IdealWare Online Users ManualSP4-01 S/P MAINTENANCE |
│07/18/08 D E M O C O M P A N Y │ │ CASH TERMINAL MAINTENANCE │ │ │ │ TERMINAL CODE _ │ │ │ │ 1 DESCRIPTION │ │ 2 DRAWER A AVAILABLE? LAST SLIP# │ │ OPEN BATCH# │ │ 3 DRAWER B AVAILABLE? LAST SLIP# │ │ OPEN BATCH# │ │ 4 BASIC TERMINAL ID │ │ 5 SECURITY REQUIRED? │ │ 6 MERIT? │ │ 7 PRINTER ID │ │ 8 PRINTER MODEL │ │ 9 CARD READER │ │ 10 DISPLAY BAR │ │ 11 SCALE? │ │ 12 SIMULTANEOUS PRINT? │ │ 13 PASSWD REQ'D 4EA SALE? │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter code of terminal to add, modify or delete.
To add a new code see ADD A CODE. To modify or delete an existing code see MODIFY AN EXISTING CODE.
[F2] to display next terminal code on file.
To scan remaining terminals, press [Enter] at the terminal display, then [Enter] again at the confirmation prompt. This clears the TERMINAL CODE field. Then press [F2] to display the next terminal code on file.
[F4] to exit and return to the menu.
Example Terminal Code Maintenance display:
│07/18/08 D E M O C O M P A N Y │ │ CASH TERMINAL MAINTENANCE │ │ │ │ TERMINAL CODE 1 │ │ │ │ 1 DESCRIPTION CASH TERMINAL '1' │ │ 2 DRAWER A AVAILABLE? Y LAST SLIP# 1A0290 │ │ OPEN BATCH# │ │ 3 DRAWER B AVAILABLE? N LAST SLIP# 1B0000 │ │ OPEN BATCH# │ │ 4 BASIC TERMINAL ID T1 │ │ 5 SECURITY REQUIRED? │ │ 6 MERIT? N │ │ 7 PRINTER ID P5 │ │ 8 PRINTER MODEL NON-SLIP │ │ 9 CARD READER DEFAULT │ │ 10 DISPLAY BAR NONE │ │ 11 SCALE? N │ │ 12 SIMULTANEOUS PRINT? │ │ 13 PASSWD REQ'D 4EA SALE? │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │** 'M' TO MODIFY; 'D' TO DELETE; CR TO CONTINUE: __ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
If you enter a code which is not defined the following prompt displays.
[Enter] to add a new code.
The program will step you through each field (see FIELDS below). Once all fields have been entered, the following prompt is displayed:
[Enter] to accept and update.
[F2] to modify.
[F4] to not add the code and return to CODE field.
[F2] to not add a new code.
You may enter a different NEW code, an existing code or press [F4] to exit.
If you enter an existing code you will be prompted whether or not you wish to modify or delete the code.
[Enter] to clear the display and return to the CODE field.
"M" to modify data fields.
Enter the number of the field you wish to modify.
Once you have modified the field data (see FIELDS below) press [Enter] to return to this prompt where you may enter the number of additional fields to modify or press [Enter] again to end modifications.
[Enter] for modifications complete.
[Enter] to accept changes and update the file.
The file is updated and you are returned to the CODE field.
[F2] to make additional modifications to the fields.
You are returned to the FIELD NUMBER prompt above.
[F4] to cancel all changes and return to CODE field.
"D" to delete the code.
"Y" to delete the code.
"N" to not delete the code.
Enter one character cash terminal code used to identify each terminal.
Enter description of cash terminal, up to 30 alpha/numeric characters.
"Y" for available.
"N" for not available.
This field indicates whether cash drawer A is available for use on the cash terminal. Because each cash terminal has at least one drawer in use, drawer A is typically set to "Y".
Displays the last slip number used for drawer A of this cash terminal. The slip number is incremented each time a new sale, refund or payment is generated for the cash terminal and drawer.
The format of the slip number is:
1st character = CASH TERMINAL CODE.
2nd character = CASH DRAWER CODE.
3rd-6th character = SLIP NUMBER (4 digits).
Displays the current cash till batch for drawer A of this cash terminal, if any.
"Y" for available.
"N" for not available.
This field indicate whether cash drawer B, the second cash drawer, is available for use on the cash terminal.
Displays the last slip number used for drawer B of this cash terminal. The slip number is incremented each time a new sale, refund or payment is generated for the cash terminal and drawer.
The format of the slip number is:
1st character = CASH TERMINAL CODE.
2nd character = CASH DRAWER CODE.
3rd-6th character = SLIP NUMBER (4 digits).
Displays the current cash till batch for drawer B of this cash terminal, if any.
Enter terminal identifier code.
This field is applicable only to cash till sales entry when there is a requirement of processing on one physical terminal only for security purposes. This field is not applicable to sales order entry, payment processing.
"Y" for extra security settings required.
Select this option if extra security is required to access the cash terminal in the cash till sales entry program. When extra security is required, the operator will not be able to select the cash terminal unless their security profile has appropriate clearance.
"N" for no extra security required.
"Y" if terminal is a Merit cash terminal.
"N" if it is not.
Enter two character printer code of attached NON-SLIP printer.
If the PRINTER MODEL field next is set to NON-SLIP, all till slips printed using this cash terminal will print to the printer specified here. This field is applicable only for NON-SLIP printer models.
Enter printer model of attached till slip printer.
[F5] to display list of codes for selection.
"N""O""N""-""S""L""I""P" to indicate regular printer.
Select this option only if the terminal slips are to be printed to some other printer in place of a slip printer. Typically, this option is used where full sized receipts must be rendered.
Enter card reader code.
[F5] to display list of codes for selection.
Enter display bar code.
[F5] to display list of codes for selection.
"Y" there is a scale attached.
"N" there is not a scale attached.
"Y" to print sales slip as data scanned/entered.
"N" to not print sales slip as data scanned/entered.
"Y" for required.
"N" for not required.
Typically a password requirement is used where untended tills are exposed to customers.