IdealWare Online Users Manual

29077 Access and Menus




When you initiate a processing session at your computer or terminal you are greeted by the Access Control screen, where you must enter your company number and your password.



│                                                                                │
│ ┌─────────┐                                ┌─┐     ┌─┐                         │
│ └───┐ ┌───┘┌─────┐  ┌─────┐┌──────┐┌─┐     │ │     │ │┌──────┐┌──────┐ ┌─────┐ │
│     │ │    │ ┌─┐ └─┐│ ┌───┘│ ┌──┐ ││ │     │ │     │ ││ ┌──┐ ││ ┌──┐ │ │ ┌───┘ │
│     │ │    │ │ └─┐ ││ │    │ │  │ ││ │     │ │     │ ││ │  │ ││ │  │ │ │ │     │
│     │ │    │ │   │ ││ └──┐ │ └──┘ ││ │     │ │     │ ││ └──┘ ││ └──┘ └┐│ └──┐  │
│     │ │    │ │   │ ││ ┌──┘ │ ┌──┐ ││ │     │ │ ┌─┐ │ ││ ┌──┐ ││ ┌───┐ ││ ┌──┘  │
│     │ │    │ │ ┌─┘ ││ │    │ │  │ ││ │     │ │ │ │ │ ││ │  │ ││ │   │ ││ │     │
│ ┌───┘ └───┐│ └─┘ ┌─┘│ └───┐│ │  │ ││ └────┐│ └─┘ └─┘ ││ │  │ ││ │   │ ││ └───┐ │
│ └─────────┘└─────┘  └─────┘└─┘  └─┘└──────┘└─────────┘└─┘  └─┘└─┘   └─┘└─────┘ │
│                                                                                │
│  ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐  │
│  │Terminal: Tm6             IdealWare Version 7.4             Date: 03/08/07│  │
│  │Config:   std                Access Control                 Time: 13:03:52│  │
│  │                                                                          │  │
│  │                                                                          │  │
│  │          ** Company Number: 01  IDEAL BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD.             │  │
│  │                                                                          │  │
│  │                ** Password:                                              │  │
│  │                                                                          │  │
│  └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘  │
│                                                                                │


The software is normally configured so that you simply press [Enter] at the Company Number field, but your system may be configured for multiple companies, in which case you must enter the proper company number here. If you have access to multiple companies, your system will be configured to enable you to press [F5] at the Company Number field and select the correct company from the displayed list. In a multiple company environment you may not have access to all companies depending on your security profile.


At the Password field enter your password. You now have access to the system based on your user security profile. Ideal software applications include several default passwords. See 29148 Security System Overview.





Ideal software is menu driven, which means that the various modules, programs and utilities are accessed by making selections from menus. To select a menu item you simply type the menu selection's number at the cursor and press [Enter]. In a windowed environment, if your system has been configured correctly, you can also position the mouse pointer on the menu item and press the left mouse button.


Quick menu codes enable you to jump directly from any menu prompt to any other menu. This eliminates the need to back out of menus one level at a time to access a different program area. You can press [F5] from any menu to display and select a quick menu code, or you can simply enter the quick menu code at the prompt. See QUICK MENU OPTIONS.

The security system enables the system administrator to limit user access to programs and utilities by setting up security profiles for users and/or groups of users. A security profile defines what programs and utilities users can access. A security profile affects the menuing system, since only those menus and menu items to which the profile grants access will appear on the user's display. This function prevents users from attempting to access and use modules and programs to which they have not been granted access by their security profiles.


After logging in, the Main System Menu appears. This menu lists the main system modules, ie Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, etc. Below is a screen view of the complete Main System Menu. Remember that you may or may not see all of the menu items depending upon your specific security profile and the modules to which you have been granted access.



│                                                                                │
│Terminal: Tm5             IDEAL BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD.            Date: 03/08/07│
│Config:   std               MAIN SYSTEM MENU (MAIN)               Time: 09:57:17│
│                                                                                │
│                  ┌─Financial Systems────────────────────┐                      │
│                  │  1 Accounts Receivable               │                      │
│                  │  2 Accounts Payable                  │                      │
│                  │  3 General Ledger                    │                      │
│                  └──────────────────────────────────────┘                      │
│                  ┌─Inventory────────────────────────────┐                      │
│                  │ 11 Inventory Maintenance             │                      │
│                  │ 12 Inventory Processing              │                      │
│                  └──────────────────────────────────────┘                      │
│                  ┌─Sales────────────────────────────────┐                      │
│                  │ 21 Sales Processing                  │                      │
│                  └──────────────────────────────────────┘                      │
│                  ┌─Other Systems────────────────────────┐                      │
│                  │ 31 Payroll                           │                      │
│                  │ 32 Ideal Utilities                   │                      │
│                  │ 33 Basic Utilities                   │                      │
│                  │ 34 EXIT To Login                     │                      │
│                  └──────────────────────────────────────┘                      │
│                                                                                │
│                    ** Enter Selection (F4 To End): ____                        │
│                                                                                │


In addition to the menu items, the main screen also displays the company name, the local terminal ID, the system configuration currently in use, and the current date and the time. Each menu throughout the system displays this information.





At any menu you can move to any other menu simply by entering the quick menu code of the menu you wish to access. If you already know the code corresponding to the menu you wish to move to or the action you wish to execute, simply enter the Menu Code of the menu or action and press [Enter].


Also, you can press [F5] at the cursor at any menu to display the Menu Options General Inquiry list. Press [Enter] to display the next page of options, press [F3] to display the previous page, or press [F4] to return to the menu.


The list displays a line number at the left margin, the menu codes and their descriptions in the center and right columns. To select an item from the list and move directly to the desired menu, enter the line number of the desired item, not the actual code.


│ ┌────────────────────────────< GENERAL INQUIRY >─────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │08/14/96                  ***** MENU OPTIONS *****                  15:10:54│ │
│ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │
│ │    MENU CODE   DESCRIPTION                                                 │ │
│ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │
│ │ 1    AP1       A/P MAIN MENU                                               │ │
│ │ 2    AP2       A/P MAINTENANCE MENU                                        │ │
│ │ 3    AP3       A/P MONTH END PROCESSING MENU                               │ │
│ │ 4    AR1       A/R MAIN MENU                                               │ │
│ │ 5    EXIT      EXIT IDEALWARE                                              │ │
│ │ 6    GL1       G/L MAIN MENU                                               │ │
│ │ 7    GL2       G/L STATEMENT FORMATTING MENU                               │ │
│ │ 8    GL3       G/L ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE MENU                                │ │
│ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │
│ │                                                                            │ │
│ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │


For example:


  "2" to move directly to the A/P Maintenance Menu.