IdealWare Online Users ManualIY2-10 I/Y PROCESSING |
│11/16/07 TF6 ***** STOCK COUNT SHEETS ***** 3YHOI1 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ COMPANY NUMBER 01 D E M O C O M P A N Y │ │ │ │ STORE CODE __ │ │ BATCH NUMBER │ │ BATCH STATUS │ │ │ │ BATCH TYPE │ │ REPORT SEQUENCE │ │ REPORT DATE │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter store code for stock count.
In a single store environment this value defaults to the normal store code.
Displays batch number.
Defaults to next available sequential number.
Displays batch status.
For a new batch the value is NEW.
Displays default batch type: S STOCK COUNT SHEET.
Example Batch Header display:
│09/05/07 Tm6 ***** INVENTORY STOCK COUNT SHEET ***** 3YHOI1 │ │ │ │ COMPANY NUMBER 01 IDEAL BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. │ │ │ │ STORE CODE 01 IDEAL BUILDING SUPPLY LTD │ │ BATCH NUMBER 0034 │ │ BATCH STATUS NEW BATCH │ │ │ │ BATCH TYPE S STOCK COUNT │ │ REPORT SEQUENCE _ │ │ REPORT DATE │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ENTER '1' FOR LOCATION, '2' FOR PRODUCT, '3' FOR GROUP, '4' FOR SUPPLIER. │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
You can organize your stock count sheet by location, product, product group or (if correctly configured) supplier, although location is the typical selection for a physical stock count.
"1" to list by location.
"2" to list by product.
"3" to list by product group.
"4" to list by supplier.
Enter desired date in format MMDDYY.
[Enter] for current system date.
[F1] to enter order sheet parameters.
[F3] to re-enter date or report sequence.
"Y" to print stock count sheets.
Select this option if you require count sheets and the stock count sheets report. The printer selection menu displays. After printing you are returned to the next prompt.
│08/14/07 ***** PRINTER SELECTION ***** │ │ │ │ │ │** MAKE SURE PRINTER IS READY BEFORE PRESSING CR ..... │ │ │ │1. PRINTER NAME ................................. P1 OKIDATA 390 │ │ │ │2. CHARACTERS PER INCH ? (10,12,17) ............. 10 │ │ SINGLE OR DOUBLE DENSITY ? (S,D) ............. S SINGLE DENSITY │ │ │ │** PRESS CR TO SET PRINTER, OPTION# TO CHANGE, F4 TO END (BYPASS): _ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
"1" to change printers.
"2" to change the CPI and/or print density.
[Enter] to print.
[F4] to not print and exit to the menu.
[F5] to display a list of printers for selection.
"N" to not print stock count sheets.
Select this option if you do not require count sheets or an audit trail and/or you set the Load Suggested Order Quantities value to "Y".
This prompt appears only if you selected LIST BY SUPPLIER.
[Enter] to accept default value "S".
"S" to specify supplier.
Enter desired supplier code.
You can specify multiple suppliers. Press [Enter] after each supplier code and press [Enter] a second time after the last supplier code to advance.
[Enter] to complete selection process.
[F5] to access supplier inquiry for selection.
[F6] to select all suppliers.
"R" to specify range of suppliers.
Enter code of supplier to begin range.
[Enter] to select first supplier in system.
Enter code of supplier to end range.
[Enter] to select last supplier in system.
Depending on the Report Sequence specified, the prompt will ask for either a starting location, product or product group code.
Enter code of starting location, product or product group.
[Enter] for first location, product or product group on file.
Enter code of ending location, product or product group.
[Enter] for last location, product or product group on file.
[Enter] to accept default value "Y".
"Y" to include all products within range specified.
"N" to not include all products.
If you elect not to include all of the products on the stock count sheets you have the following options.
[Enter] to accept default option "1".
"1" to selection option 1.
If you select option 1 the following prompt displays.
"Y" to include transfer control, IS type products, warehouse sourced.
"N" to not include IS type products.
"2", "3" or "4" to select respective option.
"Y" to include all direct sourced products.
"N" to not include all direct sourced products.
"Y" to include package type products.
"N" to not include package type products.
"Y" to include special order products.
"N" to not include special order products.
"Y" for verification count.
Includes the quantity on hand for count verification.
"N" for not a verification count.
[Enter] to create stock count sheet workfile.
If you opted to print the stock count sheets to print the count sheets.
[F3] to return to previous field.
You are returned to the Inventory Processing menu. Typically, after creating the workfile and printing the stock count sheets you would perform the stock count and record the quantities on the count sheets. After the stock count is completed, select Stock Count Sheet from the menu again, access the batch you created, set the quantities and update the file.
An example Warehouse Order Sheet printout follows.
When you select Stock Count Sheet from the Inventory Processing Menu, if there are existing batches the program displays the header of the first batch on file.
Example Batch Header display:
│09/06/07 Tm6 ***** INVENTORY STOCK COUNT SHEET ***** 3YHOI1 │ │ │ │ │ │ COMPANY NUMBER 01 IDEAL BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. │ │ │ │ STORE CODE 01 IDEAL BUILDING SUPPLY LTD │ │ BATCH NUMBER 0040 │ │ BATCH STATUS OPEN │ │ │ │ BATCH TYPE S STOCK COUNT │ │ REPORT SEQUENCE 1 LOCATION │ │ REPORT DATE 09/06/07 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │** PRESS F1 TO START, F2 FOR NExT BATCH, CR FOR NEW BATCH: _ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[Enter] to create a new batch.
[F1] to access displayed batch.
[F2] to display next batch on file, if any.
When you press [F1] at the batch header, the data entry screen displays.
Example Stock Count Entry display:
│STORE: 01 ***** STOCK COUNT ENTRY ***** PERIOD: 09/07│ │--------------------------------------------------------------------------------│ │BATCH: 0043 STOCK COUNT QTY ORDERED: RETAIL AMOUNT: $.00 │ │--------------------------------------------------------------------------------│ │SEQ# GROUP CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE QTY │ │--------------------------------------------------------------------------------│ │00001 BM-DO-**-** 142110 HARDBOARD B/F 2'0 X 6'8 39.00 │ │00002 BM-DO-**-** 142130 HARDBOARD B/F 3'0 X 6'8 47.80 │ │00003 BM-DO-**-** 142160 2'4 X 6'8 X 1 3/8 HC HB DOOR 28.35 │ │00004 BM-DO-**-** 142170 2'6 X 6'8 X 1 3/8 HC HB DOOR 29.50 │ │00005 BM-DO-**-** 142175 BRASS DOOR KNOB 19.99 │ │_____ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │--------------------------------------------------------------------------------│ │ │ │--------------------------------------------------------------------------------│ │ENTER THE SEQUENCE# OF THE LINE YOU WISH TO MODIFY OR DELETE. │ │F2=DISPLAY, F4=EXIT, F5=PRINT, F6=STOCK OPTIONS, F7=ABORT, F12=LOCATION MAINT. │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter sequence line number of product to set quantity.
Enter count quantity of product.
[Enter] for zero quantity.
[Enter] to accept quantity entered.
[F3] to re-enter quantity.
[F4] to cancel quantity entry.
Once a quantity has been set for a line if you enter the line number the following prompt displays.
[Enter] to return to lines display.
You can then continue processing other lines.
"D" to reset quantity to zero.
You can then set the quantity again to another value.
[F2] to reset lines display.
When you first access the batch only the last page of detail lines is displayed. To reset the display to the beginning or any other line press [F2]. When you access existing lines to change and/or delete quantities the program adds the changed lines to the display, press [F2] to clear the duplicated lines.
Enter line number to begin display.
[Enter] to begin display at first line of batch.
[F4] to cancel and return to previous display.
[F4] to exit to menu.
[F5] to print stock count sheet(s).
If you did not print the stock count sheet(s) during batch creation you can do so here.
[F6] to access stock count posting batch options.
[F7] to abort batch.
All data in the batch is discarded.
[F12] to access product location maintenance.
When you press [F6] at the Stock Count Entry screen the following prompt displays.
[F1] to create file for export to a handheld PDT.
The file is created and you are returned to the menu. See PROCEDURE - HANDHELD FILE.
[F2] to update quantities in batch by importing count from handheld PDT.
[F6] to create batch for posting in Stock Count Posting program.
The Stock Count Posting batch header screen displays.
│09/06/07 Tm6 ***** INVENTORY STOCK COUNT ENTRY BATCH CREATE ***** 3YHOIH │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ OPERATOR CODE: _____ │ │ G/L DATE: │ │ UPDATE METHOD: │ │ COST TO USE: │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ENTER OPERATOR CODE: │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter your operator code.
Displays current system date.
"C" to clear current figures and post new.
Select the "C" option typically when making spot check counts (ie a particular product group or aisle location) and when the stock count purge is not being performed. The "C" option should typically not be used when doing an entire stock count. the following prompt displays.
"A" to include all products even if count number is zero.
"C" to include only products with count number greater than zero.
This warning appears when you select option "C". The most likely scenario is that you will perform a stock count purge before printing the register and updating the batch.
"A" to add and subtract to correct current figures.
The "A" option is used when there may be multiple entries for the same product. This is the preferred option if you are doing and entire stock count and if the stock count purge is being used.
The most likely scenario is that you will perform a stock count purge before printing the register and updating the batch.
Once the update method has been set for a batch, you cannot change it.
Your choice should be determined by the normal manner in which you calculate your product costs, also considering how accurate your average costs and supplier costs are.
"1" for average cost.
If average cost is zero use supplier #1 cost.
"2" for average cost.
If average cost is zero use last cost, and if last cost is zero use supplier #1 cost.
"3" for last cost only.
If last cost is not set, the last cost will be zero.
"4" for supplier #1 cost only.
[Enter] to create stock count batch.
[F3] to re-enter cost to use or update method.
[F4] to cancel and return to Stock Count Entry screen.
[Enter] to access Stock Count Posting to process batch.
[F4] to exit to menu.
The batch remains available for further processing.
** NOTE: If you are doing a stock count purge, DO NOT update the stock count posting batch until after you have done the stock count purge. After the purge, reprint the register and update the batch.
Exporting the file - when you select [F1] at the stock options prompt to create a file for export to a handheld PDT, such as a Telzon, for stock counting, the following prompt displays.
"1" to include quick and logical codes in file.
"2" to include product and logical codes in file.
"3" to include quick, product and logical codes in file.
"4" to include product codes only in file.
The program creates an ASCII file in the normal working directory with the following name format:
# # Y H # # H H
where the first two numbers correspond to the store code and the second two numbers to the batch number, for example: 1YH43HH.
Example Handheld File display:
│20HB LOGICAL: 142110 EA│ │142110 HARDBOARD B/F 2'0 X 6'8 EA│ │142110 LOGICAL: 142110 EA│ │30HB LOGICAL: 142130 EA│ │142130 HARDBOARD B/F 3'0 X 6'8 EA│ │142130 LOGICAL: 142130 EA│ │248H LOGICAL: 142160 EA│ │142160 2'4 X 6'8 X 1 3/8 HC HB DOOR EA│ │142160 LOGICAL: 142160 EA│ │268H LOGICAL: 142170 EA│ │142170 2'6 X 6'8 X 1 3/8 HC HB DOOR EA│ │142170 LOGICAL: 142170 EA│ │KNOB LOGICAL: 142175 EA│ │142175 BRASS DOOR KNOB EA│ │142175 LOGICAL: 142175 EA│ │ZZZZZZZZZZ │ │9999999999 │ └──────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
After creating the handheld file, it is exported to the PDT devices used for stock counting using the normal file copy/transfer routine for your computer system.
Importing the file: after stock has been counted using handheld PDT devices the file must be imported from the PDT devices into IdealWare. Import the file from the PDT into the IdealWare working directory using the normal file copy/transfer routine for your computer system.
Select Stock Count Sheet from the Inventory Processing menu. At the batch selection screen press [F2] to scan through the existing batches and select the batch that created the original handheld file for export. If this batch is not available you can use any other open batch. At the Stock Count Entry display select [F6] at the following prompt.
[F6] for stock options.
The following prompt displays.
[F2] to update quantities.
Problems with the import file can be indicated by any of the following prompt alerts.
This alert message occurs when the file from the PDT device was not found in the IdealWare working directory. You can not continue until the PDT file has been imported to the IdealWare working directory.
[Enter] to clear alert message.
This alert message appears if the logical code does not exist for a product. If code in the count file is 10 characters long, the program assumes it is a logical code and requires conversion to the associated product code.
Enter correct product code.
[F5] to access product inquiry.
This alert message appears if the system cannot locate a product code.
Enter different code.
You can add the new code at another terminal and then press [Enter] to proceed.
This procedure rebuilds the stock count sheet batch with the new counts. You may then proceed to post the batch (see PROCEDURE - STOCK COUNT POSTING BATCH CREATION above).
NOTE: because the rebuilt stock count sheet batch only includes non-zero entries, if this procedure is used the stock count purge program should be run for the relevant range of products before updating the stock count posting batch.
IDEAL BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. 09/06/96 14:31:11 PAGE: 1 COMPUTER / PHYSICAL COUNT VERIFICATION FOR STORE 01 BATCH: 0042 PERIOD: 09/06/96 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM PRODUCT PHYSICAL CURRENT BASE RETAIL GROUP DESCRIPTION CODE CODE SEQ# COUNT ON HAND UNIT PRICE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BM-DO-**-** DOORS HARDBOARD B/F 2'0 X 6'8 142110 00001 ______________ 22 EA 39.00 HARDBOARD B/F 3'0 X 6'8 142130 00002 ______________ 23 EA 47.80 2'4 X 6'8 X 1 3/8 HC HB DOOR 142160 00003 ______________ 35 EA 28.35 2'6 X 6'8 X 1 3/8 HC HB DOOR 142170 00004 ______________ 30 EA 29.50 BRASS DOOR KNOB 142175 00005 ______________ 54 EA 19.99 RECORDS PRINTED: 5 FIELDS GROUP product group code DESCRIPTION product description ITEM CODE UPC bar code PRODUCT CODE product code PHYSICAL COUNT physical count of stock SEQ# sequence number in batch CURRENT ON HAND current quantity on hand BASE UNIT base unit of measurement RETAIL PRICE retail price of product
Displays company code.
Defaults to company code entered at login.