IdealWare Online Users ManualAR5-14 A/R LISTINGS, REPORTS AND FORMS |
│08/14/07 ***** PRINTER SELECTION ***** │ │ │ │ │ │** MAKE SURE PRINTER IS READY BEFORE PRESSING CR ..... │ │ │ │1. PRINTER NAME ................................. P1 OKIDATA 390 │ │ │ │2. CHARACTERS PER INCH ? (10,12,17) ............. 10 │ │ SINGLE OR DOUBLE DENSITY ? (S,D) ............. S SINGLE DENSITY │ │ │ │** PRESS CR TO SET PRINTER, OPTION# TO CHANGE, F4 TO END (BYPASS): _ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
"1" to change printers.
"2" to change the CPI and/or print density.
[Enter] to print.
[F4] to not print and exit to the menu.
[F5] to display a list of printers for selection.
An example Invoice Summary - GP% Report printout follows.
IDEALWARE 07/26/95 12:04:53 PAGE: 1 INVOICE SUMMARY WITH GROSS PROFITS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVOICE SALESMAN CUST BATCH SUB-TOTAL TAXES CARTAGE TOTAL AVG COST GP% REP COST GP% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01A515551 BARJO ABACON RD0003 225.00 31.50 .00 256.50 .00 100.0 .00 100.0 01A523155 PASMI BAZGOR RD0003 500.55 35.04 .00 535.59 .00 100.0 .00 100.0 01A525155 BARJO ABACON 010005 155.25 21.74 .00 176.99 105.25 41.5 105.05 41.5 01A552555 PASMI BAZGOR 010005 1051.25 73.59 50.00 1174.84 824.26 29.8 824.26 29.8 01A554441 PASMI BAZGOR 010006 2511.22 175.79 .00 2687.01 1566.00 41.7 1566.00 41.7 01A100169 SALES AAAWOO 010008 3665.00 256.55 .00 3921.55 1820.00 50.3 1820.00 50.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVOICES PRINTED: 6 8108.27 594.21 .00 8702.48 4315.51 49.6 4315.51 49.6 =================================================================================================================== FIELDS: BATCH source batch where invoice was generated CARTAGE delivery charge AVE COST total cost of goods sold for the invoice based on product average costs GP% gross profit percentage REP COST total cost of goods sold for the invoice based on product reporting or last costs