Ideal Online Documentation

TB5-30 System Balancing Test




The system balancing test program performs a balancing test of the Time Billing system and prints a report showing the results of the test. This program is used to verify that the totals from different transaction files in the Time Billing system balance. Files that are compared are: client/matter file, matter detail file, matter summary file, status type file, status group file, and retainer bills file.


The totals that are compared from these files are: total time, unbilled disbursements, billable hours, non-billable hours, billable time, billable disbursements, adjustments, billed fees, and billed disbursements.


System Balancing Test is accessed from:

  • Time Billing Reports menu.




Select Miscellaneous Reports - System Balancing from the Time Billing Reports menu. The following prompts display.




System message displays the current G/L month.




[Enter] to accept default value "S".


"S" to perform system balancing test.


"M" to perform matter balancing test.


[F4] to exit to menu.




Enter client/matter to perform balancing test on.


[Enter] to select all client/matters.


[F3] to return to the previous field.




[Enter] to accept default value "N".


"Y" to display only every 100th description.


"N" to display all descriptions.


[F3] to return to the previous field.




[Enter] to accept default value "P".


"P" to print report to printer.


You are taken to the print selection menu.



"D" to output to a file on disk.


The program prints a file to your default directory.



[F3] to return to the previous field.




[Enter] to accept default value "A".


"A" to print all totals.


"U" to print only unbalanced totals.


[F3] to return to the previous field.




[Enter] to continue to print selection menu.


[F3] to return to the previous field.


[F4] to exit to menu.



│08/14/07                *****  PRINTER SELECTION  *****                         │
│                                                                                â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│** MAKE SURE PRINTER IS READY BEFORE PRESSING CR .....                          â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│1. PRINTER NAME ................................. P1  OKIDATA 390               â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│2. CHARACTERS PER INCH ? (10,12,17) ............. 10                            â”‚
│   SINGLE OR DOUBLE DENSITY ? (S,D) ............. S   SINGLE DENSITY            â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚


"1" to change printers.


"2" to change the CPI and/or print density.


[Enter] to print.


[F4] to not print and exit to the menu.


[F5] to display a list of printers for selection.



Error messages indicating that the system is not in balance: DO NOT PURGE during period end processing until errors have been corrected and system balances.



"R" to reprint report.


"E" to exit to menu.


An example System Balancing Test printout follows.


                                                           IdeaLaw Ltd.
02/11/07  16:27:58                                                                                                        PAGE: 1
                                     TIME BILLING SYSTEM BALANCING TEST FOR THE MONTH OF 06/12

VARIABLE              OK ?        T%MAS   T%SUM (00)   T%SUM (CL)        T%SSW    T%SSL 1+2      T%SSL 5      T%SSL 2    T%SSL 3+4

BILLABLE HOURS  M(0)  YES        272.05       272.05       272.05       272.05       272.05                    186.65       186.65
                Y(0)  YES        857.23       857.23       857.23       857.23       857.23                    536.23       536.23
                P(0)  YES        857.23       857.23       857.23       857.23       857.23                    536.23       536.23

NONBILLABLE HRS M(1)  YES          8.00         8.00         8.00         8.00         8.00                      8.00         8.00
                Y(1)  YES         48.00        48.00        48.00        48.00        48.00                     38.00        38.00
                P(1)  YES         48.00        48.00        48.00        48.00        48.00                     38.00        38.00

BILLABLE TIME   M(2)  YES    171,897.75   171,897.75   171,897.75   171,897.75   171,897.75                661,425.25   661,425.25
                Y(2)  YES    241,992.75   241,992.75   241,992.75   241,992.75   241,992.75                703,738.75   703,738.75
                P(2)  YES    241,992.75   241,992.75   241,992.75   241,992.75   241,992.75                703,738.75   703,738.75

BILLABLE DISB   M(3)  YES      5,905.62     5,905.62     5,905.62     5,905.62     5,905.62                  5,905.62     5,905.62
                Y(3)  YES     22,579.46    22,579.46    22,579.46    22,579.46    22,579.46                 14,955.64    14,955.64
                P(3)  YES     22,579.46    22,579.46    22,579.46    22,579.46    22,579.46                 14,955.64    14,955.64

                DM(3) YES                   5,905.62     5,905.62
                DY(3) YES                  22,579.46    22,579.46
                DP(3) YES                  22,579.46    22,579.46

TIME ADJUST'S   M(4)  YES    537,427.50   537,427.50   537,427.50   537,427.50   537,427.50                  5,494.12     5,494.12
                Y(4)  YES   2230,024.25  2230,024.25  2230,024.25  2230,024.25  2230,024.25                 26,990.80    26,990.80
                P(4)  YES   2230,024.25  2230,024.25  2230,024.25  2230,024.25  2230,024.25                 26,990.80    26,990.80

A/R ADJUSTMENTS M(5)  YES           .00          .00          .00          .00          .00                       .00          .00
                Y(5)  YES     33,125.56    33,125.56    33,125.56    33,125.56    33,125.56                       .00          .00
                P(5)  YES     33,125.56    33,125.56    33,125.56    33,125.56    33,125.56                       .00          .00

                DM(5) YES                        .00          .00
                DY(5) YES                        .00          .00
                DP(5) YES                        .00          .00

A/R PAYMENT     M(6)  YES     76,832.80    76,832.80    76,832.80    76,832.80    76,832.80                 16,221.63    16,221.63
                Y(6)  YES   1215,818.78  1215,818.78  1215,818.78  1215,818.78  1215,818.78                154,884.04   154,884.04
                P(6)  YES   1215,818.78  1215,818.78  1215,818.78  1215,818.78  1215,818.78                154,884.04   154,884.04

                DM(6) YES                   1,174.60     1,174.60
                DY(6) YES                  13,217.11    13,217.11
                DP(6) YES                  13,217.11    13,217.11

BILLINGS (TIME) M(7)  YES    624,189.50   624,189.50   624,189.50   624,189.50   624,189.50   624,189.50   585,394.96   585,394.96
                Y(7)  YES   2553,979.85  2553,979.85  2553,979.85  2553,979.85  2553,979.85  3210,474.94   818,753.74   818,753.74
                P(7)  YES   2553,979.85  2553,979.85  2553,979.85  2553,979.85  2553,979.85  3210,474.94   818,753.74   818,753.74

                                                             IdeaLaw Ltd.
02/11/07  16:27:58                                                                                                        PAGE: 2
                                     TIME BILLING SYSTEM BALANCING TEST FOR THE MONTH OF 06/12

VARIABLE              OK ?        T%MAS   T%SUM (00)   T%SUM (CL)        T%SSW    T%SSL 1+2      T%SSL 5      T%SSL 2    T%SSL 3+4

BILLINGS (DISB) M(8)  YES      2,889.40     2,889.40     2,889.40     2,889.40     2,889.40     2,889.40     2,889.40     2,889.40
                Y(8)  YES     23,820.23    23,820.23    23,820.23    23,820.23    23,820.23    35,279.62    12,463.41    12,463.41
                P(8)  YES     23,820.23    23,820.23    23,820.23    23,820.23    23,820.23    35,279.62    12,463.41    12,463.41

                DM(8) YES                   2,889.40     2,889.40
                DY(8) YES                  23,820.23    23,820.23
                DP(8) YES                  23,820.23    23,820.23

OPENING TIME    M(9)  YES      4,000.00     4,000.00     4,000.00     4,000.00     4,000.00                  1,000.00     1,000.00
                Y(9)  YES        550.00       550.00       550.00       550.00       550.00                     50.00-       50.00-
                P(9)  YES        550.00       550.00       550.00       550.00       550.00                     50.00-       50.00-

TIME DELETIONS  M(10) YES        125.00       125.00       125.00       125.00       125.00                       .00          .00
                Y(10) YES        175.00       175.00       175.00       175.00       175.00                       .00          .00
                P(10) YES        175.00       175.00       175.00       175.00       175.00                       .00          .00

DISB ADJUST'S   M(11) YES           .00          .00          .00          .00          .00                       .00          .00
                Y(11) YES      3,486.00     3,486.00     3,486.00     3,486.00     3,486.00                    247.00-      247.00-
                P(11) YES      3,486.00     3,486.00     3,486.00     3,486.00     3,486.00                    247.00-      247.00-

                DM(11)YES                        .00          .00
                DY(11)YES                   3,486.00     3,486.00
                DP(11)YES                   3,486.00     3,486.00

A/R BAD DEBTS   M(12) YES           .00          .00          .00          .00          .00                       .00          .00
                Y(12) YES    343,810.68   343,810.68   343,810.68   343,810.68   343,810.68                 58,419.90    58,419.90
                P(12) YES    343,810.68   343,810.68   343,810.68   343,810.68   343,810.68                 58,419.90    58,419.90

                DM(12)YES                        .00          .00
                DY(12)YES                   6,512.84     6,512.84
                DP(12)YES                   6,512.84     6,512.84

A/R DEBT RECVRS M(13) YES           .00          .00          .00          .00          .00                       .00          .00
                Y(13) YES     27,250.00    27,250.00    27,250.00    27,250.00    27,250.00                 17,330.83    17,330.83
                P(13) YES     27,250.00    27,250.00    27,250.00    27,250.00    27,250.00                 17,330.83    17,330.83

                DM(13)YES                        .00          .00
                DY(13)YES                   5,350.00     5,350.00
                DP(13)YES                   5,350.00     5,350.00

A/R WRITEOFFS   M(14) YES     20,101.70    20,101.70    20,101.70    20,101.70    20,101.70                       .00          .00
                Y(14) YES     38,309.12    38,309.12    38,309.12    38,309.12    38,309.12                 12,791.38    12,791.38
                P(14) YES     38,309.12    38,309.12    38,309.12    38,309.12    38,309.12                 12,791.38    12,791.38

                                                             IdeaLaw Ltd.
02/11/07  16:27:58                                                                                                        PAGE: 3
                                     TIME BILLING SYSTEM BALANCING TEST FOR THE MONTH OF 06/12

VARIABLE              OK ?        T%MAS   T%SUM (00)   T%SUM (CL)        T%SSW    T%SSL 1+2      T%SSL 5      T%SSL 2    T%SSL 3+4

                DM(14)YES                        .00          .00
                DY(14)YES                        .00          .00
                DP(14)YES                        .00          .00

OPENING A/R     M(15) YES    510,192.66   510,192.66   510,192.66   510,192.66   510,192.66                 55,457.55    55,457.55
                Y(15) YES        100.00       100.00       100.00       100.00       100.00                 16,979.62-   16,979.62-
                P(15) YES        100.00       100.00       100.00       100.00       100.00                 16,979.62-   16,979.62-

                DM(15)YES                   7,343.27     7,343.27
                DY(15)YES                        .00          .00
                DP(15)YES                        .00          .00

TIME TRANSFERS  M(16) YES           .00          .00          .00          .00          .00                       .00          .00
                Y(16) YES           .00          .00          .00          .00          .00                 22,047.24    22,047.24
                P(16) YES           .00          .00          .00          .00          .00                 22,047.24    22,047.24

DISB TRANSFERS  M(17) YES           .00          .00          .00          .00          .00                       .00          .00
                Y(17) YES           .00          .00          .00          .00          .00                       .00          .00
                P(17) YES           .00          .00          .00          .00          .00                       .00          .00

                DM(17)YES                     899.70       899.70 
                DY(17)YES                   1,281.91     1,281.91 
                DP(17)YES                   1,281.91     1,281.91 

CREDIT NOTES    M(18) YES           .00          .00          .00          .00          .00                       .00          .00
                Y(18) YES        107.00       107.00       107.00       107.00       107.00                      7.00         7.00
                P(18) YES        107.00       107.00       107.00       107.00       107.00                      7.00         7.00

                DM(18)YES                        .00          .00
                DY(18)YES                        .00          .00
                DP(18)YES                        .00          .00

OPENING DISB    M(19) YES           .00          .00          .00          .00          .00                       .00          .00
                Y(19) YES           .00          .00          .00          .00          .00                       .00          .00
                P(19) YES           .00          .00          .00          .00          .00                       .00          .00

                DM(19)YES                        .00          .00
                DY(19)YES                        .00          .00
                DP(19)YES                        .00          .00

FEE TAX         M(20) YES                  60,683.00    60,683.00    60,683.00    60,683.00                 60,683.00    60,683.00
                Y(20) YES                 231,281.60   231,281.60   231,281.60   231,281.60                231,281.60   231,281.60
                P(20) YES                 231,281.60   231,281.60   231,281.60   231,281.60                231,281.60   231,281.60

                                                             IdeaLaw Ltd.
02/11/07  16:27:58                                                                                                        PAGE: 4
                                     TIME BILLING SYSTEM BALANCING TEST FOR THE MONTH OF 06/12

VARIABLE              OK ?        T%MAS   T%SUM (00)   T%SUM (CL)        T%SSW    T%SSL 1+2      T%SSL 5      T%SSL 2    T%SSL 3+4

                DM(20)YES                        .00          .00
                DY(20)YES                        .00          .00
                DP(20)YES                        .00          .00

DISB TAX        M(21) YES                      85.02        85.02        85.02        85.02                     85.02        85.02
                Y(21) YES                     856.01       856.01       856.01       856.01                    856.01       856.01
                P(21) YES                     856.01       856.01       856.01       856.01                    856.01       856.01

                DM(21)YES                      85.02        85.02
                DY(21)YES                     856.01       856.01
                DP(21)YES                     856.01       856.01

MATTER DETAIL TIME            YES        T%MAS:          149,593.75              T%DET:          149,593.75
MATTER DETAIL DISB.           YES        T%MAS:            3,101.24              T%DET:            3,101.24

TOTAL PRE-BILLS               YES        T%MAS:            1,173.72              T%LSD:            1,173.72
UNALLOCATED CASH              YES        T%MAS:                 .00              T%LSD:                 .00

LAWYER DISTRIBUTION           YES        'DC':            23,318.47              'D0':            23,318.47
LAWYER DISTRIBUTION           YES        'CL':          1730,354.88              '00':          1730,354.88

MTD NON BILL. HRS             YES        T%TSM:                8.00              T%SUM:                8.00
MTD BILLABLE HRS              YES        T%TSM:             2726.05              T%SUM:              272.05

CLOSING A/R MTD               YES        T%MAS:         1040,337.06              T%SUM:         1040,337.06
CLOSING A/R YTD               YES        T%MAS:         1040,337.06              T%SUM:         1040,337.06
CLOSING A/R PTD               YES        T%MAS:         1040,337.06              T%SUM:         1040,337.06

DISB. A/R MTD                 YES        T%LSD:            9,440.28              T%SUM:            8,158.37
DISB. A/R YTD                 YES        T%LSD:            9,440.28              T%SUM:            8,158.37
DISB. A/R PTD                 YES        T%LSD:            9,440.28              T%SUM:            8,158.37

CLOSING TIME MTD              YES        T%DET:          149,693.75              T%SUM:          149,693.75
CLOSING TIME YTD              YES        T%DET:          149,593.75              T%SUM:          149,593.75
CLOSING TIME PTD              YES        T%DET:          149,593.75              T%SUM:          149,593.75

CLOSING 'DC' DISB MTD         YES        T%DET:            3,101.24              T%SUM:            3,101.24
CLOSING 'DC' DISB YTD         YES        T%DET:            3,101.24              T%SUM:            3,101.24
CLOSING 'DC' DISB PTD         YES        T%DET:            3,101.24              T%SUM:            3,101.24

CLOSING CL DISB MTD           YES        T%DET:            3,101.24              T%SUM:            3,101.24
CLOSING CL DISB YTD           YES        T%DET:            3,101.24              T%SUM:            3,101.24
CLOSING CL DISB PTD           YES        T%DET:            3,101.24              T%SUM:            3,101.24