IdealWare Online Users ManualSP3-03-02 S/P INQUIRIES |
│04/09/07 ***** SALE ORDER INQUIRY ***** │ │ COMPANY: 01 - IDEALWARE │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ ORDERED TYP CUSTOMER DLY INVOICE C/H SMAN 2SHP/BTCH SHIPPED TOTAL │ │───────────────┌───────────< ORDER INQUIRY OPTIONS >────────────â”───────────────│ │ 1 01/05/07 C │ │5/07 32.59 │ │ 2 01/06/07 C │ F1 = LINE MODE │6/07 30.59 │ │ 3 01/07/07 C │ F2 = SET POINTER │7/07 1,140.00 │ │ 4 01/07/07 C │ UPARROW, F3 = UP ONE PAGE │7/07 1,140.00 │ │ 5 01/07/07 C │ DNARROW, CR = DOWN ONE PAGE │7/07 32.59 │ │ 6 01/07/07 A │ F4 = EXIT INQUIRY/PROCESSING OPTIONS │7/07 410.40 │ │ 7 01/07/07 A │ LINE#+CR = EXIT INQUIRY WITH SELECTED ORDER │7/07 301.96 │ │ 8 01/07/07 E │ LINE#+F5 = INQUIRE UPON SELECTED ORDER │7/07 .00 │ │ 9 01/07/07 A │ LINE#+F6 = ADD SELECTED ORDER TO LIST │7/07 32.84 │ │10 01/07/07 A │ F6 = ADD ALL ORDERS ON PAGE TO LIST │7/07 1,070.00 │ │11 01/07/07 E │ F12 = THIS LIST OF OPTIONS │0/00 .00 │ │12 01/08/07 C │ │8/07 30.59 │ │13 01/08/07 C │** SELECT OPTION (CR TO EXIT WINDOW): ___ │8/07 30.59 │ │14 01/08/07 C └────────────────────────────────────────────────┘8/07 1,657.00 │ │15 01/08/07 C CASHSALE N 01-C100675 H BARJO 010020 01/08/07 30.59 │ │16 01/08/07 C CASHSALE N 01-C100677 C BARJO 01/08/07 01/08/07 925.11 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[F1] to toggle between page mode and line mode.
The program defaults to page mode.
[F2] to reset display.
This option enables you to change or reset the display without exiting the screen. You are prompted to enter the line to begin the display.
[↑] or [F3] to backup through display of orders.
Backup one page at a time (in PAGE MODE) and one line at a time (in LINE MODE).
[↓] or [Enter] to advance through display of orders.
Advance one page at a time (in PAGE MODE) and one line at a time (in LINE MODE).
[F4] to exit inquiry and processing options screen.
If no orders are selected in the processing list, selecting this option returns you to the selection criteria screen. If any orders are selected via [LINE]+[F6] or [F6] options, the following processing options become available:
│04/12/08 ***** SALE ORDER INQUIRY ***** │ │ COMPANY: 01 - IDEALWARE │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ ORDERED TYP CUSTOMER DLY INVOICE C/H SMAN 2SHP/BTCH SHIPPED TOTAL │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ 1*01/22/08 E MAGCED N 01-E100023 C BARJO 99/99/99 01/22/08 .00 │ │ 3*01/23/08 E UDOPET N 01-E100025 C BARJO 99/99/99 01/23/08 .00 │ │ 4*01/26/08 E SI┌──────────< PROCESSING OPTIONS >──────────â”1/26/08 .00 │ │ 5*01/30/08 E SA│ │1/30/08 .00 │ │ 6*01/30/08 E #3│ F4 = ABORT MULTI-MODE │1/30/08 .00 │ │ 7*01/30/08 E DI│ F5 = PRINT USUAL DOCUMENT │1/30/08 .00 │ │ 8*02/08/08 E DE│ F7 = PROCESS ORDERS │2/08/08 2,727.43 │ │ 9*04/04/08 E DI│ │4/04/08 .00 │ │10*09/26/07 A AA│** SELECT OPTION (CR TO EXIT WINDOW): _ │9/26/07 3,921.55 │ │11*09/26/07 A AA└──────────────────────────────────────────┘9/26/07 38.52 │ │12*09/27/07 C CASHSALE N 01-C100172 C GEN 09/27/07 00/00/00 20,613.83 │ │13*09/27/07 C CASHSALE N 01-C100174 C JONBO 09/27/07 00/00/00 90.98 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[Enter] to return to ORDERS DISPLAY screen.
[F4] to exit to selection criteria screen.
[F5] to print usual document.
For the document type selected, select this option to print the usual sales document for all of the selected orders.
[F7] to process selected orders.
This option is applicable only from within the sales order entry program. Selecting this option brings up each order in succession into sale order entry where the order can be processed. When last order has been processed, the program returns to order initialization. See 31554 - SALES ORDER ENTRY, ORDER INITIALIZATION.
ENTER line number of order to return to SALE ORDER ENTRY with order.
You can make changes to the order. This option is applicable only from within the sales order entry program.
ENTER line number of order and press [F5] to display order.
The program displays the order header or detail screen, whichever screen was last accessed, for the selected order. See 31588 - SALES ORDER INQUIRY, INDIVIDUAL ORDER DISPLAY.
ENTER line number of order and press [F6] to select or deselect order.
Select this option to select multiple orders for subsequent processing. See F4 = EXIT INQUIRY/PROCESSING OPTIONS.
[F6] to select or deselect all displayed orders.
Select this option to select or deselect all displayed orders for subsequent processing. See F4 = EXIT INQUIRY/PROCESSING OPTIONS.
[F12] to display order inquiry options.