Ideal Online Documentation14283 T/B MAINTENANCE |
│08/11/07 The Ideal Law Firm │ │ SPECIAL HOURLY RATE MAINTENANCE │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ LAWYER CODE ____ │ │ CLIENT/GROUP CODE │ │ MATTER NUMBER │ │ │ │ 1 RATE 1 │ │ 2 RATE 2 │ │ 3 CLIENT'S LAWYER # │ │ 4 ATTORNEY GENERAL # │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ENTER '*' FOR ALL UNSPECIFIED TIME KEEPERS OR '**' FOR ALL TIME KEEPERS PERIOD. │ │PRESS F1 TO REMOVE ALL UN-NEEDED SPECIAL RATES. │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter code of lawyer/timekeeper to access.
"*" for all unspecified timekeepers.
"*""*" for all timekeepers.
[F1] to delete unneeded special rates.
[F2] to scan existing special hourly rates for selection.
[F4] to exit to menu.
[F5] to display list of lawyer/timekeeper codes for selection.
Enter client or group code wish to access.
[F2] to scan existing special hourly rates for selection.
[F3] to return to the previous field.
[F5] to display list of special hourly rates for selection.
Enter matter number to access or create hourly rates.
To add a new rate see ADD A RATE. To view or modify an existing rate see MODIFY AN EXISTING RATE.
[F2] to scan through existing matters for selection.
[F3] to return to the previous field.
[F5] to display list of matter numbers for selection.
If you enter a rate which is not defined the following prompt displays.
[Enter] to add a new rate.
The program will step you through each field (see FIELDS below). Once all fields have been entered, the following prompt is displayed:
[Enter] to accept and update.
[F2] to modify.
[F4] to not add the rate and return to LAWYER CODE field.
[F2] to not add a new rate.
You may enter a different lawyer code, an existing code or press [F4] to exit.
If you enter an existing rate the following prompt is displayed.
Enter the number of the field you wish to modify.
[Enter] to clear the display and return to the LAWYER CODE field.
Once you have modified the field data (see FIELDS below) press [Enter]. The following prompt displays.
"D" to delete the rate.
"Y" to delete the rate.
"N" to not delete the rate.
Example Special Hourly Rate Maintenance display:
│08/11/07 The Ideal Law Firm │ │ SPECIAL HOURLY RATE MAINTENANCE │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ LAWYER CODE DPB DAVID P. BARTLETT │ │ CLIENT/GROUP CODE ICBC INSURANCE CORPORATION OF B.C. │ │ MATTER NUMBER * GROUP RATE │ │ │ │ 1 RATE 1 135.00 │ │ 2 RATE 2 .00 │ │ 3 CLIENT'S LAWYER # 9876 │ │ 4 ATTORNEY GENERAL # 5432 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │** ENTER FIELD NUMBER TO MODIFY; ENTER TO CONTINUE; 'D' TO DELETE: │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter code of lawyer/timekeeper to access.
"*" for all unspecified timekeepers.
"*""*" for all timekeepers.
[F1] to delete unneeded special rates.
[F2] to scan existing special hourly rates for selection.
[F4] to exit to menu.
[F5] to display list of lawyer/timekeeper codes for selection.
Enter client or group code wish to access.
[F2] to scan existing special hourly rates for selection.
[F3] to return to the previous field.
[F5] to display list of special hourly rates for selection.
Enter matter number to access or create hourly rates.
To add a new rate see ADD A RATE. To view or modify an existing rate see MODIFY AN EXISTING RATE.
[F2] to scan through existing matters for selection.
[F3] to return to the previous field.
[F5] to display list of matter numbers for selection.
Enter rate as a dollar amount.
[F2] to scan existing rates for selection.
[F3] to return to the previous field.
[F5] to display list of rates for selection.
Enter rate as a dollar amount.
[F2] to scan existing rates for selection.
[F3] to return to the previous field.
[F5] to display list of rates for selection.
Enter client lawyer number.
[F2] to scan existing lawyer numbers for selection.
[F3] to return to the previous field.
[F5] to display list of lawyer numbers for selection.
Enter appropriate AG number.
[F2] to scan existing AG numbers for selection.
[F3] to return to the previous field.
[F5] to display list of AG numbers for selection.
Although you can delete rates individually, the program also enables you to delete unused and unneeded rates automatically. To do so, select [F1] at the LAWYER CODE field. The following prompts display.
[Enter] to accept the default "Y".
"Y" to prompt for confirmation before deleting each selected rate.
"N" to not prompt for confirmation.
[F1] to beging deleting.
All rates with either closed matters or terminated lawyers will be deleted. If you selected option "Y", you are prompted to confirm each deletion. After completion, you are returned to the LAWYER CODE field.
[F4] to cancel and return to the LAWYER CODE field.
Enter additional fields to modify.
[Enter] when modifications are complete.
[Enter] to accept changes and update.
The file is updated and you are returned to the LAWYER CODE field.
[F2] to make additional modifications.
You are returned to the CORRECTION NUMBER prompt above.
[F4] to cancel changes and return to LAWYER CODE field.