Ideal Online Documentation14281 T/B MAINTENANCE |
│08/10/07 The Ideal Law Firm │ │ REFERRAL CODE MAINTENANCE │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ REFERRAL CODE ____ │ │ │ │ 1 DESCRIPTION │ │ │ │ M.T.D. Y.T.D. P.T.D. │ │ ───────────────────────────────────────────── │ │ BILLINGS │ │ │ │ CLIENTS REFERRED │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter a referral code (up to 4 alpha/numeric characters).
To add a new code see ADD A CODE. To view or modify an existing code see MODIFY AN EXISTING CODE.
[F2] to scan existing referral codes for selection.
[F4] to exit to menu.
[F5] to display list of referral codes for selection.
If you enter a code which is not defined the following prompt displays.
[Enter] to add a new code.
The program will step you through each field (see FIELDS below). Once all fields have been entered, the following prompt is displayed:
[Enter] to accept and update.
[F2] to modify.
[F4] to not add the code and return to CODE field.
[F2] to not add a new code.
You may enter a different NEW code, an existing code or press [F4] to exit.
If you enter an existing code the following prompt is displayed.
Enter the number of the field you wish to modify.
[Enter] to clear the display and return to the CODE field.
Once you have modified the field data (see FIELDS below) press [Enter]. The following prompt displays.
"D" to delete the code.
"Y" to delete the code.
"N" to not delete the code.
Example Referral Code Maintenance display:
│01/29/07 IdeaLaw Ltd. TRCM│ │ REFERRAL CODE MAINTENANCE │ │ │ │ │ │ REFERRAL CODE EC │ │ │ │ 1 DESCRIPTION EXISTING CLIENTS │ │ │ │ M.T.D. Y.T.D. P.T.D. │ │ ───────────────────────────────────────────── │ │ BILLINGS 298,000.00 440,806.75 440,806.75 │ │ │ │ CLIENTS REFERRED 4 8 8 │ │ │ │ │ │** ENTER FIELD NUMBER TO MODIFY; ENTER TO CONTINUE; 'D' TO DELETE: │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter a description (up to 30 characters).
This should describe the type of referrals referenced by this code.
Displays dollar amount of billings generated by clients with this referral code.
Displays number of clients referenced by this referral code.
Displays month to date values.
Displays year to date values.
Displays project to date values.
Enter additional fields to modify.
[Enter] when modifications are complete.
[Enter] to accept changes and update.
The file is updated and you are returned to the CODE field.
[F2] to make additional modifications.
You are returned to the CORRECTION NUMBER prompt above.
[F4] to cancel changes and return to CODE field.