Ideal Online Documentation28546 G/L MAINTENANCE |
│06/27/07 D E M O C O M P A N Y │ │ G/L SUB-ACCOUNT CODE MAINTENANCE │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ COMPANY NUMBER 01 IdealWare Demo Company │ │ ACCOUNT NUMBER ____ │ │ SUB-ACCOUNT CODE │ │ │ │1. DESCRIPTION │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ENTER '0' FOR GENERAL SUB-ACCOUNTS OR ACCOUNT WITH SPECIFIC SUB-ACCOUNTS. │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter the desired account number.
"0" to enter a general sub-account description.
Enter the sub-account code you wish to access or add.
To add a new code see ADD A CODE. To modify or delete an existing code see MODIFY AN EXISTING CODE.
[F2] to display next sub-account code on file.
[F4] to exit and return to the menu.
If you enter a code which is not defined the following prompt displays.
[Enter] to add a new code.
The program will step you through each field (see FIELDS below). Once all fields have been entered, the following prompt is displayed:
[Enter] to accept and update.
[F2] to modify.
[F4] to not add the code and return to CODE field.
[F2] to not add a new code.
You may enter a different NEW code, an existing code or press [F4] to exit.
If you enter an existing code you will be prompted whether or not you wish to modify or delete the code.
[Enter] to clear the display and return to the CODE field.
"M" to modify data fields.
Enter the number of the field you wish to modify.
Once you have modified the field data (see FIELDS below) press [Enter] to return to this prompt where you may enter the number of additional fields to modify or press [Enter] again to end modifications.
[Enter] for modifications complete.
[Enter] to accept changes and update the file.
The file is updated and you are returned to the CODE field.
[F2] to make additional modifications to the fields.
You are returned to the FIELD NUMBER prompt above.
[F4] to cancel all changes and return to CODE field.
"D" to delete the code.
"Y" to delete the code.
"N" to not delete the code.
Example G/l Sub-Account Code Maintenance display:
│06/27/07 IDEALWARE │ │ G/L SUB-ACCOUNT CODE MAINTENANCE │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ COMPANY NUMBER 01 IDEALWARE │ │ ACCOUNT NUMBER 1711 ACCOUNT WITH SPECIFIC SUB-ACCOUNTS │ │ SUB-ACCOUNT CODE 0711 │ │ │ │1. DESCRIPTION INTEREST & BANK CHARGES │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │** 'M' TO MODIFY; 'D' TO DELETE; CR TO CONTINUE: │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Displays the company you are currently working in.
Enter the desired account number.
This is the specific account number you wish to assign a sub-account description to. If a specific account is selected here then the description will only print for that specific account's sub-account. The account number entered here is not validated against the general ledger, therefore any code can be entered. A sub-account entered here that does not appear in the general ledger will not affect financial statements.
"0" to enter a general sub-account description.
A general sub-account description is displayed for any account which has the defined sub-account. When a both a specific account and a general account have been defined with the same sub-account, then the specific account will print it's description, and the general description will print for all other accounts with this sub-account that do not have a specific description.
Enter the sub-account code you wish to access or add.
The sub-account does not need to be on the general ledger to be entered here.
[F2] to display next sub-account code on file.
[F4] to exit and return to the menu.
Enter the desired description.
You may enter up to 30 characters. The description will print on reports and inquiries which display sub-account information.