Ideal Online Documentation31184 P/R MAINTENANCE |
│Jul07/07 THE IDEAL COMPUTER GROUP INC. │ │ EMPLOYEE MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 1 OF 8 │ │ NAME AND ADDRESS INFORMATION │ │EMPLOYEE: _____ STATUS: │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 SURNAME │ │02 FIRST NAME │ │03 INITIAL(S) │ │04 ADDRESS 1 │ │05 ADDRESS 2 │ │06 CITY 15 S.I.N. │ │07 PROVINCE 16 BIRTH DATE │ │08 POSTAL CODE EMPLOYEE AGE │ │09 TELEPHONE 17 SEx │ │ 18 MARITAL STATUS │ │10 RESERVED 19 RESERVED │ │11 RESERVED │ │12 RESERVED 22 NOT USED │ │13 RESERVED RESERVED: │ │14 PAYMENT METHOD 23 NOT USED │ │ 24 NOT USED │ │─────────────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Status/Employee]─────────────────│ │Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F8 for other screens F4=EXIT F12=Sort Options │ │F8=Turn off Hourly Hours Control F9=Turn off Salary Hours Control │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter the employee code you wish to add, modify or delete.
To add a new code see ADD A CODE. To modify or delete an existing code see MODIFY AN EXISTING CODE.
[Enter] to display the data of the current employee code.
This option is only applicable if you have displayed employee data on another screen and subsequently moved to the current screen, the last employee code displayed on the previous screen will be displayed on the current screen as the default.
[F2] to scan through existing codes.
[F4] to exit to menu.
[F5] to display list of employee codes for selection.
[F8] to toggle hourly hours control on/off.
See Appendix D.
[F9] to toggle salary hours control on/off.
See Appendix D.
[↑][↓] for Prior/Next Status/Employee.
[→] to move to next screen.
[←] to move to previous screen.
[SHFT][F1]...[F8] to move directly to another screen.
[F12] to display list of sort options.
See Appendix A.
If you enter an Employee Code which is not in the system you will be prompted whether or not you wish to add a new code.
[Enter] to add a new code.
The program will step you through each field (see FIELDS - SCREEN 1 below), when all the fields have been entered, you are automatically taken to the TITLE field of Screen 2.
The program will step you through each field of Screen 2 (see FIELDS - SCREEN 2), when all the fields have been entered, you are automatically taken to the PAY TAX field of Screen 3.
The program will step you through each field of Screen 3 (see FIELDS - SCREEN 3), when all the fields have been entered, you are automatically taken to the USE? field of the first Payroll Code of Screen 5.
The program will step you through each field of Screen 5 (see FIELDS - SCREEN 5), when all the fields have been entered the following prompt is displayed.
[Enter] to accept the new code and update all entered data.
[F2] to modify data fields.
[F4] to not add the new code.
You are returned to the EMPLOYEE field of screen 1.
[F2] to not add the new code.
You may enter a different new code, an existing code or press [F4] to exit the program and return to the menu.
If you enter an existing employee code you will be prompted whether or not you wish to modify or terminate the code.
Enter the number of the field you wish to modify.
Once you have modified the field data press [Enter] to return to this prompt where you may enter the number of additional fields to modify or press [Enter] a second time to finish modifications.
[Enter] for field modifications complete.
The display is cleared and you are returned to the EMPLOYEE field where you may enter another code or press [F4] to exit the program and return to the menu.
"T" to terminate the employee.
See Appendix B.
"P" to print the employee data.
See Appendix C.
Example Payroll Employee Maintenance Screen 1 display:
│Jul07/07 THE IDEAL COMPUTER GROUP INC. │ │ EMPLOYEE MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 1 OF 8 │ │ NAME AND ADDRESS INFORMATION │ │EMPLOYEE: BUTBI WILLIAM L. BUTCHART STATUS: ** TERMINATED ** │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 SURNAME BUTCHART │ │02 FIRST NAME WILLIAM │ │03 INITIAL(S) L. │ │04 ADDRESS 1 212-6560 BUSWELL STREET │ │05 ADDRESS 2 │ │06 CITY RICHMOND 15 S.I.N. 709 321 889 │ │07 PROVINCE BC BRITISH COLUMBIA 16 BIRTH DATE Mar30/50 │ │08 POSTAL CODE V6Y 2G7 EMPLOYEE AGE 57 │ │09 TELEPHONE (604) 639-6609 17 SEx M │ │ 18 MARITAL STATUS S │ │10 RESERVED 19 RESERVED │ │11 RESERVED │ │12 RESERVED 22 NOT USED │ │13 RESERVED RESERVED: │ │14 PAYMENT METHOD 4 ExTERNAL CHEQUE 23 NOT USED │ │ 24 NOT USED │ │─────────────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Status/Employee]─────────────────│ │** M/#=MODIFY, R=REHIRE, P=PRINTOUT: ___ │ │ Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F8 for other screens F4=EXIT F12=Sort Options │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter the employee's surname.
Enter the employee's first name.
Enter the employee' initials, if any.
Enter the employee's address and telephone information.
Enter the employee's bank I.D. number.
This field is applicable only if you use direct deposits. This is the bank I.D. number supplied by the employee's bank.
Enter the employee's bank branch I.D. number.
This field is applicable only if you use direct deposits. This is the bank branch I.D. number supplied by the employee's bank.
Enter the employee's bank account number.
This is applicable only if you use direct deposits. This is the employee's bank account number to which direct deposits will be made. The format of the numbers in fields 10-12 is important, otherwise money will not be deposited correctly. It's best to have the employee bring this information on a bank issued document, rather than verbally.
"1" for payroll cheque.
"2" for direct bank deposit.
"4" for external cheque.
This field defaults to the payment method selected in the company maintenance program (see 31182 COMPANY MAINTENANCE, Screen 1, field 13 PAYMENT METHODS):
Enter the employee's Social Insurance Number.
Enter employee's birth date in the format MMDDYYYY.
"M" for male.
"F" for female.
"?" for not specified.
"S" for single.
"M" for married.
"C" for couple or common law.
"F" for family.
"?" for not specified.
Example Payroll Employee Maintenance Screen 2 display:
│Jul07/07 THE IDEAL COMPUTER GROUP INC. │ │ EMPLOYEE MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 2 OF 8 │ │ INCOME INFORMATION │ │EMPLOYEE: BUTBI WILLIAM L. BUTCHART STATUS: ** TERMINATED ** │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 TITLE NA NOT ASSIGNED 15 HIRE/REHIRE DATE Jan31/05 │ │02 DIVISION 000 GENERAL DIVISION TERMINATION DATE Apr08/05 │ │03 TAx PROV BC BRITISH COLUMBIA 16 REASON CODE A │ │04 NOT USED 17 ORIG HIRE DATE Jan31/05 │ │05 DEPARTMENT 000 GENERAL DEPARTMENT 18 ExTRA BENEFIT YEARS 00 │ │06 GROUP GEN GENERAL EMPLOYEE GROUP 19 RESERVED │ │07 G/L GROUP * BASE G/L GROUP │ │08 HOURLY OR SALARIED S SALARIED │ │09 PAY PERIODS PER YEAR 52 │ │10 PAY RATE (PER PERIOD) 800.00 │ │11 PRIOR PAY RATE 0.00 │ │12 DATE PAY RATE CHANGED Jan31/05 │ │13 STANDARD HOURS PER WEEK 40.00 20 DEFAULT BONUS: │ │ HOURLY EQUIVALENCY RATE 20.00 TO RRSP N TO PENSION N │ │ ANNUAL PAY 41,600.00 21 DEFAULT OVERTIME: │ │14 OVERTIME PAY RATE 20.00 TO RRSP N TO PENSION N │ │─────────────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Status/Employee]─────────────────│ │** M/#=MODIFY, R=REHIRE, P=PRINTOUT: ___ │ │ Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F8 for other screens F4=EXIT F12=Sort Options │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter the applicable employee title code.
[Enter] to accept the default value.
[F2] to leave blank.
[F5] to display list of title codes for selection.
Enter the applicable company division code.
Each employee must be assigned to a division. Thus you must have at least one division defined.
[Enter] to accept the default value.
[F5] to display list of division codes for selection.
Enter the province code for which tax is deductible.
In a situation where the employee lives in a different province from where he or she works, the province code may or may not be the province of residence. Each province has its own regulations regarding this situation.
[Enter] to accept the default value.
[F5] to display list of province codes for selection.
Enter the applicable company department code.
Each employee must be assigned to a department. Thus you must have at least one department defined.
[Enter] to accept the default value.
[F5] to display list of department codes for selection.
Enter the applicable employee group code.
Each employee must be assigned to a group. Thus you must have at least one employee group defined.
[Enter] to accept the default value.
[F5] to display list of group codes for selection.
Enter the applicable G/L group code.
Each employee must be assigned to a G/L group. Thus you must have at least one G/L group defined. This may be the base group.
[Enter] to accept the default value.
[F5] to display list of G/L group codes for selection.
"H" for hourly.
"S" for salaried.
"1""0", "1""2", "1""3", "2""2", "2""4", "2""6" or "5""2".
Enter the pay rate per pay period for SALARIED employees.
Enter the pay rate per hour for HOURLY employees.
Whenever the pay rate is changed, you may automatically reset the next two fields by selecting "Y" here.
"Y" to reset.
"N" to not reset.
This field should be reset automatically when you change the PAY RATE field. When you are entering data for a new employee simply press [F2] to bypass this field.
This field should be reset automatically when you change the PAY RATE field. When you are entering data for a new employee simply press [F2] to bypass this field.
Enter the total number of normal work hours per week.
This field displays the calculated hourly equivalent for SALARIED employees based on the pay per period divided by the hours per pay period.
This field displays the calculated total annual gross pay. For SALARIED employees this is based on the pay rate per pay period times the number of pay periods. For HOURLY employees this is based on the pay rate times the number of normal work hours per week.
Enter the overtime pay rate.
[Enter] to zccept the displayed default.
The default value is 1.5 times the pay rate for HOURLY employees and 1.5 times the hourly equivalent rate for SALARIED employees. The default multiplier is parameter defined and can be changed if desired. Speak to your Ideal consultant if you want to change the multiplier.
Enter the date of hire/rehire in the format MMDDYYYY.
[Enter] to accept the displayed value.
This field displays the termination date.
This field will only show a value if the employee has been terminated.
Enter the ROE Reason Code "A"..."N", or "?" if unknown.
This field is only applicable if the employee has been terminated and you need to issue an ROE.
Enter the date of original hire in the format MMDDYYYY.
This field is only applicable if the employee was terminated and subsequently rehired.
[Enter] to accept the displayed value.
Vacation pay and some other payroll, pension, tax benefits may be based on years of employment from date of hire or rehire. There may be instances when you wish those benefits to begin prior to their calculated start times. In this field you may add additional years for the purpose of benefit calculations without fudging the employee's original hire or rehire dates. You may Enter "1"..."99" for this purpose.
If your company has an employee RRSP or PENSION plan(s) you may default BONUS earnings to either or both plan(s) by setting the flags to "Y". During actual payroll processing you may override these default settings.
If your company has an employee RRSP or PENSION plan(s) you may default OVERTIME earnings to either or both plan(s) by setting the flags to "Y". During actual payroll processing you may override these default settings.
Example Payroll Employee Maintenance Screen 3 display:
│Jul09/07 THE IDEAL COMPUTER GROUP INC. │ │ EMPLOYEE MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 3 OF 8 │ │ TAX INFORMATION │ │EMPLOYEE: BUTBI WILLIAM L. BUTCHART STATUS: ** TERMINATED ** │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 PAY FED TAX (Y/N) Y 02 PAY PROV TAX(Y/N) Y │ │03 FED TD1 TAX CREDIT 8,929.00 04 PROV TD1 TAX CREDIT 9,027.00 │ │05 EXTRA FED TAX 0.00 06 EXTRA PROV TAX 0.00 │ │07 PAY EI (Y/N) Y 08 OVERRIDE EI MULTIPLIER │ │09 PAY CPP (Y/N) Y 10 PAY QPP (Y/N) N │ │11 TD1 TAX RATE % 0.00 12 STATUS INDIAN (Y/N) │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │PER PAY PERIOD DEDUCTIONS: │ │13 DESIGNATED AREA 0.00 │ │14 DISTRICT AUTHORIZED 0.00 │ │15 OTHER FEDERAL TAX CREDIT 0.00 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │─────────────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Status/Employee]─────────────────│ │** M/#=MODIFY, R=REHIRE, P=PRINTOUT: ___ │ │ Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F8 for other screens F4=EXIT F12=Sort Options │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
"Y" to deduct tax from payroll.
"N" to not deduct tax from payroll.
Enter the TD1 tax rate percentage.
[Enter] to accept the displayed value.
[F2] to set the rate percentage to 0.00.
Enter the TD1 federal tax credit amount.
[Enter] to accept the displayed default value.
As part of your Annual Maintenance Agreement, Ideal will update your tax tables at the end of the current payroll year in preparation for the new payroll year. So, generally you will accept the default value.
[F2] to set the credit to 0.00.
Enter the TD1 provincial tax credit amount.
[Enter] to accept the displayed default value.
As part of your Annual Maintenance Agreement, Ideal will update your tax tables at the end of the current payroll year in preparation for the new payroll year. So, generally you will accept the default value.
[F2] to set the credit to 0.00.
Enter any EXTRA tax amount to be deducted per pay period.
[Enter] to accept the displayed amount.
[F2] to set the amount to 0.00.
"Y" to deduct Employment Insurance from payroll.
"N" to not deduct Employment Insurance from payroll.
"Y" to deduct Canada Pension Plan from payroll.
"N" to not deduct Canada Pension Plan from payroll.
The following three fields may be used to enter additional deduction/credit amounts. The amounts entered will be deducted per pay period.
Enter amount to deduct for "Designated Area Deduction".
[Enter] to accept the displayed amount.
[F2] to set amount to 0.00.
Enter amount to deduct for "District Authorized Deduction".
[Enter] to accept the displayed amount.
[F2] to set amount to 0.00.
Enter amount to add for "Other Federal Tax Credits".
[Enter] to accept the displayed amount.
[F2] to set amount to 0.00.
Example Payroll Employee Maintenance Screen 4 display:
│Jul09/07 THE IDEAL COMPUTER GROUP INC. │ │ EMPLOYEE MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 4 OF 8 │ │ VACATION PAY INFORMATION │ │EMPLOYEE: BUTBI WILLIAM L. BUTCHART STATUS: ** TERMINATED ** │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ HIRE/REHIRE DATE Jan31/05 │ │ ExTRA BENEFIT YEARS 00 │ │01 WORKING PAYROLL DATE Jul09/07 │ │ YEAR OF EMPLOYMENT 03 │ │ VACATION PAY RATE 6.00 │ │02 VACATION DOLLARS ACCUMULATED 0.00 │ │03 LAST VACATION HOURS TAKEN 0.00 │ │04 DATE OF LAST VACATION Apr08/05 │ │05 BANKED OVERTIME DOLLARS 0.00 │ │06 RESERVED │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │07 RESERVED │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │─────────────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Status/Employee]─────────────────│ │** M/#=MODIFY, R=REHIRE, P=PRINTOUT: ___ │ │ Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F8 for other screens F4=EXIT F12=Sort Options │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Displays the hire/rehire date entered on screen 2.
Displays the extra benefit years entered on screen 2.
Enter the current payroll date.
[Enter] to accept the displayed current system date.
Displays cumulative years of employment for the employee.
Displays the vacation pay rate as set in the union/group maintenance program.
Enter the accumulated vacation pay dollar amount to date.
You may use this field to increase the amount of accumulated vacation pay if desired.
[Enter] to accept the displayed calculated amount.
[F2] to set amount to 0.00.
Enter number of vacation hours last used by the employee.
[Enter] to accept the displayed value.
[F2] to set hours to 0.00.
Enter ending date of last vacation in the format MMDDYYYY.
[Enter] to accept the displayed value.
[F2] to set the date to 00000000.
Enter current total banked overtime dollar amount.
[Enter] to accept the displayed value.
[F2] to set amount to 0.00.
Example Payroll Employee Maintenance Screen 5 display:
│Jul09/07 THE IDEAL COMPUTER GROUP INC. │ │ EMPLOYEE MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 5 OF 8 │ │ NORMAL HOURS, EARNINGS AND DEDUCTIONS │ │EMPLOYEE: BUTBI WILLIAM L. BUTCHART STATUS: ** TERMINATED ** │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ DESCRIPTION TYPE FREQ USE? USUAL NExT RETAIN?│ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 VACATION HOURS H P Y 0.00 0.00 Y │ │02 STAT HOLIDAY HOURS H P Y 0.00 0.00 Y │ │03 SICK HOURS H P Y 0.00 0.00 Y │ │04 BEREAVEMENT HOURS H P N 0.00 0.00 Y │ │05 REGULAR HOURS H P N 0.00 0.00 Y │ │06 RELEASED OT HOURS H P Y 0.00 27.09 Y │ │07 SALARY HOURS H P Y 40.00 12.91 Y │ │08 OVERTIME HOURS H P Y 0.00 0.00 N │ │09 BANKED O/T HOURS H P Y 0.00 0.00 N │ │10 EI HOURS H P Y 40.00 40.00 N │ │11 VAC. PAY RELEASED E P Y 0.00 VP%: 6.00 0.00 N │ │12 BANKED O/T RELEASED E P Y 0.00 0.00 N │ │13 BONUS E P Y 0.00 0.00 Y │ │14 PAYROLL ADJUSTMENTS E P N 0.00 0.00 Y │ │─────────────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Status/Employee]─────────────────│ │** M/#=MODIFY, R=REHIRE, S=SET DEFAULTS, P=PRINTOUT (PgUp/PgDn): ___ │ │ Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F8 for other screens F4=EXIT F12=Sort Options │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
The payroll codes displayed on screen 5 are determined by the payroll codes selected on screen 8 of the company maintenance program (see 31182 PAYROLL COMPANY MAINTENANCE, PROCEDURE - SCREEN 8).
When you setup a new employee, all payroll codes displayed on screen 5 are set by default to be USED by the payroll by batch and enter/edit payroll processing programs when you process payroll for this employee. Since all payroll codes may or may not apply to each employee you may deselect and select codes as required. You may also modify the values of each field of the employee codes from the default values set on screen 8 of the company maintenance program.
At the prompt on screen 5:
Enter number of field to select/deselect or modify value(s).
The cursor is positioned in the USE? field.
[Enter] to accept the displayed value.
"N" to deselect the payroll code.
The cursor is positioned in the USE? field of the next payroll code where you may enter "Y" or "N" to select of deselect the code.
"Y" to select the payroll code.
[Enter] to set field to "Y".
The cursor is positioned in the USUAL field.
Enter the "USUAL" pay period value for the payroll code.
[F1] to set field to the default value.
The cursor is positioned in the MAXIMUM field.
[F3] to return to previous field.
Enter the "MAXIMUM" pay period value for the payroll code.
[F1] to set field to the default value.
The cursor is positioned in the NEXT field.
[F3] to return to previous field.
Enter the "NEXT" pay period value for the payroll code.
[F1] to set field to the default value.
The cursor is positioned in the RETAIN? field.
[F3] to return to previous field.
[Enter] to accept the displayed value.
"Y" to "RETAIN" values entered for subsequent pay periods.
"N" to not "RETAIN" values entered.
The values are automatically reset to their defaults after the current payroll is processed.
The cursor is positioned in the USE? field of the next payroll code. You may continue to modify payroll codes or press [F4] when finished.
[F3] to return to previous field.
[F4] for modifications complete.
Enter number of payroll code to select/deselect or modify the value(s).
The cursor is positioned in the USE? field.
[Enter] for no further modifications.
[Enter] to update all modifications.
[F2] to make additional modifications.
You are prompted for the line number to modify.
[F4] to abandon all modifications and revert to previous values.
The screen is cleared and the cursor is positioned at the EMPLOYEE field.
Displays the payroll code and its description as defined on screen 6 of the company maintenance program. This field is not editable.
Displays the payroll code type as defined on screen 8 of the company maintenance program. This field is not editable.
Displays the payroll code frequency of use as defined on screen 8 of the company maintenance program. This field is not editable.
This field determines if this payroll code is used by the payroll processing programs for this employee.
[Enter] to accept the displayed value.
The value will be "Y" for a new employee or an existing employee for whom this payroll code is being used. The value will be "N" only if it was set to "N" previously by modifying an existing employee.
"Y" to select the payroll code.
"N" to deselect the payroll code.
Enter the "usual" value for this payroll code.
This will be either a dollar amount or a time value. Whatever value is entered here becomes the default value for subsequent payroll periods. This value can be left at 0.00 if desired, for instance, if this code is applicable only occasionally or changes each pay period. Whatever value is entered here will be ignored in subsequent payroll periods if the RETAIN? field is set to "N".
Enter the "maximum" value for this payroll code.
This will be either a dollar amount or a time value. Whatever value is entered here becomes the default value for subsequent payroll periods. This value can be left at 0.00 if desired, for instance, if this code is applicable only occasionally or changes each pay period. Whatever value is entered here will be ignored in subsequent payroll periods if the RETAIN? field is set to "N".
Enter the value for this payroll code for the "next" pay period.
This will be either a dollar amount or a time value. Whatever value is entered here becomes the default value for subsequent payroll periods. This value can be left at 0.00 if desired, for instance, if this code is applicable only occasionally or changes each pay period. Whatever value is entered here will be ignored in subsequent payroll periods if the RETAIN? field is set to "N".
This field determines if the values entered for this payroll code should be "retained" for subsequent pay periods. This field is normally set to "Y" for payroll codes used each pay period and whose values do not change from one pay period to the next. If the value is variable, or the code is not used every pay period this field should be set to "N" and it's default value set to 0.00 on screen 8 of the company maintenance program.
"Y" to retain entered values.
"N" to not retain entered values and revert to default values.
Example Payroll Employee Maintenance Screen 6 display:
│Jul09/07 THE IDEAL COMPUTER GROUP INC. │ │ EMPLOYEE MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 6 OF 8 │ │ NExT PAYROLL HOURS, EARNINGS AND DEDUCTIONS │ │EMPLOYEE: BUTBI WILLIAM L. BUTCHART STATUS: ** TERMINATED ** │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ DESCRIPTION TYPE FREQ USE? USUAL NExT RETAIN?│ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 VACATION HOURS H P Y 0.00 0.00 Y │ │02 STAT HOLIDAY HOURS H P Y 0.00 0.00 Y │ │03 SICK HOURS H P Y 0.00 0.00 Y │ │06 RELEASED OT HOURS H P Y 0.00 27.09 Y │ │07 SALARY HOURS H P Y 40.00 12.91 Y │ │08 OVERTIME HOURS H P Y 0.00 0.00 N │ │09 BANKED O/T HOURS H P Y 0.00 0.00 N │ │10 EI HOURS H P Y 40.00 40.00 N │ │11 VAC. PAY RELEASED E P Y 0.00 VP%: 6.00 0.00 N │ │12 BANKED O/T RELEASED E P Y 0.00 0.00 N │ │13 BONUS E P Y 0.00 0.00 Y │ │18 NET PAY ADJUSTMENTS BN P Y 0.00 0.00 N │ │ │ │ │ │─────────────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Status/Employee]─────────────────│ │** M/#=MODIFY, R=REHIRE, P=PRINTOUT, F8=NExT EMPLOYEE (PgUp/PgDn): ___ │ │ Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F8 for other screens F4=EXIT F12=Sort Options │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
The only payroll codes displayed on screen 6 are those whose value in the USE? field on screen 5 are set to "Y". This enables you to modify the values of the payroll codes actually used on each payroll for each employee without being forced to scroll through a long list of unused codes. On screen 6 you set the dollar amount or time value for each payroll code on the "next" payroll, which is the current payroll.
At the prompt on screen 6:
Enter the number of the payroll code to modify.
The cursor is positioned in the NEXT field.
Enter the dollar amount or time value to use on the next payroll.
[Enter] to accept the displayed value.
The cursor is positioned in the RETAIN? field.
"Y" to retain the amount/value for subsequent payrolls.
"N" to reset to default amount/value after next payroll.
The cursor is positioned in the NEXT field of the next payroll code where you may Enter the dollar amount or time value as desired.
[F4] for modifications complete.
Enter the number of the payroll code to modify.
The cursor is positioned in the NEXT field.
[Enter] for no further modifications.
[Enter] to update all modifications.
[F2] to make additional modifications.
You are prompted for the line number.
[F4] to abandon all modifications and revert to previous values.
The screen is cleared and the cursor is positioned at the EMPLOYEE field.
Displays the payroll code and its description as defined on screen 6 of the company maintenance program. This field is not editable.
Displays the payroll code type as defined on screen 8 of the company maintenance program. This field is not editable.
Displays the payroll code frequency of use as defined on screen 8 of the company maintenance program. This field is not editable.
Displays the payroll codes in use as defined on screen 5. This field is not editable.
Displays the payroll code usual value as defined on screen 5. This field is not editable.
Enter the value next pay period.
This will be either a dollar amount or a time value. This value can be left at 0.00 if desired, for instance, if this code is applicable only occasionally or changes each pay period.
Set the value of this field to "Y" for payroll codes used each pay period and whose values do not change from one pay period to the next. If the value is variable, or the code is not used every pay period this field should be set to "N" and it's default value set to 0.00 on screen 8 of the company maintenance program.
"Y" to retain amount/value for next payroll.
"N" to reset to default amount/value for next payroll.
Example Payroll Employee Maintenance Screen 7 display:
│Jul09/07 THE IDEAL COMPUTER GROUP INC. │ │ EMPLOYEE MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 7 OF 8 │ │ YEAR-TO-DATE TOTALS │ │EMPLOYEE: BUTBI WILLIAM L. BUTCHART STATUS: ACTIVE │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ TYPE DESCRIPTION YTD TOTAL EI/CPP EARN │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │001 HOURS SALARY HOURS 1,000.00 │ │002 HOURS REGULAR HOURS 0.00 │ │003 HOURS OVERTIME HOURS 87.17 │ │004 HOURS BANKED OVERTIME HOURS 87.17- │ │005 HOURS VACATION HOURS 0.00 │ │006 HOURS STATUTORY HOLIDAY HOURS 40.00 │ │007 HOURS SICK HOURS 0.00 │ │008 HOURS BEREAVEMENT HOURS 0.00 │ │009 HOURS JURY DUTY HOURS 0.00 │ │013 HOURS RELEASED BANKED OT HOURS 0.00 │ │014 HOURS EI INSURABLE HOURS 1,040.00 │ │015 EARNING SALARY PAY 26,590.00 │ │016 EARNING REGULAR PAY 0.00 │ │017 EARNING OVERTIME PAY 2,326.75 │ │─────────────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Status/Employee]─────────────────│ │** M/#=MODIFY, T=TERMINATE, P=PRINTOUT (PgUp/PgDn): ___ │ │ Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F8 for other screens F4=EXIT F12=Sort Options │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Whether or not you are able to modify YTD totals is controlled by a parameter. Typically, this parameter is set to allow modification of YTD totals during payroll setup only and is reset to prevent modifications after setup is complete. There are two ways to enter your current YTD totals when setting up the payroll system.
The first method to get your YTD totals into Ideal payroll is to enter the YTD totals from your old payroll system here on screen 7. Typically, you would select this method if you are switching over early in the payroll year, have only a few employees and/or do not require a full year of payroll to be entered in Ideal payroll. Since this method does not create a full year in Ideal payroll, you will still require information from your old system to print T4's and to document your payroll history for the year.
The second method is to duplicate your payrolls in Ideal payroll from the first of the year to date. Typically, you would select this method if you have a large number of employees and desire a full year of payroll history in Ideal payroll. This method enables you to print T4's and payroll reports without further input from your old payroll system. In addition, duplicating your old payroll totals for the first part of the year enables you to verify your Ideal payroll setup. If you wish to use this method, contact your Ideal consultant.
At the prompt on screen 7:
Enter the number of the payroll code to modify.
The cursor is positioned in the YTD TOTAL field.
Enter the desired total.
The cursor is positioned in the YTD TOTAL field of the next line item where you may Enter the desired YTD total or press [F4] to exit.
[F4] for modifications complete.
Enter the number of the payroll code to modify.
The cursor is positioned in the YTD TOTAL field.
[Enter] for no further modifications.
[Enter] to update all modifications.
[F2] to make additional modifications.
You are prompted for the line number.
[F4] to abandon all modifications and revert to previous values.
The screen is cleared and the cursor is positioned at the EMPLOYEE field.
Displays the payroll code type as defined on screen 8 of the company maintenance program. This field is not editable.
Displays the payroll code description as defined on screen 6 of the company maintenance program. This field is not editable.
Displays the YTD total of the payroll code. With the appropriate parameter setting this field may be edited to set year to date totals when setting up the payroll system. Otherwise this field is not editable.
Displays E.I and CPP earnings. This field is not editable.
Example Payroll Employee Maintenance Screen 8 display:
│Jul09/07 THE IDEAL COMPUTER GROUP INC. │ │ EMPLOYEE MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 8 OF 8 │ │ EI EARNINGS TOTALS │ │EMPLOYEE: BUTBI WILLIAM L. BUTCHART STATUS: ACTIVE │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ DATE EI EARNINGS EI HOURS │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 Jun24/07 1,300.00 40.00 │ │02 Jun17/07 1,300.00 40.00 │ │03 Jun10/07 1,300.00 40.00 │ │04 Jun03/07 1,300.00 40.00 │ │05 May27/07 0.00 0.00 │ │06 May27/07 1,300.00 40.00 │ │07 May20/07 1,300.00 40.00 │ │08 May13/07 1,300.00 40.00 │ │09 May06/07 1,250.00 40.00 │ │10 Apr29/07 1,250.00 40.00 │ │11 Apr22/07 1,250.00 40.00 │ │12 Apr15/07 1,250.00 40.00 │ │13 Apr08/07 1,250.00 40.00 │ │14 Apr01/07 1,250.00 40.00 │ │─────────────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Status/Employee]─────────────────│ │** M/#=MODIFY, T=TERMINATE, P=PRINTOUT (PgUp/PgDn): ___ │ │ Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F8 for other screens F4=EXIT F12=Sort Options │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
There are no editable fields on this screen.
Displays the date of each payroll that has been updated, beginning with the most recent.
Displays the gross payroll earnings (ie earnings subject to EI) of each payroll that has been updated.
Displays the total hours subject to EI of each payroll that has been updated.
Pressing [F12] at any screen will allow you to select the sort options for scanning employees using the [F2] key.
│ SCAN EMPLOYEES BY: │ │ ( 1) Employee │ │ ( 2) Status/Employee │ │ ( 3) Division/Employee │ │ ( 4) Status/Division/Employee │ │ ( 5) Department/Employee │ │ ( 6) Status/Department/Employee │ │ ( 7) Division/Department/Employee │ │ ( 8) Status/Division/Department/Employee │ │ ( 9) Department/Division/Employee │ │ (10) Status/Department/Division/Employee │ │ (11) Union/Employee │ │ (12) Province/Employee │ │ (13) Status/Province/Employee │ │ SELECT SCAN OPTION: 2_ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter the desired sort option.
[Enter] to select the default option.
The selected option will remain in effect until you either exit the program or select another option.
At any screen, if you enter an existing employee code you will be prompted whether or not you wish to modify the code. To TERMINATE the employee select option "T".
"T" to terminate the employee.
Enter the effective date of termination.
[Enter] to accept the current system date.
Enter the applicable ROE - Reason for Termination Code.
[F3] to return to previous field.
Enter the name of the responsible payroll contact person.
[Enter] to accept the displayed name.
[F2] for none.
[F3] to return to previous field.
Enter the payroll contact person's telephone number.
[Enter] to accept the displayed number.
[F2] for none.
[F3] to return to previous field.
Enter employee's final working day.
You can also enter the last day of the final pay period if desired.
[Enter] to accept the current system date.
[F3] to return to previous field.
Enter any additional Vacation Pay earned on the final payroll.
[F2] for 0.00.
[F3] to return to previous field.
"P" to print an information report to plain paper.
"R" to print to an ROE form.
You are taken to the print selection menu.
│08/14/07 ***** PRINTER SELECTION ***** │ │ │ │ │ │** MAKE SURE PRINTER IS READY BEFORE PRESSING CR ..... │ │ │ │1. PRINTER NAME ................................. P1 OKIDATA 390 │ │ │ │2. CHARACTERS PER INCH ? (10,12,17) ............. 10 │ │ SINGLE OR DOUBLE DENSITY ? (S,D) ............. S SINGLE DENSITY │ │ │ │** PRESS CR TO SET PRINTER, OPTION# TO CHANGE, F4 TO END (BYPASS): _ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
"1" to change printers.
"2" to change the CPI and/or print density.
[Enter] to print.
[F4] to not print and exit to the menu.
[F5] to display a list of printers for selection.
After printing the following prompt is displayed.
"1" to finalize termination process and update employee file.
"2" to skip termination and return to the main screen.
"3" to change the selections made above and continue.
[F4] to not terminate and return to screen 1 display.
At any screen, if you enter an existing employee code of a terminated employee you will be prompted whether or not you wish to modify the code. To REHIRE the employee select "R".
"R" to rehire the employee.
Enter the effective date of rehire in the format MMDDYYYY.
[Enter] to accept the displayed current system date
[F4] to skip rehire and return to the main screen.
"1" to finalize rehire process and update employee file.
"2" to skip rehire and return to the main screen.
"3" to change the rehire date.
"Y" for yes.
Select this option when you are actually rehiring a formerly terminated employee.
"N" for no.
Select this option when you are only rehiring in order to reprint the terminated employee's ROE.
When you select "P" to print employee data, the following options are offered:
You may print any combination of the above records. Select a record to print by setting the option to "Y" and then press [Enter]. Once you have selected those records you wish to print, you are taken to the printer selection menu. If no options are selected for printing press [Enter] to clear the selection window and return you to the EMPLOYEE field.
To be added.
Forces this field to default to option "1".
Forces this field to default to option "2".
Forces this field to default to option "4".
2=BOTH C AND D (#1)
Forces this field to default to option "1".