Ideal Online Documentation

GS6-01 Adding Data




Master data files store information that does not change often and/or is common to a number of different transaction files requiring master information for identifying, describing or sorting transactions. Master data files include: internal codes used by programs to identify, sort and tabulate information; supplier, customer and product codes; and accounting categories.


After the initial set up of your master data files you will from time to time need to make additional entries to your master records. This article describes the basic procedures used in maintenance programs for adding information to your master data files. Each maintenance program is described in its specific section of this manual.





After selecting the desired maintenance program from the appropriate menu you are taken to maintenance data entry. Depending on the type of information involved, the maintenance program may include several screens, but the first screen always includes a field that requires you to enter a code or multiple codes that identifies the master record you wish to access.


To add a new record to the master data file enter a new code in this field. You may press [F5] to display the existing codes or you could print a listing of the existing item codes in the file. In some maintenance programs, Product and Inventory Maintenance in IdealWare for example, you can have the program automatically generate the next sequential code for you.


When you enter a new code the following prompt is displayed:




[Enter] to add a new record to the maintenance file.



When you are adding a new record, you will next proceed through a series of data entry fields. These fields will vary considerably depending on the specific master file and the information it contains.


Move through the fields entering the required information at the blinking cursor. At some fields a prompt may be displayed at the bottom of the screen listing available actions or entries for the field displaying the cursor. Fields that require specific units of input will display your choices at the bottom of the screen for selection. In fields that require codes or account numbers you can press [F5] to display the appropriate inquiry for selecting the desired code or number.


Press [F3] to re-enter a value in a previous field. The field will be cleared and you may enter a new value. You may "back up" through several fields by pressing [F3] repeatedly until you arrive at the field you desire to change. To restore the original value in a field after clearing it with [F3], simply press [Enter]. The original value will be restored and the cursor will advance to the next blank field.

During data entry some fields may be bypassed either because they contain default data or because the information they contain is optional. To enter data or to change the default data in such fields simply press [F3] from the succeeding field to "back up" into the desired field. Some fields may not require data and can be bypassed by pressing [Enter].


When you have completed entering all required data the following prompt is displayed:




[Enter] to add the new record to the master data file.



For an example, let's add a new salesman code. We select Salesman Master Maintenance from the Accounts Receivable menu. We are taken to the following screen:


Example Maintenance Program display:

│08/21/96                  IDEAL BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD.                          â”‚
│                  SALESMAN/OPERATOR/CASHIER MASTER MAINTENANCE                  â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│     OPERATOR CODE         _____                                                â”‚
│     STORE                                                                      â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│ 1.  OPERATOR NAME                                                              â”‚
│ 2.  SALESMAN (Y/N)                                                             â”‚
│ 3.  CASHIER (Y/N)                                                              â”‚
│ 4.  USUAL CASH TERMINAL                                                        â”‚
│ 5.  USUAL CASH DRAWER                                                          â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│F2 TO SCAN; F4 TO END; F9 FOR SALESMAN BALANCES;                                â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚


The cursor is blinking in the Operator Code field awaiting the input of an operator/salesman code. Let's enter W A Y N E as a code.


After we enter the new code the cursor moves to the Store field. In a multiple store environment we would enter a Store Code here, indicating the location where this new salesman would be working. Press [F5] to display a list of store codes to select the correct one. In a single store environment, this field defaults to the normal store code.


In this example, both the Operator Code and the Store Code make up the "key" of the record, meaning that both of these codes are required to identify the record.



In our example the STORE CODE field defaults to 01 IDEAL BUILDING SUPPLY LTD.


After we enter the Store Code the following prompt appears:




[Enter] to add the new record, identified by its "key" codes.



In the Operator Name field let's enter W A Y N E N E W T O N.


In the SALESMAN (Y/N) field let's enter "Y" for Yes.


The program automatically completes the CASHIER (Y/N) field with "Y", since the system has been configured to designate a salesman as a cashier as well.


In the USUAL CASH TERMINAL field let's enter "2". This immediately displays the description: "CASH TERMINAL #2," because this description has been entered in the description field associated with the Cash Terminal "2" code.


In the USUAL CASH DRAWER field let's enter "A".



Now the maintenance display looks like this:


Example Maintenance Program display:

│08/21/96                  IDEAL BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD.                          â”‚
│                  SALESMAN/OPERATOR/CASHIER MASTER MAINTENANCE                  â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│     OPERATOR CODE         WAYNE                                                â”‚
│     STORE                 01 IDEAL BUILDING SUPPLY LTD                         â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│ 1.  OPERATOR NAME         WAYNE NEWTON                                         â”‚
│ 2.  SALESMAN (Y/N)        Y                                                    â”‚
│ 3.  CASHIER (Y/N)         Y                                                    â”‚
│ 4.  USUAL CASH TERMINAL   2  CASH TERMINAL #2                                  â”‚
│ 5.  USUAL CASH DRAWER     A                                                    â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚
│** OK TO UPDATE? (CR TO UPDATE; F2 TO MODIFY; F4 TO BYPASS):                    â”‚
│                                                                                â”‚


[Enter] to add the new information to the master data file.


After you have updated the master data file with the new record you may add another new record, modify or delete an existing record or press [F4] to return to the menu.