 1 │ │ENTRY NUMBER 020 UPDATE? Y │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │SUPPLIER CODE CONPAC CONCORD PACIFIC PROPERTIES │ │TERMS CODE A6 1% 30 DAYS; DISC TYP I, DAYS 30; DUE TYP I, DAYS 30 │ │CURRENCY CODE CN CANADIAN FUNDS │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │INVOICE NO. DESCRIPTION BUILDING LEASE │ │CHEQUE NO. 000000 │ │INVOICE DATE 00/00/00 │ │DISCOUNT DATE 00/00/00 │ │CHEQUE DATE 00/00/00 HOLD? │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ACCRUAL AMOUNT .00 YD 01 │ │SUB-TOTAL 2,500.00 │ │G.S.T. .00 │ │GROSS 2,500.00 NET 2,500.00 │ │DISC @ 1.00 % 25.00 │ │G/L AMOUNT 2,500.00 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │CR TO CONTINUE:_ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[Enter] to clear the display.
You may then enter another journal or entry number or press [F4] to exit the program.
[Enter] to add GST as a separate amount.
[F5] to include GST in the subtotal.
[F6] if GST is not applicable