IdealWare Online Users Manual

31596 Sales Order Entry, Header Entry Sale (With Payment)




F5 = SALE (WITH PAYMENT) option creates an order with the following characteristics:


Document Type = CASH SALE.

Document Code = C (3rd character of order number).

Order Type    = CASH.


A cash sale is an order in which payment is accepted at the point of sale for purchased merchandise. Once the order is completed and the appropriate documents printed, payment in the form of cash, cheque, visa, mastercard, american express or debit card can be accepted.


Payment does not have to be applied to a cash sale at the time of sale, but the order is not selectable via the order register & update program until it has been fully paid. The order remains in the current order files until it is either fully paid or until it is cancelled. See 31563 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, ORDER COMPLETION.


The special accounts receivable customer code CASHSALE is used for a cash sale, however detailed name and address information can be entered for the order if required. This is usually for delivery purposes etc. When a name is entered, a sort code is automatically generated from the entered name and can be used when searching for the sale. See 31586 - ORDER INQUIRY.





Example Cash Sale Order Header display:

│03/25/08              ***** SALE ORDER HEADER ENTRY *****             TERM: TF1 â”‚
│SMAN   SUPER USER (SUPER)     ORDERED DATE 02/11/08                             â”‚
│ORDER# 01-A101913  (010091)   TO-SHIP DATE 02/11/08                             â”‚
│DOCUM  CHARGE SALE            TO-SHIP TIME                                      â”‚
│TYPE   CHARGE-HISTORY         SHIPPED DATE 02/11/08                             â”‚
│DIVINE CONSTRUCTION LTD.                DIVINE CONSTRUCTION LTD.                â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│#505 - 9900 ACER STREET                 #505 - 9900 ACER STREET                 â”‚
│CITY  VANCOUVER                         CITY  VANCOUVER                         â”‚
│PROV  B.C.        V4F 1D4               PROV  B.C.        V4F 1D4               â”‚
│PH#   (   ) 444-5555                    PH#   (   ) 444-5555                    â”‚
│FAX#  (   ) 545-4444                    FAX#  (   ) 333-4444                    â”‚
│OPER SUPER      CN SHIP PICK UP         CASH TOTAL            SUB-TOT    497.50 â”‚
│LEV R PST Y GST Y  SHIPPING INFO Y      AMT PAID              P.S.T.      37.31 â”‚
│PST CODE           SHIPDOC PRT'D N      AMT OWING             G.S.T.      34.83 â”‚
│CONT               INVOICE PRT'D N      DEP REQ'D             DLVRY         .00 â”‚
│PO#                COMPLETE      Y      COD METHOD            TOTAL      569.64 â”‚
│** SELECT MAIN OPTION (F12 FOR OPTIONS); CR TO EXIT SALE: ______                â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚



The fields listed below are applicable for this type of order. See 31595 - HEADER ENTRY, FIELD DEFINITIONS for more detailed information regarding these fields.


SMAN           displays current salesman.

ORDER#         displays generated order number.

DOCUM          displays CASH SALE.

TYPE           displays CURRENT if active, HISTORY if updated.

ORDERED DATE   defaults to current date, can be edited.

TO-SHIP DATE   defaults to current date, can be edited.

TO-SHIP TIME   defaults to null, can be edited.

SHIPPED DATE   defaults to 00000000, can be edited.

BILL-TO        defaults CASHSALE.

SORT           defaults to CASHSALE, but generated if SHIP-TO name is entered.

SHIP-TO        requires entry.

CONTRACT       optional entry.

SHIP-TO NAME   optional entry.

SHIP-TO ADDR1  optional entry.

SHIP-TO ADDR2  optional entry.

SHIP-TO CITY   optional entry.

SHIP-TO AREA   optional entry.

SHIP-TO PROV   optional entry.

SHIP-TO PS CD  optional entry.

SHIP-TO PH#    optional entry.

SHIP-TO FAX#   optional entry.

OPER           displays current operator.

LEV            defaults to pricing level, can be edited.

PST            defaults to Y, can be edited.

GST            defaults to Y, can be edited.

PST CODE       defaults to null if PST=Y, can be edited if PST=N.

CONT           displays contact name, can be edited.

PO#            optional entry.

SHIP           displays default shipping method.

SHIPPING INFO  requires entry if delivery.

SHIPDOC PRT'D  displays Y/N.

INVOICE PRT'D  displays Y/N.

COMPLETE       displays Y/N.

CASH TOTAL     calculated.

AMT PAID       displays amount.

AMT OWING      calculated.

DEP REQ'D      optional entry.

COD METHOD     optional entry if delivery.

SUB-TOT        calculated.

P.S.T.         calculated.

G.S.T.         calculated.

DLVRY          displays amount.

TOTAL          calculated.