IdealWare Online Users Manual

31575 Order Register and Update, Registers




The order register and update program prints a set of batch registers that enable you to see exactly how your inventory and G/L will be affected by the sales in the batch. Before updating any batch it is recommended that you review the registers for accuracy. Although data entry errors can be corrected after updating the batch, it is far easier to correct errors before updating. Batch registers consist of the following.


Order Detail Register
  1. Prints a detailed report showing each order and detail line.
  2. Calculates cost of goods sold using product average cost.
  3. Prints cost and profit information for each detail line and for each order.
  4. Optionally can print all order header information.


Order Summary Register
  1. Prints a summary report showing the totals and subtotals of each order.
  2. Prints relevant order header information.


Order Product Sales Summary
  1. Prints a summary report showing all products that are included in any of the orders.
  2. Prints quantity, sales dollars, cost, profit and margin information for each product.
  3. Includes an insufficient quantity warning.


General Ledger Posting Summary
  1. Prints a summary report showing how the G/L will be affected.
  2. Uses the G/L  codes defined in the following files:
  • Company Parameters File.
  • Product Group File.
  • Line Type File.
  • Payment Type File.

You can print the registers to paper through a physical printer, print to disk if your system is configured to recognize printer PB, or to screen by selecting printer SC. This can be useful if you want to preview the registers before committing them to paper. At any point during the printing to screen of any of the registers, the operator can press [F4] to skip the rest of the current register and start the next register. An order register that has only been printed to screen cannot be updated until it is printed to an actual printer (paper or disk).

Your system can be configured to limit which of the following order registers are printed.

  • Order Detail Register.
  • Order Summary Register.
  • Order Gross Profit Register.
  • Product Summary Register.
  • General Ledger Posting Summary (always prints).

In addition, your system can be configured so that the order register program displays the following prompt.




Which test registers get printed can be limited to any of the above listed order registers. An order register batch cannot be updated until the actual registers have been printed. Thus, if you print the test registers you must also print the registers. An example of how this can be used to save paper is:


The test registers to be printed are configured to be the Order Gross Profit Summary, Product Summary and General Ledger Posting Summary register.


Print the test registers to an actual printer, or optionally to screen, and examine the register for any erroneous profit margins or G/L accounts etc.


When you are satisfied that you want to update the batch, reprint the order registers using the option to "Print From Already Selected Orders" to an actual printer or to printer PB (saved to disk).


You can then update the order register batch.


Once the registers have been printed, the program returns to the Sales Processing menu.


The registers should be reviewed for such as the following.


Invalid costs and margins (Order Detail Register) indicating that average costs might be incorrect. If your system is configured appropriately, the Order Register program will use the product supplier #1 cost if the average cost is zero. This is useful where you often sell products before they have been received into the system. Also, the program can be configured to use the product last cost if the average cost or the supplier #1 cost is zero.


Insufficient quantities indicating that inventory receiving might not be up to date.


Once the registers have been reviewed, orders can be deselected if required or the batch can be updated. See 31574 - ORDER REGISTER AND UPDATE, BATCH OPTIONS.




The General Ledger Posting Summary normally shows one entry to the Cash Sale Holding account which represents the total of completed cash invoices (debits) and payments made against cash invoices (credits). Optionally your system can be configured so that the Cash Sale Holding account is detailed for non-zero type entries as follows:


01-01-1220     CASH SALE HOLDING ACCOUNT             117.00


01-01-1220     CASH SALE HOLDING ACCOUNT              10.00



The first entry indicates that cash invoice 01C101617 was completed and included in the batch, and that it was paid via payment slip 01C1A9966 which was not included in this batch (was probably included in another previous batch).


The second entry indicates that payment slip 01C1A9967 was included in the batch but that cash invoice 01C101618 that it is to be applied against was not included in this batch (probably because it wasn't completed). Likely, the payment was a deposit only or the sale was a delivery, and is yet to be delivered etc.


Example Order Registers follow.


10/26/07  00:25:39                                                                                          PAGE: 1
                                      ORDER DETAIL REGISTER - BATCH: 01VO0019
                     FOR STORE '01' CASH & CHARGE SALES, WITH ORDERED DATES UP TO Fri Oct 26/07



010 P  109695       01 2X4 S4S STD&BTR GR FIR 8-12
             SHIPPED:  100/08  200/10  300/12   6400 LIN  600.00 MFB  2560.01 N 494.45 MFB  2111.47    448.54  17.5
                                                                     --------              --------  --------
                                                                      2560.01               2111.47    448.54  17.5
    PT                 PROVINCIAL SALES TAX                            179.20
    GT                 G.S.T.                                          179.20
              ORDER TOTALS:                                           2918.41


ORDER NO: 01-C100618  CUSTOMER: (CASHSALE,)                                 SALESMAN: BARJO   ORDERED: 10/25/07

010 P  320570       01 10LB SLEDGE HAMMER          1 EA    28.59 EA     28.59 N  14.57 EA     14.57     14.02  49.0
020 P  340810       01 1L PAINT THINNER            5 BOX   27.90 BOX   139.50 N   1.16 EA     57.85     81.65  58.5
                                                                     --------              --------  --------
                                                                       168.09                 72.42     95.67  56.9
    PT                 PROVINCIAL SALES TAX                             11.77
    GT                 G.S.T.                                           11.77
              ORDER TOTALS:                                            191.63


ORDER NO: 01-C1A9672  CUSTOMER: (CASHSALE,)                                 SALESMAN: BARJO   ORDERED: 10/22/07

001 IS 01C100618       SEE INVOICE NUMBER: 01C100618                   191.63 N                 .00    191.63 100.0
                                                                     --------              --------  --------
              ORDER TOTALS:                                            191.63                   .00    191.63 100.0


ORDER NO: 01-C1A9675  CUSTOMER: (CASHSALE,)                                 SALESMAN: BARJO   ORDERED: 10/22/07

001 IS 01C100621       SEE INVOICE NUMBER: 01C100621                   500.00 N                 .00    500.00 100.0
                                                                     --------              --------  --------
              ORDER TOTALS:                                            500.00                   .00    500.00 100.0


ORDER NO: 01-C1A9676  CUSTOMER: (CASHSALE,)                                 SALESMAN: BARJO   ORDERED: 10/21/07

001 CP GALBRA          BRAD GALVERT                                    400.00 N                 .00    400.00 100.0
                                                                     --------              --------  --------
              ORDER TOTALS:                                            400.00                   .00    400.00 100.0

BATCH TOTALS:                                                         4201.67

10/26/07  00:25:43                                                                                       PAGE: 1
                                     ORDER SUMMARY REGISTER - BATCH: 01VO0019
                    FOR STORE '01' CASH & CHARGE SALES, WITH ORDERED DATES UP TO Fri Oct 26/07

ORDER      SHIP-TO  BILL-TO        SUB    PRICE                                 ORDER  PAYMENT   ORDERED  ORD SMAN

01-A100620 DIVCON   DIVCON     2,560.01      .00      .00   179.20   179.20  2,918.41    38.40  10/25/07  SO  BARJO
01-C100618 CASHSALE CASHSALE     168.09      .00      .00    11.77    11.77    191.63      .00  10/25/07  SO  BARJO
                       CASH:     191.63
01-C1A9672 CASHSALE CASHSALE     191.63      .00      .00      .00      .00    191.63      .00  10/22/07  CS  BARJO
                       CASH:     191.63
01-C1A9675 CASHSALE CASHSALE     500.00      .00      .00      .00      .00    500.00      .00  10/22/07  CS  BARJO
                       CHEQ:     500.00
01-C1A9676 CASHSALE CASHSALE     400.00      .00      .00      .00      .00    400.00      .00  10/21/07  CS  BARJO
                       CASH:     400.00
                              ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------   ---------  ---------
RECORDS: 5                     3,819.73        .00        .00     190.97     190.97    4,201.67      38.40
                              =========  =========  =========  =========  =========   =========  =========

10/26/07  00:25:43                                                                                  PAGE: 1
                                ORDER PRODUCT SALES SUMMARY - BATCH: 01VO0019
                  FOR STORE '01' CASH & CHARGE SALES, WITH ORDERED DATES UP TO Fri Oct 26/07

PRODUCT                                         STANDARD      SALES      AVERAGE
 CODE           DESCRIPTION                     QUANTITY     DOLLARS      COST        PROFIT      MARGIN
109670          2X4 S4S STD&BTR GRN FIR 8         533.34      320.00      255.45       64.55       20.17
109680          2X4 S4S STD&BTR GRN FIR 10      1,333.34      800.00      669.34      130.66       16.33 INSUFF QTY
109690          2X4 S4S STD&BTR GRN FIR 12      2,400.01    1,440.01    1,186.68      253.33       17.59
320570          10LB SLEDGE HAMMER                  1.00       28.59       14.57       14.02       49.04 INSUFF QTY
340810          1L PAINT THINNER                   50.00      139.50       57.85       81.65       58.53  
                                              ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
                                                4,317.69    2,728.10    2,183.89      544.21       19.95
                                              ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========

 10/26/07  00:25:45                                               PAGE: 1

 SOURCE CODE: 01           BATCH NUMBER: 0019           G/L DATE: 10/26/07
  ACCOUNT     ACCOUNT                                DEBIT          CREDIT
    CODE        NAME                                 AMOUNT         AMOUNT

01-00-1110     BANK - CURRENT                      1,091.63
01-00-1200     ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE                 2,918.41
01-00-1226     CASH SALES HOLDING A/C                               500.00
01-00-1228     TILL PAYMENT HOLDING A/C                             400.00
01-00-1300     INVENTORY                                          2,183.89
01-00-2330     PST PAYABLE                                          190.97
01-00-2340     GST PAYABLE                                          190.97
01-00-40250010 CHARGE SALES                                       2,560.01
01-00-40250020 CASH SALES                                           168.09
01-00-5015     COST OF SALES - BLDG MATERIALS      2,111.47
01-00-5025     COST OF SALES - STORE PRODUCTS         72.42
                                               ------------   ------------
                                                   6,193.93       6,193.93
                                               ============   ============