Ideal Online Documentation46767 P/R LISTINGS, REPORTS AND FORMS |
│Dec03/07 TF5 ***** PAYROLL SUMMARY REPORT ***** IWPSR │ │ │ │ │ │(1) PAYROLL EARNINGS REPORT │ │(2) PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS REPORT │ │(3) PAYROLL BENEFITS REPORT │ │(4) PAYROLL SUMMARY REPORT │ │(5) PAYROLL TAX REPORT │ │(6) PAYROLL UNION REPORT │ │** ENTER SELECTION (ENTER='4'): │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[Enter] to accept the default "4".
As you make your selections at the following prompts, the selected options are displayed at the top of the screen.
[Enter] to accept the default "1".
"1" to select current data only.
[Enter] to accept the default "1".
"1" to select any current batch.
"2" to specify the current batch.
Enter desired batch number.
"2" to select current month to date data only.
[Enter] to accept the default "1".
"1" to select any current month to date batch or date.
"2" to select a specified batch.
Enter desired batch number.
"3" to select specified payroll dates.
[Enter] to accept the default "1".
"1" to specify a payroll date.
Enter desired payroll date in the format MMDDYYYY.
[Enter] to accept current system date.
"2" to specify a range of payroll dates.
Enter desired starting date in the format MMDDYYYY.
[Enter] to accept current system date.
Enter desired ending date in the format MMDDYYYY.
[Enter] to accept current system date.
"3" to select historical payroll data only.
[Enter] to accept the default "1".
"1" to select any batch or date.
"2" to select a specified batch.
Enter desired batch number.
"3" to select specified payroll dates.
[Enter] to accept the default "1".
"1" to specify a month.
Enter desired month in the format YYYYMM.
[Enter] to accept current system month.
"2" to specify a year.
Enter desired year in the format YYYY.
[Enter] to accept current system year.
"3" to specify a range of months.
Enter desired starting month in the format YYYYMM.
[Enter] to accept current system month.
Enter desired ending month in the format YYYYMM.
[Enter] to accept current system month.
"4" to select a specified payroll date.
Enter desired payroll date in the format MMDDYYYY.
[Enter] to accept current system date.
"5" to select a range of payroll dates.
Enter desired starting date in the format MMDDYYYY.
[Enter] to accept current system date.
Enter desired ending date in the format MMDDYYYY.
[Enter] to accept current system date.
[Enter] to accept the displayed default "1".
"1" for historical.
The report will be based on the division/department assigned to the employee when each payroll was processed.
"2" for current.
The report will be based on the division/department assigned to the employee currently.
[F3] to return to the previous field.
[F4] to exit to menu.
[Enter] to accept the default "N".
"Y" to add a page break after each division.
"N" to not add a page break after each division.
[Enter] to proceed to print selection menu.
[F3] to return to the previous field.
[F4] to exit to menu.
│08/14/07 ***** PRINTER SELECTION ***** │ │ │ │ │ │** MAKE SURE PRINTER IS READY BEFORE PRESSING CR ..... │ │ │ │1. PRINTER NAME ................................. P1 OKIDATA 390 │ │ │ │2. CHARACTERS PER INCH ? (10,12,17) ............. 10 │ │ SINGLE OR DOUBLE DENSITY ? (S,D) ............. S SINGLE DENSITY │ │ │ │** PRESS CR TO SET PRINTER, OPTION# TO CHANGE, F4 TO END (BYPASS): _ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
"1" to change printers.
"2" to change the CPI and/or print density.
[Enter] to print.
[F4] to not print and exit to the menu.
[F5] to display a list of printers for selection.
An example Payroll Summary Report printout follows.
THE IDEAL PAYROLL COMPANY INC. Dec03/07 17:57:11 PAGE: 1 PAYROLL SUMMARY REPORT SELECTION CRITERIA: [CURRENT] [ANY DATE OR BATCH] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROSS INCOME EMPLOYEE EMPLOYEE OTHER EXPENSE NET U.I.C. C.P.P. OTHER DIV DEP EMPL PAY TAX U.I.C. C.P.P. DEDN'S PAYMENTS PAY BENEFIT BENEFIT BENEFITS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000 000 CEDJA 950.00 197.08 20.90 41.49 5.97 684.56 29.26 41.49 JACMI 900.00 181.51 3.88 103.85 818.46 MORDE 850.00 165.93 18.70 36.79 5.60 622.98 26.18 36.79 NICWI 950.00 200.72 7.63 109.62 851.27 OHAMA 550.00 80.61 12.10 22.69 3.45 431.15 16.94 22.69 PHIRO 950.00 197.08 3.88 749.04 SMIBI 950.00 197.08 6.72 746.20 000-000 6,100.00 1,220.01 51.70 100.97 37.13 213.47 4,903.66 72.38 100.97 000-ALL 6,100.00 1,220.01 51.70 100.97 37.13 213.47 4,903.66 72.38 100.97 001 000 MURPE 1,000.00 216.30 8.01 115.38 891.07 001-000 1,000.00 216.30 8.01 115.38 891.07 001-ALL 1,000.00 216.30 8.01 115.38 891.07 COUNT: 8 7,100.00 1,436.31 51.70 100.97 45.14 328.85 5,794.73 72.38 100.97