Ideal Online Documentation24715 A/P MAINTENANCE |
│04/25/07 D E M O C O M P A N Y │ │ SUPPLIER MASTER MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 1 OF 4 │ │──────────────────────────────GENERAL INFORMATION───────────────────────────────│ │SUPPLIER CODE: ________ NOTES: │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 NAME │ │02 ADDRESS 1 │ │03 ADDRESS 2 │ │04 ADDRESS 3 05 POSTAL CODE │ │06 TELEPHONE │ │07 FAX │ │08 A/R CONTACT │ │09 SALES CONTACT │ │10 CURRENCY TYPE 18 DISCOUNTS (Y/N) │ │11 TRADE (Y/N/B) 19 INV# CHECKING │ │12 TERMS CODE 20 CREDIT LIMIT │ │13 SPARE FIELD 1 21 SUPPLIER GST# │ │14 SPARE FIELD 2 22 DATE OPENED │ │15 SUPPLIER GROUP 23 PAYMENT HOLD │ │16 PAY-TO SUPPLIER 24 PO/INVOICE HOLD │ │17 USUAL G/L CODE │ │──────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Supplier F12=Change Interface]─────────│ │F10=WAREHOUSE DATA │ │Screens: Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F4 F4=EXIT │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter the code of the supplier you wish to access or add.
For adding a new supplier code, create a code of up to 8 character (alpha only). A format commonly used is: first 4 letters of first word, first 3 letters of second word in the supplier's name. See 24716 and 24717 for recommended naming conventions for alpha codes.
[F5] to access supplier inquiry to select a code.
If you enter a code which is not defined the following prompt displays.
[Enter] to add a new code.
The program will step you through each field (see FIELDS below). Once all fields have been entered, the following prompt is displayed:
[Enter] to accept and update.
[F2] to modify.
[F4] to not add the code and return to CODE field.
[F2] to not add a new code.
You may enter a different NEW code, an existing code or press [F4] to exit.
If you enter an existing code you will be prompted whether or not you wish to modify, delete or view additional information about the supplier. You can move to other screens in the program either before or after displaying a supplier. You can view successive suppliers on a single screen and exit the program or add a new supplier from any screen.
All screens of the program are shown below with an example supplier displayed. As the specific data fields for for screens 1 and 2 are detailed below (see FIELDS MAINTENANCE SCREENS 1/2), they are not repeated in the following discussion. As the four main display screens all share the identical prompt, this is explained fully for the first screen only. Likewise, as both warehouse displays share the identical prompt, this is explained fully for the first warehouse screen only.
Example Supplier Master Maintenance Screen 1 display:
│04/25/07 D E M O C O M P A N Y │ │ SUPPLIER MASTER MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 1 OF 4 │ │──────────────────────────────GENERAL INFORMATION───────────────────────────────│ │SUPPLIER CODE: ACKLA ACKLANDS NOTES: N │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 NAME ACKLANDS │ │02 ADDRESS 1 │ │03 ADDRESS 2 P.O. BOX 2008 │ │04 ADDRESS 3 VANCOUVER, BC 05 POSTAL CODE V6B 3R1 │ │06 TELEPHONE 416-222-5566 │ │07 FAX 416-222-4455 │ │08 A/R CONTACT P: 416-222-5566 F: 416-222-4455 │ │09 SALES CONTACT JOE SMITH P: 416-222-5566 F: 416-222-4455 │ │10 CURRENCY TYPE CN CANADIAN FUNDS 18 DISCOUNTS (Y/N) Y │ │11 TRADE (Y/N/B) Y 19 INV# CHECKING Y │ │12 TERMS CODE NC NET 20TH PROXIMO(MF) 20 CREDIT LIMIT 0 │ │13 SPARE FIELD 1 JOE SMITH 21 SUPPLIER GST# │ │14 SPARE FIELD 2 22 DATE OPENED 00000000 │ │15 SUPPLIER GROUP 23 PAYMENT HOLD N │ │16 PAY-TO SUPPLIER 24 PO/INVOICE HOLD N │ │17 USUAL G/L CODE 00-1675 *** NOT ON FILE *** │ │──────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Supplier F12=Change Interface]─────────│ │** M/#=MODIFY, C=COPY, D=DELETE, N=NOTES, P=PRINTOUT, F10=WAREHOUSE DATA: ___ │ │ Screens: Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F4 CR/F2=Supplier F4=EXIT │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[Enter] to clear display and return to SUPPLIER CODE field.
[F2] to display the next supplier.
At any screen pressing [F2] repeatedly will display each supplier on file from the current supplier onwards, to go "back" press [↑].
[F4] to exit to menu.
"M" to modify field information.
You are prompted to specify a field.
"#" to modify specified field.
[Enter] to update file information.
[F2] to make additional changes.
[F4] to cancel changes.
The display is cleared and you are returned to the SUPPLIER CODE field
"C" to copy the supplier file to another file.
This will create a duplicate supplier record. You are prompted to specify a target supplier code.
Enter the desired new code.
You are prompted to confirm the file copy.
"Y" to confirm.
"N" to not copy.
[F4] to cancel changes.
The display is cleared and you are returned to the SUPPLIER CODE field.
"D" to delete the supplier code.
"Y" to delete the supplier code.
"N" to not delete the supplier code.
"P" to print supplier information.
Supplier information is printed when you exit the program and return to the menu.
"N" to open the notes editing window.
[F10] to display warehouse data screen.
[F12] to change display.
When you select [F12] the following prompt is displayed.
The default display is "Non-Condensed", but you may change this at any screen by pressing [F12] and making a different selection.
[→] or [←] or [SHT][F1] to [SHT][F4] to move to other data screens.
[↓] or [↑] to display the next or previous supplier.
At any screen pressing [↓] or [↑] repeatedly will display each supplier on file from the current supplier forward or back through the master file
Example Supplier Master Maintenance Screen 2 display:
│04/26/07 D E M O C O M P A N Y │ │ SUPPLIER MASTER MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 2 OF 4 │ │──────────────────────────────TRADE SUPPLIER DATA───────────────────────────────│ │SUPPLIER CODE: ACKLA ACKLANDS NOTES: N │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 F.O.B. TERMS │ │02 FREIGHT/DUTY % 0.00 │ │03 SUPPRESS PO COSTS N │ │04 REBATE % 0.0 │ │ AUTO REPLENISHMENT: │ │05 TYPE (N/T/A) A MINIMUM $ AMOUNT BASED │ │06 REPLENISHMENT AMOUNT 10,000 │ │07 DATE LAST REPLENISHED 01/01/96 │ │08 WEEKS OF INVENTORY 6 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │──────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Supplier F12=Change Interface]─────────│ │** M/#=MODIFY, C=COPY, D=DELETE, N=NOTES, P=PRINTOUT, F10=WAREHOUSE DATA: ___ │ │ Screens: Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F4 CR/F2=Supplier F4=EXIT │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Example Supplier Master Maintenance Screen 3 display:
│04/26/07 D E M O C O M P A N Y │ │ SUPPLIER MASTER MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 3 OF 4 │ │──────────────────────────BALANCES AND TO-DATE TOTALS───────────────────────────│ │SUPPLIER CODE: ACKLA ACKLANDS NOTES: N │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │CURRENT BALANCE 13,910.00- │ │LAST PURCH DATE 04/11/07 │ │LAST CHEQUE DATE 05/20/07 │ │LAST CHEQUE NUMBER AP0009 │ │LAST CHEQUE AMT 1,926.00 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ MTD YTD LYR │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │PURCHASES 3,770 75,055 0 │ │REVERSALS 0 162- 0 │ │DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE 0 2 0 │ │PAYMENTS 4,384 81,288 0 │ │DISCOUNTS TAKEN 0 2 0 │ │TRADE PURCHASES 3,770 57,981 0 │ │TRADE TAxeS 0 0 0 │ │NON-TRADE PURCHASES 0 16,365 0 │ │──────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Supplier F12=Change Interface]─────────│ │** M/#=MODIFY, C=COPY, D=DELETE, N=NOTES, P=PRINTOUT, F10=WAREHOUSE DATA: ___ │ │ Screens: Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F4 CR/F2=Supplier F4=EXIT │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
There are no editable fields on this screen.
Displays the supplier code
Displays the current balance owed to this supplier
Displays the date of the last invoice to this supplier
Displays the date of your last cheque to this supplier
Displays the number of your last cheque to this supplier
Displays the amount of your last cheque to this supplier
Displays the current month to date totals
Displays the current year to date totals
Displays last year totals as at same date
Displays the total value of purchases
Displays the total value of reversals
Displays the total value of discounts available
Displays the total payments made
Displays the total value of discounts taken
Displays the total value of trade payables received
Displays the total taxes paid on trade payables
Displays the total value of non-trade payables
Example Supplier Master Maintenance Screen 4 display:
│04/26/07 D E M O C O M P A N Y │ │ SUPPLIER MASTER MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 4 OF 4 │ │──────────────────────SUPPLIER'S LAST 12 MONTH'S PURCHASES──────────────────────│ │SUPPLIER CODE: ACKLA ACKLANDS NOTES: N │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ TRADE TRADE NON-TRADE TRADE TRADE NON-TRADE │ │MONTH PURCHASES TAxeS PURCHASES MONTH PURCHASES TAxeS PURCHASES │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │Dec/06 3,523 0 0 Jun/06 0 0 0 │ │Nov/06 39,991 0 593 May/06 0 0 0 │ │Oct/06 13,533 0 14,701 Apr/06 0 0 0 │ │Sep/06 0 0 0 Mar/06 0 0 0 │ │Aug/06 0 0 0 Feb/06 0 0 0 │ │Jul/06 0 0 0 Jan/06 0 0 0 │ │ Dec/05 0 0 0 │ │ │ │ LAST YEAR-TO-DATE TOTALS: 0 0 0 │ │ LAST YEAR'S TOTALS: 0 0 0 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │──────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Supplier F12=Change Interface]─────────│ │** M/#=MODIFY, C=COPY, D=DELETE, N=NOTES, P=PRINTOUT, F10=WAREHOUSE DATA: ___ │ │ Screens: Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F4 CR/F2=Supplier F4=EXIT │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
There are no editable fields on this screen.
Displays the supplier code.
Displays the period month.
Displays the total value of trade payables received.
Displays the total taxes paid on trade payables.
Displays the total value of non-trade payables.
Example Warehouse Information Screen 1 display:
│04/26/07 D E M O C O M P A N Y │ │ A/P SUPPLIER WAREHOUSE MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 1 OF 2 │ │───────────────────────WAREHOUSE INFORMATION (CONDENSED)────────────────────────│ │SUPPLIER CODE ACKLA ACKLANDS NOTES: N │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │A/R CONTACT P: 416-222-5566 F: 416-222-4455 │ │A/P CONTACT JOE SMITH BUYER │ │EXISTING RECORDS 00/01 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │REGION 00 IDEALWARE STORE# 1 │ │WAREHOUSE# 01 REGION 00, WAREHOUSE 01 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 P.O. METHOD 1 VIA FAX │ │02 ORDER DESK DATA P: 416-222-5566 F: 416-222-4455 │ │03 SALES LOCATION 1 MAIN OFFICE │ │04 SALES CONTACT JOE SMITH P: 416-222-5566 F: 416-222-4455 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │────────────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Supplier/Warehouse]───────────────│ │** M/#=MODIFY, D=DELETE, N=NOTES: ___ │ │ Arrow Left/Right for other screen CR=Warehouse# F3=Supplier F4=EXIT │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[Enter] to clear display and return to WAREHOUSE# field.
[F2] to display the next warehouse, if any.
[F3] to clear display and return to SUPPLIER CODE field.
[F4] to exit to supplier master maintenance screen.
"M" to modify field information.
You are prompted to specify a field.
"#" to modify specified field.
[Enter] to update file information.
[F2] to make additional changes.
[F4] to cancel changes.
The display is cleared and you are returned to the SUPPLIER CODE field.
"D" to delete the displayed warehouse.
"Y" to delete the warehouse.
Each supplier code must have an associated "BASE" warehouse. Only subsequently added warehouses may be deleted. Press [Enter] to clear this message.
"N" to not delete the warehouse.
"N" to open the notes editing window.
[→] or [←] to move to the other warehouse screen.
[↓] or [↑] to display the next or previous supplier.
At any screen pressing [↓] or [↑] repeatedly will display each supplier on file from the current supplier forward or back through the master file.
Displays the supplier code
Displays the A/R Contact phone and FAX numbers
Displays the A/P Contact name and position.
Displays the exising region/warehouse records on file.
* The following fields can be edited:
Enter the order method.
Enter the order desk phone and FAX numbers.
Enter the supplier sales desk location.
Enter the sales contact name and contact numbers.
Example Warehouse Information Screen 2 display:
│04/26/07 D E M O C O M P A N Y │ │ A/P SUPPLIER WAREHOUSE MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 2 OF 2 │ │─────────────────────WAREHOUSE INFORMATION (NON-CONDENSED)──────────────────────│ │SUPPLIER CODE ACKLA ACKLANDS NOTES: N │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │A/R CONTACT P: 416-222-5566 F: 416-222-4455 │ │A/P CONTACT JOE SMITH BUYER │ │EXISTING RECORDS 00/01 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │REGION 00 IDEALWARE STORE# 1 │ │WAREHOUSE# 01 REGION 00, WAREHOUSE 01 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 P.O. METHOD 1 VIA FAX │ │02 WAREHOUSE NAME REGION 00, WAREHOUSE 01 │ │03 SALES CONTACT JOE SMITH P: 416-222-5566 F: 416-222-4455 │ │04 ORDER DESK TEL 416-222-5566 │ │05 ORDER DESK FAx 416-222-4455 │ │06 ADDRESS 1 │ │07 ADDRESS 2 P.O. BOX 2008 │ │08 ADDRESS 3 VANCOUVER, BC │ │09 POSTAL CODE V6B 3R1 │ │────────────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Supplier/Warehouse]───────────────│ │** M/#=MODIFY, D=DELETE, N=NOTES: ___ │ │ Arrow Left/Right for other screen CR=Warehouse# F3=Supplier F4=EXIT │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Displays the supplier code.
Displays the A/R Contact phone and FAX numbers.
Displays the Sales Contact name and position.
Displays the exising region/warehouse records on file.
Displays the Warehouse Region.
Displays the Warehouse Number.
* The following fields can be edited (see FIELDS WAREHOUSE INFORMATION SCREENS):
Enter the order method.
Enter warehouse name (up to 30 alpha/numeric characters).
The "Sales Contact" information window will open for editing.
Enter the order desk phone number.
Enter the order desk FAX number.
Enter warehouse address (up to 25 alpha/numeric characters).
Enter warehouse postal code.
│04/25/07 D E M O C O M P A N Y │ │ SUPPLIER MASTER MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 1 OF 4 │ │──────────────────────────────GENERAL INFORMATION───────────────────────────────│ │SUPPLIER CODE: ________ NOTES: │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 NAME │ │02 ADDRESS 1 │ │03 ADDRESS 2 │ │04 ADDRESS 3 05 POSTAL CODE │ │06 TELEPHONE │ │07 FAX │ │08 A/R CONTACT │ │09 SALES CONTACT │ │10 CURRENCY TYPE 18 DISCOUNTS (Y/N) │ │11 TRADE (Y/N/B) 19 INV# CHECKING │ │12 TERMS CODE 20 CREDIT LIMIT │ │13 SPARE FIELD 1 21 SUPPLIER GST# │ │14 SPARE FIELD 2 22 DATE OPENED │ │15 SUPPLIER GROUP 23 PAYMENT HOLD │ │16 PAY-TO SUPPLIER 24 PO/INVOICE HOLD │ │17 USUAL G/L CODE │ │──────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Supplier F12=Change Interface]─────────│ │F10=WAREHOUSE DATA │ │Screens: Arrow Left/Right or Shift F1-F4 F4=EXIT │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
For quick data entry, most fields can be bypassed by pressing [Enter].
Enter up to 6 digit numeric code.
Depending on your system setup, you may have the option to enter a numeric as well as alpha code for each supplier. During data entry or printing of reports, either the numeric code or the alpha supplier code may be used.
Enter supplier's name.
You may enter up to 30 characters, both alpha and numeric permitted.
Enter supplier's address, including city and province.
You may enter up to 25 characters on each line.
Enter supplier's postal code.
Enter supplier's phone number, with or without the area code.
Enter supplier's fax number.
You may enter up to 15 alpha/numeric characters.
[Enter] to bypass if none.
After you complete entry of the FAX# field, the A/R Contact information window will open automatically. You can enter the information now or press [Enter] at each field to bypass entry and edit the information later.
│ A/R CONTACT DATA MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 1 OF 2 │ │──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 CONTACT TYPE A/R CONTACT DATA │ │02 A/R CONTACT ____________________ │ │03 COMMENT │ │04 PHONE NUMBER 1234567890 │ │05 FAx NUMBER 1234567890 │ │06 EMAIL ADDRESS │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │F2=CLEAR FIELD, F3=BACKUP, F4=EXIT │ │ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[Enter] to advance to the next field, any existing data is retained.
[F2] to advance and clear existing data from the field.
[F3] to backup to the previous field to re-enter data.
[F4] to exit the contact data window.
Enter the name of the supplier's contact person.
Enter any desired comments.
Enter the contact person's phone number, or
[Enter] to accept the supplier's phone number.
Enter the contact person's FAX number, or
[Enter] to accept the supplier's FAX number.
Enter the contact person's email address.
After you complete entry of the A/R Contact fields, the Sales Contact data window will open automatically. You can enter the information now or press CR at each field to bypass entry and edit the information later.
│ SUPPLIER SALES CONTACT DATA MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 1 OF 2 │ │──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 CONTACT TYPE SUPPLIER SALES CONTACT DATA │ │02 SALES PERSON ____________________ │ │03 COMMENT │ │04 PHONE NUMBER 1234567890 │ │05 FAx NUMBER 1234567890 │ │06 EMAIL ADDRESS │ │07 ADDRESS 1 │ │08 ADDRESS 2 │ │09 ADDRESS 3 │ │10 POSTAL CODE │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │F2=CLEAR FIELD, F3=BACKUP, F4=EXIT │ │ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
[Enter] to advance to the next field, any existing data is retained.
[F2] to advance and clear existing data from the field.
[F3] to backup to the previous field to re-enter data.
[F4] to exit the contact data window.
Enter the supplier's sales person's name.
Enter any desired comments.
Enter the contact person's phone number, or
[Enter] to accept the supplier's phone number.
Enter the contact person's FAX number, or
[Enter] to accept the supplier's FAX number.
Enter the contact person's email address.
Enter contact person's address.
Enter contact person's postal code.
Enter the supplier's currency code.
[F5] to display currency codes for selection.
"Y" for trade supplier.
"N" for non-trade supplier.
"B" for both trade and non-trade supplier.
Enter the payment terms code for this supplier.
[F5] to display payment terms for selection.
You may enter any additional supplier information in these two fields (up to 20 characters).
Enter the supplier group for this supplier, if any.
[F5] to display supplier groups for selection.
Enter the supplier code of the "pay-to" supplier.
This is normally the same as the main supplier, however, in the case where the supplier is a branch office, warehouse, store, etc. whose accounting is handled by their head office, or for a member of a buying group the "pay-to" supplier could be different. Press [F3] from the next field to make an entry in this field.
Enter the G/L account code associated with this supplier.
If the supplier is primarily or exclusively a non-trade supplier you should enter the G/L code of the expense account usually debitted by purchases from this supplier. During invoice posting the system will default to this account code and allow you to post to it simply by pressing CR or you can override this account code if required.
[Enter] to bypass this field.
If the supplier is primarily or exclusively a trade supplier you would normally bypass this field since the the G/L code(s) associated with specific trade goods will be debitted by the receiving program. During invoice posting when there is not an associated receipt, the system will allow you to enter a G/L code.
"Y" this supplier offers payment discounts.
"N" this supplier does not offer payment discounts.
"Y" to check invoice numbers.
The operator will be warned during A/P invoice entry when the invoice number being entered was previously used for this supplier.
"N" to not check invoice numbers.
Enter the credit limit as a dollar amount.
[Enter] for no limit.
Enter the supplier's GST registration number.
[Enter] to bypass.
Enter the date the supplier account was opened.
[Enter] to accept the current system date.
"Y" to indicate there are payments on hold.
"N" to indicate there are no payments on hold.
"Y" to indicate there are purchase orders or invoices on hold.
"N" to indicate there are no purchase orders or invoices on hold.
If the TRADE field was set to "N" you are prompted to update the master file. If the TRADE field was set to "Y" or "B", supplier master maintenance data screen 2 is displayed:
│04/26/07 D E M O C O M P A N Y │ │ SUPPLIER MASTER MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 2 OF 4 │ │──────────────────────────────TRADE SUPPLIER DATA───────────────────────────────│ │SUPPLIER CODE: NEWSUPP NEW SUPPLIER NOTES: N │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 F.O.B. TERMS ____________________ │ │02 FREIGHT/DUTY % 0.00 │ │03 SUPPRESS PO COSTS N │ │04 REBATE % 0.0 │ │ AUTO REPLENISHMENT: │ │05 TYPE (N/T/A) A MINIMUM $ AMOUNT BASED │ │06 REPLENISHMENT AMOUNT 0 │ │07 DATE LAST REPLENISHED 00000000 │ │08 WEEKS OF INVENTORY 0 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ │ │ │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter the supplier's shipping and or freight terms.
Enter the freight/duty percentage for this supplier.
"Y" to suppress printing of PO costs on vendor copy.
"N" to print PO costs on vendor copy.
"N" for no auto replenishment.
"T" for time-based auto replenishment.
"A" for minimum amount auto replenishment.
Enter the auto replenishment time (number of days) or amount (dollars).
Option is based on your selection of TYPE above.
Enter the date of the last replenishment.
Enter the weeks of inventory to be kept on hand.
Example Warehouse Information Screen 2 display:
│04/26/07 D E M O C O M P A N Y │ │ A/P SUPPLIER WAREHOUSE MAINTENANCE - SCREEN 2 OF 2 │ │─────────────────────WAREHOUSE INFORMATION (NON-CONDENSED)──────────────────────│ │SUPPLIER CODE ACKLA ACKLANDS NOTES: N │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │A/R CONTACT P: 416-222-5566 F: 416-222-4455 │ │A/P CONTACT JOE SMITH BUYER │ │EXISTING RECORDS 00/01 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │REGION 00 IDEALWARE STORE# 1 │ │WAREHOUSE# 01 REGION 00, WAREHOUSE 01 │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │01 P.O. METHOD 1 VIA FAX │ │02 WAREHOUSE NAME REGION 00, WAREHOUSE 01 │ │03 SALES CONTACT JOE SMITH P: 416-222-5566 F: 416-222-4455 │ │04 ORDER DESK TEL 416-222-5566 │ │05 ORDER DESK FAx 416-222-4455 │ │06 ADDRESS 1 │ │07 ADDRESS 2 P.O. BOX 2008 │ │08 ADDRESS 3 VANCOUVER, BC │ │09 POSTAL CODE V6B 3R1 │ │────────────────[Arrow Up/Down for Prior/Next Supplier/Warehouse]───────────────│ │** M/#=MODIFY, D=DELETE, N=NOTES: ___ │ │ Arrow Left/Right for other screen CR=Warehouse# F3=Supplier F4=EXIT │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Both warehouse information screens display the same field information, the difference between them being that screen 1 is "condensed" and does not display all fields, while screen 2 is "non-condensed" and displays all the fields.
The following fields are display fields only and can not be edited:
Displays the supplier code.
Displays the A/R Contact phone and FAX numbers.
Displays the Sales Contact name and position.
This information can be edited in the SALES CONTACT field below.
Displays the exising region/warehouse records on file.
Displays the Warehouse Region.
Displays the Warehouse Number.
The following fields can be edited. Press [Enter] to bypass any field and [F2] to clear any field.
Enter the order method.
Enter "1" for FAX, "2" for EDI, "3" for EMAIL or "4" for HARD COPY.
Enter warehouse name (up to 30 alpha/numeric characters).
The "Sales Contact" information window will open for editing.
Enter the order desk phone number.
Enter the order desk FAX number.
Enter warehouse address (up to 25 alpha/numeric characters).
Enter warehouse postal code.
When you select "N" from any prompt at any screen the supplier notes window will open.
The notes utility is used throughout the system. Wherever used the screen headers will reference the maintenance or inquiry program from which the notes utility was opened. In the following description, a generic header is used. In addition, some prompts may also reference the program that opened the notes utility and may appear slightly different.
│ 07/03/07 ***** NOTES SUMMARY ***** 14:19:58 │ │ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │ │ ACCESS CODE: GARLI GARIBALDI LIMITED │ │ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │ │ PRIORITY DATE SEQ DESCRIPTION │ │ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │ │ **** END OF FILE **** │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── │ │ ** ENTER LINE NUMBER OF NOTES TO DISPLAY; F4 TO EXIT; F9 TO CLEAR NOTES: _ │ │ F1 FOR LINE MODE; PG-UP; PG-DN; (A)DD NOTES; (Q)ICK ADD; (C)OPY NOTES. │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter line number of note to display details of that note.
[F1] to toggle between line mode and page mode.
[F4] to exit and return to maintenance or inquiry screen.
[F9] to delete notes.
"A" to add a note.
"Q" to quick add a note.
"C" to copy notes.
[PG-UP] and [PG-DN] to move up or down through existing notes.
To add a note select "A" at the notes summary screen.
│ 07/03/07 ***** NOTES DETAILS ***** HH:MI:SS │ │ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ │ │ ACCESS CODER: GARBU GARIBALDI LIMITED │ │ DATE: MMDDYY │ │ SEQUENCE: │ │ DESCRIPTION │ │ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ │ │ ENTER NOTE'S RELEVANT DATE, SELECT OPTION BELOW OR PRESS F2 TO SCAN: │ │ (CR='99/99/99'-LOW PRIORITY, F9=CURRENT DATE, F10='00/00/00'-HIGH PRIORITY). │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
Enter a relevant date.
If you enter a specific date for the note it will be given medium priority on the summary screen.
[Enter] to assign the date 99/99/99.
The note is given low priority.
[F2] to scan existing notes.
[F2] to scan existing notes one by one.
[F3] or [F4] to return to summary screen.
[PG-UP] or [PG-DN] to scan notes a page at a time.
[F9] to assign the current system date.
The note is given medium priority.
[F10] to assign the date 00/00/00.
The note is given high priority.
Enter a sequence code of 2 alpha/numeric characters.
The sequence code is used to distinguish notes of the same priority, ie to display three high priority notes each one would have a different sequence code.
Enter a brief description for the supplier notes summary display screen.
You may enter up to 55 characters.
Enter the text of the note.
You may enter up to 999 lines of text in a note; text entry has automatic word wrap.
Special Editing Keys:
[HOME] to move cursor to the left margin of the current line.
[END] to move cursor to the right margin of the current line.
[INSERT] to toggle between INSERT and TYPEOVER modes.
[DELETE] to delete the character at cursor.
[BACKSPACE] to delete the character to the left of cursor.
[←] [→] [↑] [↓] to move cursor as indicated by selected arrow key.
[F2] to delete the current line.
[F6] to reformat text by removing extra spaces and hard returns.
[F4] to end text entry.
[Enter] to accept edits and update note.
[F2] to re-enter editing mode.
[F4] to cancel note.
You are returned to a blank note detail entry screen where you can either compose another note or press [F4] to return to the notes summary screen display.
To quick add a note select "Q" at the notes summary screen. If there are no existing notes the system takes you to the description line and automatically sets the note date to 99/99/99 (low priority) and the sequence to AG.
Enter a description (up to 55 characters) for the note summary.
[F3] to re-enter the sequence code or date.
When you select "Q" at the notes summary screen to quick add a note, if there are existing notes the system takes you to the detail screen of the last note in the file and displays the following prompt:
[F2] to scan existing notes one by one.
[F3] or [F4] to return to summary screen.
"M" to make changes to the note.
You may use the existing note as a template for a new note, press [F3] to change either the date (priority) or sequence code so that the original note is not overwritten. See MODIFY OR DELETE A NOTE.
"D" to delete the note.
To modify or delete an existing note enter the line number of the note you wish modify or delete at the notes summary screen. The system takes you to the detail screen of that note and displays the following prompt:
[F2] to scan existing notes one by one.
[F3] or [F4] to return to note summary screen.
"M" to modify the note.
You are taken to the description line of the note where you may enter a new description that will appear on the notes summary display.
[F3] to re-enter date (to change priority) and/or sequence code.
[Enter] to accept changes and advance to next field.
Edit the text of the note
You may enter up to 999 lines of text in a note; text entry has automatic word wrap.
For special editing keys see ADD A NOTE.
[F4] to end text editing.
[Enter] to accept modifications and update the note.
[F2] to re-enter editing mode.
[F4] to cancel changes to the note.
You are returned to a blank note detail entry screen where you can either compose another note or press F4 to return to the notes summary screen display.
"D" to delete the note.
"N" to not delete the note.
"Y" to delete the note.
You can not undelete the note.
You are returned to a blank note detail entry screen where you can either compose another note or press [F4] to return to the notes summary screen display.
To copy a note select "C" at the notes summary screen. The target file can be a supplier, customer or product note, depending on where you accessed the notes utility.
Enter the code to which you wish to attach a copy of the note(s).
"A" to copy all notes to the selected target file.
[Enter] to select specific notes to copy to target file.
Each note summary is displayed one at a time for selection.
"Y" to copy the note to target.
"N" to not copy the note.
Pressing [Enter] defaults to No.
[Enter] to copy note and also retain in the source file.
Alert message informing you that the supplier has one or more outstanding invoices and accrued payables; these must be cleared before you can delete the supplier code.