Ideal Online Documentation14277 T/B MAINTENANCE |
│01/28/07 IdeaLaw Ltd. │ │ CUSTOM REPORTS DEFINITION MAINTENANCE │ │ │ │ REPORT CODE: ________ │ │ 1. REPORT NAME │ │ │ │ HEADING 1 HEADING 2 FIELDS DIGITS DECIMAL (Y/N?) │ │ │ │ 2. │ │ 3. │ │ 4. │ │ 5. │ │ 6. │ │ 7. │ │ 8. │ │ │ │ │ │ENTER THE REPORT CODE. │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter code of report to access or create.
To add a new code see ADD A REPORT. To view or modify an existing code see MODIFY AN EXISTING REPORT.
[F2] to scan reports for selection.
[F5] to display list of custom reports for selection.
If you enter a code which is not defined the following prompt displays.
[Enter] to add a new code.
The program will step you through each field (see FIELDS below). Once all fields have been entered, the following prompt is displayed:
[Enter] to accept and update.
[F2] to modify.
[F4] to not add the code and return to CODE field.
[F2] to not add a new code.
You may enter a different NEW code, an existing code or press [F4] to exit.
If you enter an existing code you will be prompted whether or not you wish to modify or delete the report:
[Enter] to clear display and return to REPORT CODE field.
"M" to modify fields.
Enter number of field to modify.
See FIELDS below. Once you have modified the field data press [Enter] to return to this prompt where you may enter the number of additional fields to modify or press [Enter] again to finish.
[Enter] for field modification complete.
[Enter] to accept changes and update file.
You are returned to the REPORT CODE field.
[F2] to make additional modifications to fields.
You are returned to the CORRECTION NUMBER prompt.
[F4] to cancel all changes and return to REPORT CODE field.
"D" to delete the code.
"Y" to delete the code.
"N" to not delete the code.
Example Custom Reports Definition Maintenance display:
│01/28/07 IdeaLaw Ltd. │ │ CUSTOM REPORTS DEFINITION MAINTENANCE │ │ │ │ REPORT CODE: GENL1 │ │ 1. REPORT NAME GENERAL REPORT 1 │ │ │ │ HEADING 1 HEADING 2 FIELDS DIGITS DECIMAL (Y/N?) │ │ │ │ 2. BILLABLE HOURS 00 5 Y │ │ 3. NON-BILL HOURS 01 5 Y │ │ 4. BILLED FEES 07 6 Y │ │ 5. BILLED DISB 08 6 Y │ │ 6. PAYMENTS RECV'D 06 6 Y │ │ 7. A/R BAD DEBTS 12-13 6 Y │ │ 8. A/R WRITEOFFS 14 6 Y │ │ │ │ │ │** 'M'=MODIFY; 'D'=DELETE; CR TO CONTINUE: _ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter code of report to access or create.
You can enter up to 8 alpha/numeric characters. If you enter a code which is not in the system you will be prompted whether or not you wish to add a new code (see ADD A REPORT). If you enter an existing code you will be prompted whether or not you wish to modify or delete the report (see MODIFY AN EXISTING REPORT).
[F4] to exit to menu.
[F5] to display list of custom reports for selection.
Enter a descriptive name for report.
You can enter up to 25 alpha/numeric characters.
Enter first field heading.
You can enter up to 15 alpha/numeric characters. This heading will show above the second heading.
[F3] to return to the previous field.
[F5] to display list of reporting fields for selection.
Enter second field heading.
You can enter up to 15 alpha/numeric characters.
[F3] to return to the previous field.
[F5] to display list of reporting fields for selection.
Enter data fields to display separated by "+" or "-" signs.
Each data field has a 2-digit identifying code. Enter that code to select the field.
[F3] to return to the previous field.
[F5] to display list of fields for selection.
Enter number of digits (0-99) to show to the left of the decimal.
"Y" to display 2 decimal places.
"N" to round off amount to nearest whole number.
You may define up to 8 sets of headers and fields in the report.