Ideal Online Documentation14274 T/B MAINTENANCE |
│08/01/07 The Ideal Law Firm │ │ BILL FORMAT MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 1 OF 6 │ │ GENERAL INFORMATION │ │BILL FORMAT: __ │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 DESCRIPTION │ │02 ICBC FORMAT (Y/N) │ │03 ADVANCED CONTROL LOGIC (Y/N) 11 PARAGRAPH TYPES AND CODES │ │04 LETTER SUMMARY FORMAT (Y/N) │ │05 PRINT FIRM ADDRESS (Y/N) │ │06 DOUBLE SPACE DETAIL (Y/N) │ │07 LAWYER SUMMARY (Y/N) │ │08 TAX SUMMARY (Y/N) │ │09 CAPITALIZATION TYPE (1-3) │ │10 SUMMARY DATE RANGE LINE (Y/N) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │───────────────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Bill Format]───────────────────│ │Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F6 for other screens F4=EXIT │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter the format code to add, modify or delete.
To add a new code see ADD A CODE. To modify or delete an existing code see MODIFY AN EXISTING CODE.
[↑]/[↓] for previous/next bill format display.
[←]/[→] or [SHFT][F1]-[F6] for other maintenance screens.
[F4] to exit to menu.
If you enter a code which is not defined the following prompt displays.
[Enter] to add a new code.
The program will step you through each field (see FIELDS below). Once all fields have been entered, the following prompt is displayed:
[Enter] to accept and update.
[F2] to modify.
[F4] to not add the code and return to CODE field.
[F2] to not add a new code.
You may enter a different NEW code, an existing code or press [F4] to exit.
If you enter an existing code you will be prompted whether or not you wish to modify, copy or delete the code. You can move to other screens in the program either before or after displaying a format. You can view successive formats on a single screen and exit the program or add a new format from any screen.
All screens of the program are shown below with an example format displayed. The specific data fields for all screens are detailed below. As the display screens all share the identical prompt, this is explained fully here and not repeated for each screen.
[Enter] to clear the display and return to the CODE field.
Press [Enter] a second time to display the last format code again.
Enter the number of the field you wish to modify.
Once you have modified the field data (see FIELDS below) press [Enter] to display the following prompt where you may enter the number of additional fields to modify or press [Enter] again to end modifications.
Enter the number of the field you wish to modify.
[Enter] for modifications complete.
[Enter] to accept changes and update the file.
The file is updated and you are returned to the CODE field.
[F2] to make additional modifications to the fields.
You are returned to the FIELD NUMBER prompt above.
[F4] to cancel all changes and return to CODE field.
"C" to copy the complete format.
The following prompt displays.
Enter the destination code.
This must be a new code. You are prompted to confirm the copy.
"D" to delete the code.
"Y" to delete the code.
"N" to not delete the code.
"R" to reset to default settings.
[Enter] to bypass and return to the CODE field.
"1" to reset all fields.
"2" to reset only advanced heading data fields.
[↑]/[↓] for previous/next bill format display.
[←]/[→] or [SHFT][F1]-[F6] for other maintenance screens.
[F4] to exit to menu.
Example Bill Format Maintenance Screen 1 display:
│08/02/07 The Ideal Law Firm │ │ BILL FORMAT MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 1 OF 6 │ │ GENERAL INFORMATION │ │BILL FORMAT: A GENERIC DEFAULT SETTING │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 DESCRIPTION GENERIC DEFAULT SETTING │ │02 ICBC FORMAT (Y/N) N │ │03 ADVANCED CONTROL LOGIC (Y/N) Y 11 PARAGRAPH TYPES AND CODES │ │04 LETTER SUMMARY FORMAT (Y/N) N L A T X │ │05 PRINT FIRM ADDRESS (Y/N) Y T A │ │06 DOUBLE SPACE DETAIL (Y/N) N T Z │ │07 LAWYER SUMMARY (Y/N) Y L Z │ │08 TAX SUMMARY (Y/N) N B Z │ │09 CAPITALIZATION TYPE (1-3) Y │ │10 SUMMARY DATE RANGE LINE (Y/N) N │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │───────────────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Bill Format]───────────────────│ │** M/#=MODIFY, C=COPY, D=DELETE, R=RESET TO DEFAULTS: ___ │ │ Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F6 for other screens F4=EXIT │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter a description.
This can be up to 30 alpha/numeric characters.
"Y" to use the I.C.B.C. format.
"N" to not use the I.C.B.C. format.
Enter "Y" to use the advanced user-defined control logic. If you select "Y", you must enter all data on screens 2-5. Enter "N" to use the old hard coded logic.
"Y" to use advanced control logic.
"N" to not use advanced control logic.
"Y" to use letter summary format.
Ideal recommends that you test this option on a bill format and print a bill with it to see if it suits your needs.
"N" to not use letter summary format.
"Y" to print the name and address of the firm.
The name and address will print on the first page of each invoice.
"N" to not print the name and address.
"Y" to print a blank line between each time entry transaction.
"N" to single space the entries.
"Y" to print a lawyer summary section.
The lawyer summary section prints immediately before the disbursement section of the invoice. The lawyer summary section details total hours and total fee billings for each timekeeper on the invoice.
"N" to not print a lawyer summary section.
"Y" to print a detailed tax summary.
"N" to print a tax total only.
"1" for all capital letters only.
"2" to allow mixed case, but default to all capitals.
"3" to allow mixed case, but default to all small letters.
"Y" to include summary date range line.
"N" to not include summary date range line.
Enter paragraph codes.
Paragraph codes can also be attached to matters through the matter maintenance program. If a paragraph code is attached to a matter, all paragraph codes attached to the bill format will not print for that particular matter. See 14275 PARAGRAPH MAINTENANCE for details of paragraph types and codes.
[Enter] to accept changes and update file.
[F2] to modify additional field data.
[F4] to cancel all changes.
Example Bill Format Maintenance Screen 2 display:
│08/02/07 The Ideal Law Firm │ │ BILL FORMAT MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 2 OF 6 │ │ ADVANCED CONTROL PARAMETERS (SCREEN 2) │ │BILL FORMAT: A GENERIC DEFAULT SETTING │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 BLANK LINES AT TOP OF FIRST PAGE │ │02 BLANK LINES AT TOP OF OTHER PAGES │ │03 STRATEGIC ALLIANCE (Y/N) Y │ │04 UNUSED │ │05 SKIP NAME IN FIRM N&A N │ │06 BLANK LINES AFTER FIRM N&A 1 │ │07 PAGE LINE AFTER FIRM N&A N │ │08 BLANK LINES AFTER ABOVE PAGE LINE │ │09 SKIP CLIENT NAME WHEN GROUP N&A USED N │ │10 PAGE LINE AFTER CLIENT DATA N │ │11 USE SHORT FORM HEADING FOR PAGES 2+ N │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │───────────────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Bill Format]───────────────────│ │** M/#=MODIFY, C=COPY, D=DELETE, R=RESET TO DEFAULTS: ___ │ │ Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F6 for other screens F4=EXIT │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter number of blank lines at top of first page.
These lines are in addition to the printer margin at the top of the first page. Leave this field blank for no additional lines.
Enter number of blank lines at top of succeeding pages.
These lines are in addition to the printer margin at the top of the page. Leave this field blank for no additional lines.
"Y" to include strategic alliance.
"N" to not include strategic alliance.
This field only applies if firm name and address is printed.
"Y" not to print firm name.
"N" to print firm name.
This field only applies if firm name and address is printed. Leave this field blank for none.
Enter the number of blank lines to follow firm name.
This field only applies if firm name and address is printed.
"Y" to insert a page line after firm name.
"N" to not insert a page line after firm name.
This field only applies if firm name and address is printed. Leave this field blank for none.
Enter the number of blank lines to follow page line.
"Y" to not include client name when group used.
"N" to include client name when group used.
"Y" to insert a page line after client information.
"N" to not insert a page line after client information.
"Y" to use short heading for each page after first
"N" to use full heading for each page after first.
Example Bill Format Maintenance Screen 3 display:
│08/02/07 The Ideal Law Firm │ │ BILL FORMAT MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 3 OF 6 │ │ ADVANCED CONTROL PARAMETERS (SCREEN 3) │ │BILL FORMAT: A GENERIC DEFAULT SETTING │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 USE CLIENT OR MATTER CONTACT C │ │02 IF NO CONTACT, USE OTHER ONE N │ │03 PAGE LINE AFTER ATTENTION N │ │04 BLANK LINES AFTER ATTENTION 1 │ │05 PRINT 'IN ACCOUNT WITH' DATA N │ │06 UNDERLINE MATTER NAME N │ │07 PAGE LINE AFTER MATTER NAME N │ │08 PAGE LINE AFTER MATTER DATA) N │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │───────────────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Bill Format]───────────────────│ │** M/#=MODIFY, C=COPY, D=DELETE, R=RESET TO DEFAULTS: ___ │ │ Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F6 for other screens F4=EXIT │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
"C" for client contact.
"M" for matter contact.
"Y" to use other contact is selected not on file.
"N" to not use other contact is selected not on file.
This will result in a blank contact if option "N" is selected.
"Y" to insert a page line after attention line.
"N" to not insert a page line after attention line.
Enter the number of blank lines to follow attention line.
Leave field blank for none.
"Y" to print phrase.
"N" to not print phrase.
"Y" to underline matter name.
"N" to not underline matter name.
"Y" to insert page line after matter name.
"N" to not insert page line after matter name.
"Y" to insert page line after matter information.
"N" to not insert page line after matter information.
Example Bill Format Maintenance Screen 4 display:
│08/02/07 The Ideal Law Firm │ │ BILL FORMAT MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 4 OF 6 │ │ ADVANCED CONTROL PARAMETERS (SCREEN 4) │ │BILL FORMAT: A GENERIC DEFAULT SETTING │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 'OUR ACCOUNT' FOOTER DESCRIPTION THIS IS OUR ACCOUNT HEREIN: │ │02 BEFORE/AFTER TRAILING PARAGRAPHS B │ │03 PRINT LAWYER SIGNATURE LINE Y │ │04 BLANK LINES BEFORE SIGNATURE LINE 3 │ │05 INCLUDE 'PER' ON LAWYER NAME Y │ │06 PRINT UNDERLINE ABOVE LAWYER NAME N │ │07 PRINT 'E&OE' LINE Y │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │───────────────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Bill Format]───────────────────│ │** M/#=MODIFY, C=COPY, D=DELETE, R=RESET TO DEFAULTS: ___ │ │ Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F6 for other screens F4=EXIT │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter the desired footer description.
You may enter up to 35 alpha/numeric characters.
"B" to add footer description before trailing paragraphs.
"A" to add footer description after trailing paragraphs.
"Y" to print a lawyer signature line.
"N" to not print a lawyer signature line.
Enter number of blank lines above signature line.
Leave field blank for no lines.
"Y" to precede lawyer name with PER.
"N" to not precede lawyer name with PER.
"Y" to print an underline above lawyer name.
"N" to not print an underline above lawyer name.
"Y" to print E&OE line.
"N" to not print E&OE line.
Example Bill Format Maintenance Screen 5 display:
│08/02/07 The Ideal Law Firm │ │ BILL FORMAT MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 5 OF 6 │ │ ADVANCED HEADING FIELDS │ │BILL FORMAT: A GENERIC DEFAULT SETTING │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ FIELD DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION ON INVOICE ISEQ ESEQ │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │001 INVOICE NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER I10 I10 │ │002 INVOICE DATE INVOICE DATE I20 I20 │ │003 PAGE NUMBER PAGE NUMBER I30 I30 │ │004 INVOICE STATUS INVOICE STATUS I40 I40 │ │005 FIRM GST NUMBER GST NUMBER │ │006 ASSIGNED LAWYER ASSIGNED LAWYER │ │007 FILE NUMBER FIRM FILE NUMBER I50 I50 │ │008 MATTER DESCRIPTION RE M10 M10 │ │009 CLAIM NUMBER CLAIM NUMBER M20 M20 │ │010 FIRM NUMBER FIRM NUMBER │ │011 VENDOR NUMBER FIRM VENDOR NUMBER M30 M30 │ │012 LAWYER NUMBER LAWYER NUMBER M40 M40 │ │013 ATTORNEY GENERAL NUMBER ATTORNEY GENERAL NUMBER M50 M50 │ │014 CLIENT GST NUMBER CLIENT GST NUMBER M60 M60 │ │───────────────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Bill Format]───────────────────│ │** M/#=MODIFY, C=COPY, D=DELETE, R=RESET TO DEFAULTS (PgUp/PgDn): ___ │ │ Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F6 for other screens F4=EXIT F11=Colours │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
For each of the fields on this screen the following prompts are available.
Enter desired description.
[F2] for unused.
This field defines placement on printed invoices. Enter "I" or "M" following by the relative sort order.
"I" for invoice heading.
"M" for matter heading.
[F2] for unused.
[F3] to return to the previous DESCRIPTION field.
Displays the previous setting.
[F4] to exit edit mode.
[F11] to display field colours.
│ ***** HEADER FIELD COLOURS ***** │ │─────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ CODE TYPE COLOUR │ │─────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ OPTIONAL FOR NEW ICBC INVOICES LIGHT BLUE │ │ WAS ON OLD ICBC INVOICES MAGENTA │ │ REQUIRED FOR NEW ICBC INVOICES GREEN │ │─────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │** PRESS CR TO CONTINUE: _ │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Example Bill Format Maintenance Screen 6 display:
│08/02/07 The Ideal Law Firm │ │ BILL FORMAT MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 6 OF 6 │ │ INVOICE DETAIL FIELDS │ │BILL FORMAT: A GENERIC DEFAULT SETTING │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ FIELD DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION ON INVOICE SEQ │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │001 DATE DATE 01 │ │002 DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION 02 │ │003 LAWYER CODE LYR 03 │ │004 HOURS UNUSED │ │005 RATE UNUSED │ │006 AMOUNT UNUSED │ │007 GST UNUSED │ │008 PST UNUSED │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │───────────────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Bill Format]───────────────────│ │** M/#=MODIFY, C=COPY, D=DELETE, R=RESET TO DEFAULTS (PgUp/PgDn): ___ │ │ Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F6 for other screens F4=EXIT │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
For each of the fields on this screenthe following prompts are available.
Enter desired description.
[F2] for unused.
This field defines placement on printed invoices.
Enter the relative sort order.
When modifying an existing format code the following prompt displays.
"1" to bypass.
"2" to reenter all paragraph codes.
Selecting this option clears all existing paragraph codes.